Surf Life Names Flashcards
Name of the coach of the 9-year-old girls at surf lifesaving 2018 – 2019.
Sarah Sewell
What is / was Sarah Sewell’s role for surf life-saving in 2018 – 2019?
Coach of the 9 year-old girls.
Name of the parent who offered to help out as manager of the 9 yr old girls.
Mother of this girl at surf life saving MBSLC - 9 yr olds 2018 mentioned an Italian connection to her name?
Giovanna-Perl Nigiro
Giovanna is the feminine name in Italian. What is the masculine name.
9 year old girls surf lifesaving – _________________has glandular fever (December 2018).
Brooklyn Horne
9 year old girls surf lifesaving – Brooklyn Horne has ____________(December 2018).
glandular fever
26 November – how long is Brooklyn Horne away from surf lifesaving with glandular fever?
2- 3 weeks
How often can Kalila Jane Sadler get to surf-lifesaving (2018-2019)?
Every 2 -3 weeks
Who in the 9 yr old girls (2018-2019) can only get to surf lifesaving every 2-3 weeks?
Kalila Jane Sadler
What is affecting Kalila Jane Sadler ability to get to surf lifesaving (2018-2019)?
Her Mum and Dad are going through a separation (joint custody).
Kalila Jane Sadler has close friends / family who attend Mairangi Bay Surf Lifesaving Club in other age groups eg __________________
7 year old girls
Dene Gilmore is the father of what girl in the 9 yr old girls surf life saving group (2018)?
Jorja Gilmore
What role is Dene Gilmore playing in the Mairanig Bay Junior Surf Club (2018 -2019)?
Junior Sports Coordinator
Who is Junior Sports Coordinator (2018 -2019) at the Mairanig Bay Junior Surf Club with Dene Gilmore?
Vicki Craig
Junior Coach for 9 yr old girls (2018-2019) who took part in the Taupo Cycle race on 25 November.
Elise Troy
How do I know Rosalie Slaat?
She is one of the girls in the 9yr old girls for surf lifesaving (2018-2019)
What is Rosalie Slaat’s father’s name?
What has Remko offered to do with respect to the 9yr old girls for surf lifesaving (2018-2019)?
Help out
Michelle (9 yr old girls surf life saving)’s Mum’ s name.
Sura ,/ Suriani
What nationality is Michelle (9 yr old girls surf life saving)’s Mum?
What ethnicity is Tiare?
Part Indonesian Chinese, part Cook Island Maori.
What country did Tiare live in before New Zealand?
Did Tiare take part in surf lifesaving in Australia?