Super Natural Flashcards
why was the theme of supernatural used?
James the 1st was fascinated by witches
Shakespeare wanted to conviene James the 1st that the theatre was good and entertaining so he wouldn’t shut them down
Jacobean audience also frightened of witches
Motifs of the supernatural
-Every time the witches appear - thunder and lightening (pathetic fallacy)
-predictions and visions - witches show Macbeth his future
When shall we three meet again in thunder lightening or in rain?
Witches speak in riddles and paradoxes
Trickery and manipulative
Rhyming couplets give the words of the witches a spell like sound
Pathetic fallacy - wether reflects when they appear
Fair is foul foul is fair
Witches speak in paradoxes and contradictions - things won’t be as they seem
Oxymoron- contradictory nature of the witches
All hail Macbeth thane of Glamis
all hail Macbeth thane of Cawdor
thou shalt be King here after
Witches prophecies what cause Macbeth’s hidden ambitions to be revealed to the audience
The witches aren’t the ones who tell Macbeth to do it they just give him the idea
Thou shall get kings, though thou be none
Banquos sons will become king
Means that macbeths rise to power will be pointless as it has been past on to banquos children not his own
Stay you imperfect speakers
Speak I charge you
Imperatives - commands the witches to say more
Reveals his hidden ambitions
Intrigued by the witches not scared
Have we eaten on the insane root
Warns Macbeth of the witches
Doesn’t believe anything that they say
What, can the devil speak true ?
Banquo refers to the witches as devils - creatures of hell and are evil
Witches second prophecy has come true
This Super natural soliciting cannot be ill cannot be good
Wants to stay truthful to the king but his ambition has gotten the better of him
Knows that it goes against the divine right of the kings
Unsex me here
Fill me with direst cruelty
Calls on those Evelio spirits to take away her womanly kindness that will prevent her from committing the crimes she has planned
I would not sleep
I dreamt last night of the three weird sisters
Has been troubled by the witches and has kept him up a night
Senses something is wrong
Scared of the witches unlike Macbeth
I think not of them
Has thought about the witches all the time and has planned to kill
Lies to banquo
A dagger of the mind a false creation
Dagger soliloquy
Can’t tell if it is real or imaginary
Guides him to kill Duncan
The ghost of banquo enters
Could be real might be hallucinating
Appeals to the Jacobean audience
Wayward son
Loves for his own ends not for you
Calls him their evil son
Macbeth doesn’t care for witchcraft only what it can do to help him
Plays on his hidden ambition
Something wicked this way comes
Macbeth has been taken over by evil
Macbeth Macbeth Macbeth
Reduces his status from before
Shows how low Macbeth has sunk
Apparition of am armed head
Beware Macduff
Foreshadows macbeths death as he is murdered by Macduff who chops off his head
Bloody child
For none of woman born shall harm Macbeth
Believes he is invincible and cannot be killed
Child crowned with a tree in his hand
Macbeth shall never vanquished be until great birnam wood to high dunsinane hill
Macbeth shan’t be defeated until the forest moves up to his castle
Believes he was ages left
A show of eight kings ghost of banquo following
Succession of the kings
Macbeth furious at the fact banquos descendent will become king
Juggling fiends
Macbeth calls the witches meddling creatures
The witches tricked him with the prophecies
Was his downfall caused by him or the witches ?
Win us with honest triffles
Banquo knows that the witches are trying to win them over so that they can do there evil deeds and trickery
The visions descend
Implying they come from hell
Out damn spot
Duncans blood she can’t wash your hands juxtaposes earlier when she says a little water clears us of this deed