Cardiac Cycle Flashcards
2 branches from the right coronary artery
Acute marginal
Posterior descending artery
2 branches from the left coronary artery
Left anterior descending artery (diagonal branches)
Left circumflex artery (branches are the obtuse marginals)
Mean pressure in aorta
95 mmHg
When does mitral valve close?
When the LV pressure becomes greater than the LA pressure
What causes the
- A wave
- C wave
- V wave
- Atrial contraction and transient increase of the LA pressure
- Isovolumetric contraction causes LA pressure to increase transiently as MV bulges into LA
- Blood flowing into LA while MV is closed
Also called the dicrotic notch
From a transient increase in aortic pressure from the abrupt closure of the aortic valve
What opens the mitral valve?
When the LV pressure dips below the LA pressure
Y descent
From the LA pressure dipping early in diastole, because the LA and LV effectively form a common diastolic chamber
What causes
1. S1
2. S2
heart sounds?
S1: atrioventricular valve closure (mitral and tricuspid)
S2: AV valve closure (aortic and pulmonary valves)
Ventricular systole is defined as…
The period of time between S1 and S2
What causes the abnormal heart sounds
- S3
- S4
S3: Occurs in early diastole in the presence of a volume overloaded ventricle. The rapid cessation of blood flow when atrial and ventricular pressures equilibrate causes a heart sound
S4: Occurs in late diastole from a pressure overloaded ventricle (extra pressure and volume from atria into a stiff ventricle causes a heart sound)
- Ejection click
2. Opening snap
- Can be heard with an abnormal opening of a semilunar valve
- Rheumatoid mitral valve stenosis
What happens to the pressures during inspiration
Both pulmonary and aortic pressures decrease
When you inspire, the volume of blood to the right heart increases because of the negative intrathoracic pressure
The time between M1 and T1, and A2 and P2 increase as well
Do the valves on the left or right side close first?
Left side
Because the right side has lower pressure
3 scenarios that cause murmurs
Increased flow through normal structures (anemia, pregnancy, high metabolic states)
Turbulent flow through narrow orifices (stenosis, regurgitation, shunt)
Flow into a larger distal chamber (aortic aneurysm)
When does the QRS complex occur?
At the end of diastole
Serves as the electrical signal for ventricular contraction
T wave
Late systolic event
LV relaxation