Superior and Posterior Mediastinum Flashcards
Borders and contents of superior mediastinum
Borders: manubrium, T1-T4 Contents: Thymus Great vessels Veins (brachiocephalic VV, SVC) Arteries (arch of aorta and branches) Phrenic N, cardiac plexus, vagus N, recurrent laryngeal N Portion of trachea Portion of esophagus Thoracic duct, lymphatic trunks
Borders and contents of anterior mediastinum
Borders: Anterior – sternum Posterior – pericardium Superior – transverse thoracic plane Inferior - diaphragm Contents: Inferior portion of thymus (in childhood) Lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes Loose connective tissue, mediastinal fat
Borders and contents of middle mediastinum
Borders: Anterior – pericardium Posterior - pericardium Contents: Heart Roots of great vessels (Ascending aorta, Pulmonary trunk, SVC) Pericardium
Borders and contents of posterior mediastinum
Borders: Anterior – pericardium, diaphragm Posterior – T5-T12 vertebrae Superior – transverse thoracic plane Inferior - diaphragm Contents: Thoracic aorta Carina, R/L bronchus Thoracic duct, lymphatic trunks Azygos, hemi-azygos V Esophagus, esophageal nerve plexus Sympathetic trunks, thoracic splanchnic NN
Blood supply of thymus
Arterial supply via internal thoracic AA (anterior intercostal A) Veins flow into internal thoracic VV, brachiocephalic VV
Ligament that passes between left pulmonary A and aortic arch
Ligamentum arteriosum

Thoracic aorta - enters the abdomen through the aortic hiatus at T12

What passes over root of right lung
Arch of azygos
Right posterior intercostal veins
- Supreme intercostal V (Drains into R brachiocephalic V)
- Superior intercostal V (Drains into azygos V)
- Posterior intercostal VV (Drains into azygos V)
Left posterior intercostal veins
- Supreme intercostal V (Drains into L brachiocephalic V)
- Superior intercostal V (Drains into L brachiocephalic V or accessory hemiazygos V)
- Posterior intercostal VV (Drains into hemiazygos V and accessory hemiazygos V)
SVC is formed by
Right and Left brachiocephalic veins

•Begins at pharynx, ends at stomach, passes through diaphragm at T10
Thoracic constriction of esophagus
- arch of aorta
- left main bronchus
- diaphragm
Blood supply and innervation of esophagus
Esophageal arteries and veins, esophageal plexus
Ridge of cartilage in trachea between the bronchi division point
Bronchial divisions

Vagus N info

Nerve that:
- Hooks around R subclavian A
- Ascends between trachea, esophagus to supply larynx
R recurrent laryngeal N
Nerve that:
- Passes inferior to aortic arch, lateral to ligamentum arteriosum
- Ascends between trachea, esophagus to supply larynx
L recurrent laryngeal N

- Cardiopulmonary splanchnic NN
- Contribute to nerve plexuses in thorax
- Postganglionicfibers travel to thoracic viscera (heart and lungs)
- Fibers synapsed in paravertebral ganglia

•Preganglionic fibers: (location)
- Leave as a white ramus and join the sympathetic trunk
- Found only at T1-L2
•Postganglionic fibers: (location)
- Leave all ganglia of trunks on a gray ramus to join the ventral ramus of a spinal N
- Found at all spinal levels

Chief muscle of respiration

Posterior mediastinal lymph is collected in…
posterior mediastinal lymph nodes
•Collect lymph from lungs and heart
Tracheobronchial lymph nodes
•Thoracic duct collects lymph from:
- Lower limbs, pelvic cavity, abdominal cavity, L upper limb, L thorax, head, neck
- All lymph exceptthat from the R superior quadrant

•Right lymphatic duct Collects lymph from
right upper quadrant