Surgery 2 Flashcards
What is flexible sigmoidoscopy screening?
Flexi sig offered as one off to 55yo
Can self refer up to age of 60yo for one of flexi sig if has had not had one at age 55yo
Symptoms of fat necrosis (3)
Traumatic cause
Mimics breast ca
Can increase in size initially
Indirect inguinal hernia caused by
Direct inguinal hernia caused by
Incomplete closure of processus vaginalis
Defect in transversalis fascia on Hesselbach triangle
Passes medial to inferior epigastric artery
Passes lateral to inferior epigastric artery
Difference between external and internal haemorrhoids
External - below dentate line
Internal - above dentate line
External or internal?
- Prone to thrombosis, may be painful
- Generally do not cause pain
What is the grading system for haemorrhoids?
I - do not prolapse
II - prolapse on defecation, reduce spontaneously
III - can be manually reduced
IV - cannot be reduced
Mx haemorrhoids (5)
- Soft stool (laxatives)
- Local anaesthetics
- Rubber band ligation (outpt dept)
- Sclerotherapy
- Surgery
Presentation of acutely thrombosed haemorrhoids
Purplish, oedematous, tender subcutaneous perianal mass
Mx of acutely thrombosed haemorrhoids
If within 72hrs of onset –> surgery for excision
Otherwise conservative management
May experience a lucid interval =
extradural haematoma
Extradural haematoma caused by:
Acceleration-deceleration trauma OR
Blow to head
Temporal secondary to middle meningeal artery
Old and alcoholism are RF for which type of head injury?
Subdural bleed feature (1)
Location (1)
- Slow onset of symptoms
2. Frontal and parietal lobes
What is the Cushing’s reflex?
Hypertension and bradycardia following head injury
Usually pre-terminal
What medication can be used for life threatening rising ICP?
IV mannitol/ furosemide
Indications for CT head immediately (7)
- GCS < 13 on initial assessment
- GCS < 15 after 2 hours
- Post traumatic seizure
- > 1 episode of vomiting
- Focal neurology deficit
- Suspected open/ depressed fracture
- Suspected basal fracture (panda eyes)
What is Battle’s sign?
Bruise that extends across the entire backside of your ear
CT within 8 hours (5)
- If on warfarin
If has experienced LOC or amnesia AND
- > 65yo
- Hx of bleeding/ clotting disorders
- More than 30 minutes’ retrograde amnesia of events immediately before the head injury
- Serious accident (fall from a height of greater than 1 metre or 5 stairs, or RTA)
What is a duct papilloma?
How do they present?
Benign mass originating usually from singular duct
Blood stained nipple discharge or mass
Mx of BPH
- Watch and wait
- Alpha 1 anagnosits (tamsulosin)
- 5 alpha reductase inhibitors (finasteride)
Double bubble sign on AXR =
duodenal atresia
Duodenal atresia presentation (2)
- Few hours post birth
2. Bilious vomiting
When would you do a Ladd’s procedure?
Malrotation with volvulus
Malrotation with volvulus
Presentation (2)
- Bilious vomiting
- 3-7 days post birth
- May have signs of haemodynamic instability
Dilated bowel loops on AXR, pneumatosis and portal venous air =
Necrotosing enterocolitis
Necrotosing enterocolitis
Features (2)
- Bilious vomiting
2. Second week of life
Necrotosing enterocolitis
If non perforated conservative and supportive
If perforated - laparotomy and resection
CF + Air- fluid levels on AXR
Meconium ileus
Surgical decompression +/- resection
Mec ileus
Features (3)
- Bilious vomiting
- Abdominal distension
- Within 24-48 hours of life
AXR will show air-fluid levels
Within 24 hours of delivery
Jejunal/ ileal atresia
Jejunal/ ileal atresia
Laparotomy with primary resection and anastomosis
Criteria for brain stem death testing (4)
- Deep coma known cause
- Nil electrolyte imbalance
- Nil reversible causes
- Nil sedation
Brain stem death testing (6)
- Caloric test
- Nil corneal reflex
- Pupills fixed and dilated
- Nil cough reflex
- Nil response to supraorbital pressure
- Nil respiratory effort
What is a caloric test?
50mls of ice cold water into each year
Who can perform brain stem death testing?
Two doctors both with at least 5 years of post grad experience
At least one consultant
No one from transplant team
Tender, fluctuant mass in a lactating women =
Commonly caused by which organism
Breast abscess commonly caused by Staph Aureus
When would you excise a fibroadenoma? (size)
Describe a fibroadenoma
> 3cm
Breast lumps, firm, mobile, non tender
Nipple inversion/ skin tethering, hard , irregular lump
Breast ca
Common around menopause Tender lump around nipple Green nipple discharge Benign Can become infected
Mammary duct ectasia
Blood stained discharge
Single duct wart like
Duct papilloma
Breast screening
Mammogram every 3 years
FH of breast ca criteria for earlier screening
- x1 1st degree female relative diagnosed with breast ca <40yo OR male 1st degree relative at any age
- x1 1st degree relative with bilateral breast ca <50yo
- x2 1st degree relatives OR x1 1st degree and x1 2nd degree relative at any age
- x1 1st/2nd degree relative with breast ca AND 1st/2nd degree relative with ovarian ca at any age
- x3 2nd degree relatives with breast ca at any age
RF for breast ca (8)
- Nulliparity
- Late menopause, early menarche
- 1st degree relative with premenopausal breast ca
- Nil breastfeeding
- Ionising radition
- Obestiy
2ww referral for breast ca
> 30yo unexplained breast lump (with or w/o pain)
>50yo discharge, retraction or other changes of concern in one breast only
Consider 2ww referral for breast ca
skin changes that suggest breast ca OR
unexplained lump in axilla
Name four types of breast ca
Invasive or in situ
Lobular or ductal
Invasive lobular
Invasive ductal
Most common breast cancer
Invasive ductal (also known as no special type)
Eczemetous changes (reddening and thickening) of nipple areolar
Underlying malignancy
Usually invasive carcinoma
Paget’s disease
Blocking lymph drainage = which type of breast ca
Inflammatory breast cancer
Size and type of cancer that can be offered wide local excision
DCIS <4cm
Who is offered RT for breast ca
- Anyone with wide local excision
2. If had mastectomy, if has T3 or T4, or >= 4 axillary nodes
Tamoxifen SE (3)
- Risk of VTE
- Risk of endometrial cancer
- Menopausal symptoms
HER2 +ve use which medication?–>
Cannot be used if –>
Herceptin (trastuzumab)
Hx of heart disorders
ER+ve breast ca use (2)
- Tamoxifen (oestrogen receptor antag + partial agonist)
2. Anastrozole (aromatose inhib) if post menopausal
Squamous cell carcinoma bladder ca RF (1)
Transitional cell carcinoma RF (3)
Exposure to aniline dyes in the printing and textile industry: examples are 2-naphthylamine and benzidine
Rubber manufacture
Screening for AAA
Aged 65yo all offered a single abdominal USS
Mx infantile hydroceles
- Usually resolve 1 month from delivery
2. If not resolved by 1yo then can be referred to urology
Epididymo-orchitis Mx if unknown organism
ceftriaxone 500mg IM single dose, plus doxycycline 10-14 days
Mx breast cyst =
If blood stained or refill then biopsy/ excise
Increased risk of breast ca
Testing of PSA should not be done how long after the below:
Prostate biopsy
6 weeks
Testing of PSA should not be done how long after the below:
4 weeks
Testing of PSA should not be done how long after the below:
1 week
Testing of PSA should not be done how long after the below:
Ejaculation + Exercise
48 hours
First line investigation for suspected haemorrhoids
Proctoscopy and rigid sigmoidoscopy