Musculoskeletal 2 Flashcards
Bowing of tibia, bossing of skull =
Paget’s disease
What foods should you avoid in gout?
Liver, kidneys, seafood, oily fish (mackerel, sardines) and yeast products
How long should the symptoms be present for before a diagnosis of chronic fatigue can be made?
4 months
Name two RF for tendinopathies
- Quinolone use
2. High cholesterol
Name two features for achilles tendonitis
- Posterior heel pain
2. Morning pain and stiffness
Achilles tendonitis Diagnostic Ix (1) Mx (3)
- Simple analgesia
- Reduction in activities that trigger pain
- Calf muscle eccentric exercises
Pop in the ankle, sudden onset severe pain, unable to walk/ continue with activity =
achilles tendon rupture
Simmond’s triad checks for (1)
What are the three tests?
Achilles tendon rupture
- Calf squeeze
- Greater dorsiflexion when feet over bed in prone position
- Feel for gap in tendon
What is the most commonly sprained ankle ligament?
Invert or evert?
Anterior talofibular ligament
- Can use removable orthosis/ splint/ crutches if needed
- If pain not resolving consider MRI
What are the grades of a lower ankle sprain
I micro tear, mild pain + swelling, nil pain on weight bearing
II partial tear, mod pain + swelling, minimal pain on weight bearing
III complete tear, severe pain + swelling, severe pain on weight bearing
High ankle sprain = injury to?
Low ankle sprain = injury to?
- Syndesmosis
2. Lateral collateral ligaments
Mechanism of injury to syndesmosis
External rotation of the foot
What is the Hopkin’s squeeze test?
What injury do you see it in?
Pain on squeezing tibia and fibula together
High ankle sprains
What might you see on high ankle sprains xray?
Mx (2)
Diastasis - widening of tibiofibular joint
- If nil diastasis - non-weight-bearing orthosis or cast until pain subsides
- If diastasis or failed non operative management then for operative fixation
What is a Boxer’s fracture
A minimally displaced fracture of the fifth metacarpal
A minimally displaced fracture of the fifth metacarpal is also known as
Boxer’s fracture
What nerve is compressed in cubital tunnel syndrome?
Ulnar nerve
Name four features of cubital tunnel syndrome
- Tingling/ pins and needles in 5th and 4th finger, intermittent then constant
- Pain worse on leaning on elbow
- Hx of OA or trauma to area
- Weakness and muscle wasting
Mx cubital tunnel syndrome (4)
Avoid aggravating activity
Steroid injections
Surgery in resistant cases
De Quervain’s tenosynovitis
Inflammation of what two muscles?
Extensor pollicis brevis and longus
Explain Finkelsteins test
What is it used for?
Pull thumb towards ulnar with wrist - pain at radial styloid process
De Quervain’s tenosynovitis
Name three features of De Quervain’s tenosynovitis
- Tenderness at radial styloid process
- Pain at radial side of wrist
- Abduction of the thumb against resistance is painful
Management of De Quervain’s tenosynovitis (4)
- Simple analgesia
- Steroid injection
- Immobilisation with a thumb splint (spica)
- Surgical mx
Most common cause of bacterial discitis?
Staph Aureus
Name two investigations to diagnose discitis
2. CT guided biopsy to assess which abx is needed
List five causes of Duputren’s contracture
- DM
- Alcoholic liver disease
- Manual labour
- Phenytoin
- Trauma
Mx - if loss of function then for surgery
What is golfer’s elbow?
What movements elicit pain?
Medial epicondylitis
Wrist flexion and pronation
What is radial turn syndrome?
Which movements elicit pain?
Pain tends to be around 4-5 cm distal to the lateral epicondyle
Extension of elbow and pronation of the forearm
What is greater trochanteric pain syndrome/ trochanteric bursitis caused by?
Features (2)
Repeated movement of the fibroelastic iliotibial band
Features 1. Greater trochanter tenderness 2. Pain along iliotibial band/ lateral side of hip/ thigh F>M 50-70yo
What is Barlow’s and Ortalani’s test for?
Name a feature (1)
Age group
Development dysplasia of the hip
Skin folds unequal
What is transient synovitis?
Common age group
Acute hip pain associated with viral infection
Commonest cause of hip pain in children
What is Perthe’s disease?
Common age group?
Avascular necrosis of the femoral head
What are the common features in slipped upper femoral epiphysis? (3)
Age group
- Obesity
- Knee or distal thigh pain
- Loss of internal rotation in leg flexion
How many joints are affected in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)?
Which joints are usually affected?
- <= 4 joints only
- Middle sized joints e.g knee, ankle, elbow
Lateral knee pain in runners =
Iliotibial band pain
1. Activity modification and stretches
2. Physio
What movement will give you a meniscal tear?
Name four features
Twisting injury
- Tenderness along joint line
- Pain on knee extension
- Knee locking
- Knee may give way
Weight bearing at 20 degrees of knee flexion, patient supported by doctor, positive if pain on twisting knee is what test?
Thelassy’s test
Used to assess for meniscal tears
What is infrapatellar bursitis associated with?
Clergyman’s knee
What is clergyman’s knee?
Infrapatellar bursitis
What is housemaids knee?
Prepatellar bursitis
What is prepatellar bursitis associated with?
Upright kneeling
Housemaids knee
ACL tear features (3)
- Positive anterior draw test
- Twisting of knee, may hear pop
- Sudden knee effusion
PCL tear features (2)
- Positive posterior draw test
2. Caused by anterior force applied to tibia
Collateral ligament
- Tenderness over the affected ligament
2. Knee effusion may be seen
- Positive anterior draw test
- Twisting of knee, may hear pop
- Sudden knee effusion
ACL tear
- Tenderness over the affected ligament
2. Knee effusion may be seen
Collateral ligament tear
- Positive posterior draw test
2. Caused by anterior force applied to tibia
PCL tear
Name five red flags for lower back pain
- <20yo or >50yo
- Hx of malignancy
- Pain at night
- Hx of trauma
- Systemic symptoms
Name four features of spinal stenosis Hint: Type of pain Acute/ gradual onset Worse by Eased by
- Gradual onset
- Bilateral/ unilateral leg pain/ weakness or numbness
- Worse when walking
- Eased when sitting, leaning forward, crouching
How do you diagnose spinal stenosis?
1st line management for back pain
When should you prescribe a PPI with an NSAID for lower back pain?
> 45yo
Clear dermatomal leg pain associated with neurological deficits may indicate which condition?
Prolapsed disc
Sensory loss over anterior thigh
Weak quadriceps
Reduced knee reflex
Positive femoral stretch test
Sensory loss anterior aspect of knee
Weak quadriceps
Reduced knee reflex
Positive femoral stretch test
How may someone with a prolapsed disc present?
Clear dermatomal leg pain with neurological deficits
S1 nerve root compression
Sensory loss posterolateral aspect of leg and lateral aspect of foot
Weakness in plantar flexion of foot
Reduced ankle reflex
Positive sciatic nerve stretch test
L3 nerve root compression
Sensory loss over anterior thigh
Weak quadriceps
Reduced knee reflex
Positive femoral stretch test
Sensory loss dorsum of foot
Weakness in foot and big toe dorsiflexion
Reflexes intact
Positive sciatic nerve stretch test
L5 nerve root compression
Sensory loss posterolateral aspect of leg and lateral aspect of foot
Weakness in plantar flexion of foot
Reduced ankle reflex
Positive sciatic nerve stretch test
S1 nerve root compression
Mx prolapsed disc
- Physio + exercises
- If persistent after 4-6 weeks - MRI
Mx spinal stenosis
- Laminectomy
What is a myxoid cyst?
Where is it found?
Gender and age with what condition?
Benign ganglion cysts usually found on the distal, dorsal aspect of the finger
Middle aged women with OA
Caused of olecranon bursitis
Movement of elbow should be painless/painful?
- Trauma
- Infection
- RA
- Gout
Name five signs of olecranon bursitis
If you see effusions in other joints which disease is this associated with?
If there is tophi, what disease is this associated with?
- Swelling over posterior elbow
- Erythema + tenderness
- Fluctuant, well circumscribed
- Appears over hours to days
- Skin abrasion
If RA - will have effusions in other joints
If has tophi - gout
Hx of groin ache following exercise and relieved by rest =
OA of hip
Red flags for hip pain (3)
- Pain at rest
- Pain at night
- Morning stiffness >2 hours
Name four reasons for revision of total hip replacement
- Aseptic loosening
- Infection
- Dislocation
- Pain
Name four complications post hip replacement
- Intra-op fracture
- Nerve injury
- VTE (4 weeks of LMWH)
- Infection
Types of total hip replacements (3)
- Cemented
- Uncemented (for younger more active patients)
- Hip resurfacing - metal cap over the head, used in younger patients with neck intact
Advise regarding movements post THR
- Do not sit cross legged
- Avoid low chairs
- Don’t flex hip >90 degrees
- Sleep on back for first 6 weeks
What does FRAX assessment do?
Assesses risk of fracture within 10 years
Name eight RF for fragility fracture
- Low BMI
- Prev fracture
- FH of fracture
- Use of steroids
- Smoking
- Hx of falls
- Secondary osteoporosis
Results of FRAX
Reassess how often?
low risk: reassure and give lifestyle advice
intermediate risk: offer BMD test
high risk: offer bone protection treatment
Every 2 years
Characteristically anterior knee pain on walking up and down stairs and rising from prolonged sitting
Common in teenage girls
Patellafemoral syndrome
Patellafemoral syndrome is also known as
Chondromalacia patellae
Patellafemoral syndrome - what is it?
Who is it common in?
Characteristically anterior knee pain on walking up and down stairs and rising from prolonged sitting
Common in teenage girls
Mx physio
What is adhesive capsulitis also known as?
Frozen shoulder
Frozen shoulder/ adhesive capsulitis
Which movements are difficult?
Associated with which condition?
- Associated with DM
2. External rotation difficulty more than internal rotation or ABduction
Frozen shoulder rx (4)
- Physio
- PO steroids
- Intra-articular steroids
What is impingement syndrome? (3)
Subacromial impingement
Pain from 60-120 degrees, painful arc
Tenderness over anterior acromion
Club foot is also known as
What is the positioning of the foot?
Talipes equinovarus
Inverted, plantarflexed
Name five causes of talipes equinovarus
- Edwards syndrome
- Oligohydramnios
- Congenital contractures - arthrogryposis
- Cerebral palsy
- Spina bifida
Congenital contractures =
Mx of talipes equinovarus (3)
- Manipulation and progressive casting which starts soon after birth - 6-10 weeks total
- Achilles tenotomy required (85% of cases)
- Night time brace until 4yo
Trigger finger is associated with which conditions (2)
What may you find on examination? (1)
- DM
- RA
Nodule may be felt at the base of the affected finger
Mx trigger finger (3)
- Steroid injection
- Splint
- Surgery
What is Barton’s fracture?
Type of fall
Distal radius fracture (Colles’/Smith’s) with associated radiocarpal dislocation
Fall onto extended and pronated wrist
Anatomical snuffbox pain =
Scaphoid fracture
Radial head fracture features (1)
Common in which age group
Common in young adults
Pain at the lateral side of the elbow at the extremes of rotation (pronation and supination)
Distal radius fracture (Colles’/Smith’s) with associated radiocarpal dislocation
Fall onto extended and pronated wrist
Barton’s fracture
Scaphoid fracture symptom (1)
anatomical snuff box pain
Common in young adults
Pain at the lateral side of the elbow at the extremes of rotation (pronation and supination) =
radial head fracture
Deltoid ligament damage in what injury
Osteoporosis management (3) When would HRT be used?
If >= 75yo with fracture, or <75 with DEXA <2.5 with fracture. Vit D and calcium for all women. 1. Alendronate - can have GI S/E 2nd line 2. Risedronate or etidronate Third line 3. Strontium ranelate and raloxifene
HRT - if went through menopause <45yo and to take until 50yo
Transient idiopathic osteoporosis
Which patient group?
Features (2)
Seen in third trimester of pregnancy
Groin pain associated with a limited range of movement in the hip
May be unable to weight bear
ESR elevated
Due to repeated movement of the fibroelastic iliotibial band
Pain and tenderness over the lateral side of thigh
Most common in women aged 50-70 years
Greater trochanteric bursitis
Greater trochanteric bursitis
Features (2)
Age group
Due to repeated movement of the fibroelastic iliotibial band
Pain and tenderness over the lateral side of thigh
Most common in women aged 50-70 years
Femoroacetabular impingement
anterior hip pain
Triad RF for stress fractures
- Menstrual irregularities
- Low BMI/ reduced caloric intake
- Increased exercise intensity
What is Foucher’s sign?
increase in tension of a Baker’s cyst on extension of the knee
What is Felty’s syndrome
Complication of RA
- Splenomegaly
- RA
- Neutropenia
What is the Modified New York criteria?
Used to diagnose ank spond
x3 clinical criteria + radiological finding
1. Lower back pain >3 months, eased by exercise
2. Reduced lumbar region motion in saggital and frontal planes
3. Limited chest expansion
xray or MRI of sacroilitis
Definite 1 clinical + radiological finding
Probable no clinical criteria with radiological finding or all three criteria with no radiological findings