Support Level Barriers Flashcards
National Level Barriers (5)
1 ignore rights of learners
2 Doesn’t promote inclusive model enough.
3 national policies are unclear for schools
4 Doesn’t give support or guidelines
5 Doesn’t work with departments
Provincial Level Barriers (5)
1 Policies are not implemented correctly or effectively.
2 Funds from National level are not properly or effectively spent
3 Doesn’t coordinate all projects in provinces properly and effectively
4 Doesn’t coordinate all services in provinces properly and effectively
5 Doesn’t consult between National and District level properly and effectively.
District Level Barriers (5)
1 Doesn’t coordinate learning support
2 Not enough learning support resources
3 Not enough training, monitoring & support from National & Provincial levels
4 Not enough guidelines to support learners with barriers
5 Not enough partnerships with other agents
School Level Barriers (5)
1 No training & support for teachers to properly & effectively implement inclusive education.
2 Schools struggle to continually commit to removing barriers & increasing educational opportunities.
3 reluctant or unprepared to change their school system to an inclusive model.
4 negative attitudes towards inclusive education.
5 Just relies on all the other levels to see to it that inclusive education is properly and effectively implemented.