Surge bin to shiploader Flashcards
Coal is brought from each surge bin on two conveyors referred to as belt-feeders.
Surge Bin 1 uses what 2 belt-feeders?
via BF5 and BF7 belt feeders
Coal is brought from each surge bin on two conveyors referred to as belt-feeders.
Surge Bin 2 uses what 2 belt-feeders?
via BF6 and BF8 belt feeders
Coal is brought from each surge bin on two conveyors referred to as belt-feeders.
Surge Bin 3 uses what 2 belt-feeders?
via BF15 and BF17 belt feeders
Surge Bin 1 dumps coal on to what conveyor/s?
Surge Bin 2 dumps coal on to what conveyor/s?
a small conveyor L6A then on to conveyor L6
Surge Bin 3 dumps coal on to what conveyor/s?
small conveyor L15A then on to conveyor L15
Conveyor L5 delivers coal onto which wharf conveyors?
L7 then onto L9
Conveyor L6 delivers coal onto which wharf conveyors?
L8 then onto L10
Conveyor L15 delivers coal onto which wharf conveyors?
L15 can be diverted to L17, then on to L19; or can be diverted to L8 then on to L10.
Shiploader 1 (SL1) receives coal from what conveyor/s?
Shiploader 2 (SL2) receives coal from what conveyor/s?
L10 or L15 via L19
Shiploader 3 (SL3) receives coal from what conveyor/s?
L5, L6 and L15.
L5 and L6 can be diverted to feed Shiploader 3 (SL3) via L17.
L15 can be diverted to L17, then on to L19; or can be diverted to L8 then on to L10.
L5 can be diverted to what conveyor/s?
L7 or L17
L6 can be diverted to what conveyor/s?
L8 or L17
L15 can be diverted to what conveyor/s?
L8 or L17
Which shiploader carries waste water back to shore on their return side?
Shiploader 2 (SL2)
Coal from surge bin 1 (SB1) travels to what ship loaders?
Shiploaders SL1 or SL3
Coal from surge bin 2 (SB2) travels to what ship loaders?
Shiploaders SL2 or SL3
Coal from surge bin 3 (SB3) travels to what ship loaders?
Shiploaders SL2 or SL3
Whats the approximate capacities of surge bin 1 (SB1)?
1 000 tonnes for SB1
Whats the approximate capacities of surge bin 2 (SB2)?
1 600 tonnes for SB2
Whats the approximate capacities of surge bin 3 (SB3)?
2 000 tonnes for SB3