Supreme Court - Presidential Power (Other Branches) Flashcards
Power of judicial ________ gives SC power to declare actions of any member of exec. branch unconstitutional, including President
Judicial review
Rasul v Bush (2004)
Sc ruled 6-3 that foreign detainees held at Guantanamo Bay should have access to US federal courts to challenge their detention
Consequence of Rasul v Bush (2004)
Rules against exec. and legislature
Hamdan v Rumsfield (2006)
Sc declared unconstitutional the military commissions set up by Bush to try ppl held at GB
5-3 liberal majority
Put significant limit on commander-in-chief power of president, even in times of war
Consequence of Hamdan v Rumsfield (2006)
Again limited Presidents power
Boumediene v Bush (2008)
SC ruled 5-4 that procedures set up by Bush administration & Congress following the Hamdan decisions were inadequate to ensure detainees received their day in court
Consequence of Boumediene v Bush
Further limited Presidents power
National Labor Relations Board v Noel Canning (2014)
SC ruled 9-0 that President lacked constitutional authority to make high-level executive appointments when Senate technically available to give advice & consent
Presidents power to fill vacancies that occur during Senate recess
Consequence of National Labor Relations Board v Noel Canning (2014)
Judicial review
Checking powers of the President
Even his own 2 appointees voted against him
United States v Texas (2016)
2014 Obama issued DAPA - to allow certain illegal immigrants to be granted ‘deferred action status’
Texas & 25 other states challenged DAPA claiming President could not carry out such big ‘immigration reform’ without Congress’s approval
Federal Court ruled it unconstitutional
Sc 4-4 decision left fed. courts ruling in place, blocking the executive order
Consequence of United States v Texas
President trying to be imperial but Courts ruled against him