Surface Anatomy - Thorax Flashcards
What does the clavicle articulate with anteriorly?
Manubrium of sternum
What structure lies between the medial ends of the two clavicles?
Jugular notch of the manubrium
What is the small ridge felt by moving your fingers down from the jugular notch? What is this notch?
Sternal angle (of Louis) Manubriosternal joint
What bones articulate at the sternal angle?
Body of sternum
Rib 2
What type of joint is the manubriosternal joint?
Secondary cartilaginous (symphysis)
What type of joint does rib 2 have with the sternal angle?
Synovial plane joint
If you palpate the sternal angle and palpate laterally, what bony structure do you palpate?
Rib 2
As you count down the ribs and intercostal spaces, what can help as you descend? Why?
Moving fingers laterally along thoracic wall with every rib
As costal cartilages of lower ribs (7-10) unite
Where can ribs 11 and 12 be palpated?
Posterior aspect of thoracic wall
Can rib 1 be palpated?
What is the pleural cavity?
The space between the parietal pleura lining the inside of the thoracic cage and the visceral pleura passing over the surface of each lung
Where does each pleural cavity extend above?
2-3cm above middle of medial third of the clavicle
Where does the anterior border of the pleural cavity reach?
Midline at the 6th costal cartilage
Where does the parietal pleura pass laterally away from the midline on the right?
6th costal cartilage
Where does the parietal pleura pass laterally away from the midline on the left?
4th costal cartilage:
- To accommodate heart
Where does the parietal pleura cross the following lines:
- Midclavicular line
- Midaxillary line
Midclavicular line = 8th costal cartilage
Midaxillary line = 10th costal cartilage
What line does the parietal pleura following horizontally along the posterior body wall?
Line of the 12th rib
Where do the domes of each hemidiaphragm reach?
5th costal cartilage on left
4th costal cartilage on right
What are the levels of the visceral pleura at:
- Midclavicular line
- Midaxillary line
- Posterior thoracic wall
Midclavicular line = 6th costal cartilage
Midaxillary line = 8th costal cartilage
Posterior thoracic wall = 10th costal cartilage
Does the visceral pleura pass into the costodiaphragmatic recess?
Where do the oblique fissures run?
T3 posteriorly
6th costochondral junction anteriorly