Surgery Flashcards
Causes of acute abdo pain in children - medical? (15)
Non-specific abdo pain Gastroenteritis Urinary tract - UTI, pyelonephritis, hydronephosis, renal calculus HSP DKA Sickle cell disease Hepatitis IBD Constipation Functional/recurrent abdo pain of childhood Gynae Psychological Lead poisoning Acute porphyria Unknown
Causes of acute abdo pain in children - surgical? (7)
Acute appendicitis Intestinal obstruction Inguinal hernia Peritonitis Inflamed Meckel diverticulum Pancreatitis Trauma
Causes of acute abdo pain in children - extra-abdominal?
Lower lobe pneumonia
Torsion of testis
Ix for acute abdo pain?
- Urine dip → UTI/DKA
- Pregnancy test (maybe)
- Bloods – U&Es, FBC, LFTs, glucose, calcium
- Group and save
- Urinalysis
- O2 saturation
- Radiology
S+S of appendicitis?
- Anorexia
- Vomiting (usually only few times) or diarrhoea (not sig amounts)
- Abdo pain – initially central and colicky but then localising to RIF
- Flushed face
- Low-grade fever 37.2-38 degrees
- Abdo pain aggravated by movement
- Persistent tenderness with guarding in RIF (McBurney’s point) – pos absent in retrocaecal appendix
- Rebound tenderness
- Obturator sign – internal rotation of a flexed right thigh will give pain if there is an inflammatory mass overlying obturator space (pelvic appendicitis)
- Rovsing sign – pain in RLQ when palpate LLQ → indicates peritoneal irritation
- May be few abdo signs in pelvic appendix
- Appendicitis progressive therefore clinical review every few hours essential to diagnosis
Ddx of appendicitis? (9)
- Gastroenteritis – N&V and diarrhoea
- Constipation
- Volvulus
- Hirschprung’s disease
- Intussusception
- Ovarian cysts
- Pregnancy
- Mesenteric adenitis
Ix for appendicitis? (3)
- No lab test/ imaging consistently helpful in making diagnosis
- Bloods: FBC, CRP, LFTs, amylase and lipase – useful if aetiology unclear
- USS – may support clinical diagnosis
- Laparoscopy if available
What is an appendicular mass?
- Complication of appendicitis
- Omentum and small bowel adhere to appendix
- Usually presents with fever and palpable mass
- Initial treatment = fluids, analgesia and abx but urgent surgical intervention may be required if mass enlarges or pt’s condition deteriorates
- Recovery following conservative treatment usually by appendectomy
Diagnosis and treatment of appendicular abscess?
- Can be shown by USS or CT
- Initial treatment is by percutaneous or open drainage but open drainage also enables appendectomy
- A worsening CRP with a good history is a sure signal of rupture and abscess formation
S+S of intestinal obstruction? (6)
- Persistent, bile-stained vomiting – non bilious if before ½ duo
- Delayed or absent passage of meconium
- Abdo distention - depends on location
- Abdo pain usually colicky then constant – child can’t sit still
- Tenderness - minimal and diffuse or localised and severe
- Auscultation - High pitched hyperactivity = mechanical obstruction - Over time waves and bowel sounds disappear
Causes of intestinal obstruction? (10)
- Small bowel atresia
- Volvulus and malrotation
- Imperforate anus
- Gastroschisis / exomphalus
- Duodenal atresia/stenosis
- Meconium ileus (consider CF)
- Prenatal perforation (rare)
- Hirschprungs disease (common)
- Functional obstruction - defect in nn growth into myenteric plexi of bowel
Ix for intestinal obstruction?
AXR CXR - pos for perforation FBC, U&E’s, Creatinine Glucose Urinalysis ABG Stool for occult blood
Peak age of intussusception?
–> Commonest cause of obstruction in infants after neonatal period
Presentation of intussusception? (6)
Pain - severe, colicky Vomiting Mass Redcurrant jelly stool Abdo distension Shock
Ix for intussusception? (2)
- Distended small bowel and absence of gas in distal colon/rectum
- Helpful to diagnose/check response to treatment
Management of intussusception?
- IV fluid rescus likely to be needed immediately (often pooling in gut)
- Unless peritonitis, reduction of intussusception by rectal air insufflation
- → Only carried out once child has been resuscitated and under supervision of paediatric surgeon in case unsuccessful or bowel perforation occurs
- Sucess rate = 75%
- Remaining 25% require operative reduction
- Recurrence occurs in <5% but more frequent after hydrostatic reduction
Complications of intussusception? (3)
- Shock and dehydration
- Stretching and constriction of mesentery → venous obstruction → engorgement and bleeding from bowel mucosa, fluid loss and subsequently bowel perforation, peritonitis and gut necrosis
- Metabolic acidosis
What is volvulus?
Loop of intestine twists around self and mesentery → bowel obstruction
Clinical features of volvulus? (7)
- Bilious vomiting
- Bloody/ dark red stools
- Constipation + cramps (crying, pulling legs up)
- Distended abdo
- Tender abdo
- Dehydration – dry nappies, sunken fontanelle
- Ischaemia → acute abdo + peritonitis → raised HR, shock, hypovolaemia
Management of volvulus? (3)
- Rotate volvulus (Ladds procedure, not laparoscopic)
- Bowel straightened, infarcted bowel removed
Fluid resuscitation
NG tube to drain stomach and bowel contents pre-op
RFs for NEC? (4)
- Preterm
- Low birthweight
- Cow’s milk formula
- Patent ductus arteriosus
Most common location of NEC? (2)
Terminal ileum
Proximal ascending colon
S+S of NEC? (7)
- Usually in first 2w
- Distension + tenderness
- Vomiting – bilious
- Bloody mucoid stool
- ↓ Bowel sounds, palpable mass
- May rapidly become shocked and require artificial ventilation
- Stop tolerating feeds
Xray findings in NEC? (4)
- Distended loops of bowel
- Thickened bowel wall
- Intramural gas and gas in portal tract
- If perforation may see free air in abdo
Management of NEC?
- Triple Abx therapy (broad spec)
- Nil by mouth
- Parental nutrition needed
- If complications (perforation or stenosis > surgery may be required to remove non-functioning bowel)
- Artificial ventilation and circulatory support often needed
Clinical features of bowel atresia?
- Bilious vomiting
- Prematurity
- Polyhydramnios
- Low birth weight
- Additional early signs = jaundice, abdo distension and failure to pass meconium
- Signs of continuous fluid loss such as dehydration, poor urine output, tachycardia and neurological involvement
What is Meckel’s diverticulum?
Ileal remnant of vitello-intestinal duct
- Contains ectopic gastric mucosa or pancreatic tissue
- 2cm long, 2% population, 2 feet from ileocaecal valve
What is a
a) Indirect inguinal hernia?
b) Hydrocele?
Both from failure of processes vaginalis (tongue of peritoneum) to obliterate after testicular descent
a) Processus vaginalus intact, bowel can enter inguinal canal
b) Processus vaginalus incompletely obliterated, leaving thin tract - peritoneal fluid can tract down into scrotum around testis
Which side is inguinal hernia more common?
RF for inguinal hernia? (2)
Clinical features of inguinal hernia?
- Intermittent swelling in groin/scrotom on crying/straining
- May become visible on raising IAP (press on abdo/cough)
- Diagnosis relies on hx and identification of thickening of spermatic cord (round lig in girls)
- May present as irreducible lump → firm & tender
- → Infant may be unwell with irritability/ vomiting
Management of inguinal hernia?
- Incarceration/strangulation in 12-16% → surgery ASAP
- Most ‘irreducible’ can be reduced following opioids and sustained gentle compression
- Surgery delayed 24-48h to allow reduction of odema
- If not- risk of strangulation → operate immediately
Clinical features of hydrocele?
- Asymptomatic scrotal swellings
- Often bilateral
- Sometimes blueish discolouration
- May be tense or lax
- Transilluminate
- Some not evident at birth but present early childhood after viral/GI illness
Management of hydrocele?
- Majority resolve spontaneously as processus continues to obliterate
- Surgery considered if persists >18-24m old
Ddx of acute scrotum? (3)
- Testicular torsion
- Hyatid torsion
- Epididymo-orchitis
How quickly must testicular torsion be operated on to prevent testicular necrosis?
6-12h after onset of sx