Supply side policy chapter 24 Flashcards
buildings and constructions that support society and economic activity like bridges, roads and sewage systems
supply side policy
government policy tools designed to increase aggregate supply
how do governments use supply side policy to increase aggregate supply
by improving the workings of product and factor markets. Sometimes supply-side policy tools will reduce government intervention; at other times they result in increased government intervention.
what do supply side policy tools seek to do
it seeks to increase productive capacity and so shift the economy’s long-run aggregate supply (LRAS) curve to the right. The main way supply-side tools try to do this is by increasing productivity.
tools of supply side policy tools
tools of supply-side policy include spending on education and training, promoting infrastructure development and support for technological improvement. Other tools include cuts in corporate tax, cuts in income tax, trade union reform, privatisation, deregulation and relaxation of immigration controls.
how does spending on education and training increase productivity
it raise the quality of education and training. If this occurs, workers’ skills and productivity may increase as well as their flexibility and mobility. A more efficient labour force is one of the key causes of an increase in a country’s productive capacity. With the same sized labour force, more goods and services can be produced. A better educated and trained population can also increase the quality of entrepreneurship, which can increase innovation.
how does promoting infrastructure development increase productivity
Good quality infrastructure, including efficient transport, power, energy and telecommunication networks, keeps the costs of firms low and enables them to get their products to market quickly. For instance, reducing power outages will mean that production is interrupted less frequently.
how do governments finance and provide transport infrastructure
The government may finance and provide transport infrastructure itself or it may encourage the private sector to provide infrastructure such as a motorway which charges motorists a fee for using it.
how can support for technological improvement increase productivity
Technological improvement can enable capital equipment to produce a greater output at a lower cost. A government can subsidies both universities and private sector firms to encourage the development and introduction of new technology. Government subsidies are used widely throughout the world to encourage firms to increase output.
how can cut in corporate tax increase productivity
Cutting corporate tax may encourage investment, as firms will have more funds to invest and they will know that they will be able to keep more of any profit earned. More investment will increase both aggregate demand and aggregate supply.
how can cuts in income tax increase productivity
Cutting income tax may encourage workers to increase their working hours and accept promotion and greater responsibility. It may also persuade some workers to stay in the labour force for longer and persuade others to enter the labour force.
how can trade union reforms increase productivity
it can increase workers’ flexibility and mobility and cut down on the number of days lost through strikes. A resulting fall in industrial action may, in addition, make multinational companies more willing to invest in the country. It is possible that the measure may increase both productivity and production.
how can privatization and deregulation increase productivity
many countries have adopted privatization programmes in the belief that firms operate more efficiently in the private sector. Some have also deregulated a number of markets by removing barriers to entry and laws and regulations that increase firms’ costs of production.
how can encouragement of immigration increase productivity
If a government encourages immigration of skilled workers, it can increase both the quantity and quality of labour in the country.
how does supply side policy tools increase a country’s national income and output
They can do this by increasing the quality and quantity of resources. Government spending on infrastructure will increase the quantity of resources that can be used in the production and transport of products. Technological improvement raises the quality and productivity of capital goods.