Musculoskeletal Flashcards
RFs for DDH? (2)
Presentation of DDH?
- Usually at screening
- Otherwise limp or abnormal gait
- Asymmetry of skinfolds around hip
- Limited abduction of hip
- Shortening of affected leg
Management of DDH?
- If suspected→ specialist orthopaedic opinion
- USS quantifies degree of dysplasia and whether there is subluxation or dislocation
- If USS abnormal – infant may be placed in splint/harness
- → Keep hip flexed and abducted for several months
- Progress monitored by USS or XRay
- Splinting must be done expertly as necrosis of femoral head is potential complication
- In most cases → resolves
- Surgery required if conservative measures fail
What is torticollis?
Flexion, extension or twisting of muscle in neck that allows neck to move beyond its normal position
–> IE twisted neck
Most common sites of osteomyelitis? (2)
Distal femur
Proximal tibia
(Yet any bone can be affected)
Most common pathogen in osteomyelitis?
S. Aureus
Others: strep, H influezae
Clinical features of osteomyelitis?
- Markedly painful, immobile limp (pseudoparesis)
- Acute febrile illness
- Swelling and v tender over infected site
- Moving limb→ v painful
- May be sterile effusion of adjacent joint
- May be more insidious in infants
- → Swelling/ reduced limb movement 1st sign
- Occasionally multiple foci – disseminated staph or HIB
Ix for osteomyelitis?
- Cultures – usually positive
- FBC – WBC raised
- CRP/ ESR – raised
- XRay – initially normal except soft tissue swelling, at 7-10d subperiosteal new bone formation and localized bone rarefraction become visible
- USS – may show periosteal elevation
- MRI – allows identification of infection (subperiosteal pis and purulent debris in bone)
- Radio-nuclide bone scan→ helpful if site of infection unclear
Treatment of osteomyelitis?
- Immediate parenteral abx
- → For several wks to prevent bone necrosis, chronic infection, limb deformity and amyloidosis
- Abx IV until clinical recovery and acute-phase reactants back to normal
- Then oral therapy for several weeks
- Aspiration/surgical decompression of subperiosteal space
- → If atypical or imunodeficient
- Surgical drainage if no rapid response to abx
- Affected limb rested in splint and subsequently mobilized
Presenting sx of subacute osteomyelitis?
- Mild/moderate localised pain
- → Usually exacerbated by unusual physical activity
- Night pain common → relieved by aspirin
- Minimal loss of function
- Localised tenderness, occasionally + warmth, redness and soft tissue swelling
What age is septic arthritis most common?
Most common pathogen in septic arthritis?
S. Aureus
Presentation of septic arthritis?
- Erythematous, warm, acutely tender joint
- Reduced ROM
- Acutely unwell, febrile child
- Infants often hold limb still (pseudoparesis, pseudoparalysis) and cry if it is moved
- Joint effusion may be detectable in peripheral joints
- Diagnosis of septic arthritis of hip esp difficult in toddlers, as joint well covered by subcutaneous fat
- → Initial presentation may be limp or pain referred to knee
Ix for septic arthritis?
- FBC – increased WBC
- CRP/ESR – raised
- Blood cultures
- USS – helpful to identify effusion
- XR – exclude trauma and other bony lesions
- In septic arthritis- initially normal except widening of joint space and soft tissue swelling
- Bone scan
- MRI – may demonstrate adjacent osteomyelitis
- Aspiration of joint space under USS for culture = definitive investigation
- Ideally done immediately (unless sig delay in giving abx)
Treatment of septic arthritis?
- Prolonged course abx – initially IV
- Washing out joint/ surgical drainage if no rapid resolution or joint is deep seated (eg hip)
- Joint initially immobilized in functional position
- Subsequently must be mobilized to prevent deformity
Most common locations of fractures?
- Distal forearm – 22.7%
- Hand, phalanges – 18.9%
- Carpal-metacarpal – 8.3%
- Clavicle – 8.1%: immobilise with a sling for 4-6 weeks
- Ankle – 5.5%
Ie in gen upper extremities
Most common subtype of JIA?
Oligoarthritis (4 or less joints)
- Knee, ankle, wrist most common
- Onset 1-6y