Superficial back muscles Flashcards
Superficial muscles: insertion and innervation
- scapula, clavical, humerus
- cranial nerve XI, spinal nerve via plexus
Intermediate muscles: insertion and innervation
- ribs distal to angle
- spinal nerves, anterior rami
Deep muscles: insertion and innervation
- vertebrae, skull, ribs (angle and proximal)
- spinal nerves, posterior rami
What are collections of nerve cell fibers entering or exiting the spinal cord?
spinal nerves
Where are motor neurons located? What do they form?
the ventral gray matter, ventral root
Where are sensory neurons located? What do they form?
dorsal root ganglia, dorsal root
Each spinal nerve divides into what?
a posterior ramus and an anterior ramus
When does a plexus form?
when the anterior rami of multiple spinal nerves combine
What is the path of cranial nerve XI?
enters the skull through the foramen magnum and then exits through the jugular foramen
What is the eleventh cranial nerve also called?
the spinal accessory nerve
Between the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius, what is superfical and vulnerable?
the accessory nerve (cranial nerve XI)
Most of the attachments of the superficial back muscles are on what?
Trapezius origin and insertion?
origin- superior nuchal line, external occipital protuberance, nuchal ligament, and SP of C7 to T12
insertion- laterla 1/3 of the clavicle and the acromion process and spine of the scapula
A standard clinical test for integrity of the accessory nerve is what?
elevated of the shoulder girdle against resistance
Latissiumus dorsi origin, insertion, innervation
origin- SP of T7-T12, ribs 9-12, thoracolumbar fascia, and iliac crest
insertion- floor of the intertubercular sulcus on the anterior humerus
innervation- toracodorsal nerve