Superior and Posterior Mediastinum Flashcards
Sternal angle
Junction of the manubrium and body of sternum
Level fo rib 2 and T4/5
Trachea bifurcation, start of arch of aorta
6 things found in the superior mediastinum
Remember 2, 2, 2
2 sets of vessels (arteries and veins)
2 organs (esophagus and trachea)
2 nerves (phrenic and vagus)
Posterior medistinum contains…
Descending aorta Azygos, hemiazygos, and accessory hemiazygous veins Right and left vagus nerves Thoracic duct Esophagus Sympathetic chain Splanchnic nerves
Where does the esophagus
- Start
- End
- Cross diaphragm
- C6
- T11
- T10
3 constrictions in the esophagus
Where it joins with pharynx
Where it is crossed by the aortic arch and left main bronchus
Before it joins stomach
Right vs left bronchus
Right: shorter, wider, more vertical
Ductus arteriosus turns into…
Ligamentum arteriosum
Branches of the ascending aorta
Coronary arteries!!
Branches of the arch of aorta
Left common carotid
Left subclavian
The common carotid arteries divide into what
Internal and external carotid arteries
Branches of the thoracic aorta are in which 2 groups?
Parietal branches (go to the periphery - like posterior intercostal arteries) Visceral branches (supply the thoracic viscera - like the esophageal and bronchial arteries)
Superior vena cava is formed by..
Joining of the left and right brachiocephalic veins
Brachiocephalic veins from the internal jugular and the subclavian vein
Posterior intercostal veins drain into….
- Right side
- Left side
- Azygos vein
2. Hemiazygos and accessory hemiazygos veins
Hemiazygos and accessory hemiazygos veins drain into…
Azygos vein on the right
Then to the SVC
Thoracic duct
Starts from a lymphatic sac (cisterna chyli) in from of L1 and L2
Drains into the junction of the left internal jugular vein and left subclavian vein
Splanchnic nerves innervate….
Some of the abdominal organs