What are the guidelines and limitations for using aircraft stands, taxiway guide lines, and visual docking/parking guidance systems at the site?
- Marshalling Service: Provided for all stands.
- Illuminated Numbers: Stands 9-18, 21, 22, 24-29 are fitted with illuminated numbers.
- Push Back Capability: Required for aircraft using stands 9 to 29 and stands 1F-6F (Cargo flights).
Stand Specifics:
- Stand 22: Served by an Airbridge.
- Maximum Aircraft Sizes:
- Stands 9-15, 17, 18, 26, 27: A321
- Stands 16, 25: B757
- Stand 16A: A380
- Stand 25B: A380
- Stand 27A: B767
- Stand 21: B757
- Stands 24, 28, 29: A320
- Stand 22: B747
Cargo Stands:
* Stands 4F, 5F: ATP
* Stands 1F, 2F, 3F: A300/B767
* Stand 6F: A320
What are the locations of stop bars and runway guard lights at the site?
Alpha Taxiway:
Stop bars at A1, A2, A3
Bravo Taxiway:
One stop bar
Charlie Taxiway:
Stop bars at C1, C2
Delta Taxiway:
Stop bars at D1, D2
Foxtrot Taxiway:
One stop bar
Juliet Taxiway:
Stop bars at J1, J2
Echo Apron:
One stop bar
What are the runway and taxiway markings and lighting at the site?
Runway Markings:
Runway 07/25:
* Markings: Runway designation, threshold, center-line, edge lines, aiming point markings, and touchdown zone markings.
* Yellow lead-off lines:
* From Runway 25 onto Taxiways B, D, and J.
* From Runway 25 onto Runway 35 at the runways intersection.
* From Runway 07 onto Taxiways A and B.
* Runway Taxi Holding Position markings at the intersection of Runways 07/25 and 17/35, 150 meters from the center-lines of the cross runway.
Runway 17/35:
* Markings: Runway designation, threshold, center-line, edge lines, aiming point markings, and touchdown zone markings on Runway 17.
* Yellow lead-off lines:
* From Runway 17 onto Taxiways F, J, and Echo Apron.
* From Runway 35 onto Taxiways C, F, J, and Echo Apron.
* Runway Taxi Holding Position markings at the intersection of Runways 07/25 and 17/35, 150 meters from the center-lines of the cross runway.
Runway Lighting:
* Alternate green/yellow lead-off lights:
* From Runway 25 onto Runway 35, along with Taxiways B, D, and J.
* From Runway 07 onto Taxiways A and B.
* From Runway 35 onto Taxiway C.
Taxiway Markings:
- Yellow center-line and holding position markings on all taxiways.
Taxiway Lighting:
* Green center-line lighting on Taxiways A, B, C, D, J, and L.
* Blue edge lights on Taxiways B, F, and L (south side).
* Runway guard lights at runway holding positions.
What remarks should aircrew note about the marshalling service and wind direction indicators at the site?
Marshalling Service:
Provided by BIA or their handling agents trained personnel.
Aircrew responsibility: Ensure the stand is safe for entry and parking.
Wind Direction Indicators:
3 illuminated wind direction indicators located at the thresholds of Runways 17, 25, and 35.