Kingship And Loyalty - Flashcards
1) king Duncan is seen as a good king, he praises and rewards Macbeth for his bravery and loyalty in the battle giving him the title thane of Cawdor
2) macBeth knows the thoughts are wrong and they make him feel ill
3) Macbeth tests Banquo and he remains loyal
4) Tries to turn back on the plan with Lady Macbeth but is persuaded into doing it
5) Scotland falls to pieces as soon as king Duncan is murdered
6) God is angry divine rights have been broken Scotland is sick
7) Malcolm becomes the rightful king and order is restored in Scotland
Why what’s the theme loyalty and kingship used
Shakespeare wrote in Macbeth to flatter James the 1st
the divine rights of the king succession and natural order
Shakespeare makes it clear Macbeth has gained nothing by obtaining his treasonous crowd warning to any usurper
Relates to James the 1st as he was nearly assassinated in the gunpowder plot
Macbeth disrupt the natural order of succession- lots of a unnatural occurrences
Angels and heaven
peaceful sleep. For those who remained loyal to the king
Brave Macbeth
O valiant cousin worthy gentlemen
Macbeth is extremely loyal to the king and country and fights bravely against the Norwegians
Praised by the king
Duncan shown as a good king as he praises and only wants the best for his people
Unseamed him from the nave to the chaps
Violent language of battle
protective of the country
Fights bravely
Have we eaten on the insane root
Doesn’t believe the witches chooses to stay loyal to the king
Who is horrid image doth unfix my hair
The idea of killing Duncan frightens him
it would be going against the divine right of the King
Knows that it is wrong
Against the use of nature
If Macbeth kill Duncan he will forever be trapped in the supernatural world for his dishonourable actions
Against nature as it is against the divine rights
Will disrupt the whole country
Win us with honest trifles to betray in the deepest consequence
See through the trickery of the witches
Remains loyal to the king doesn’t want to betray him
He is a gentleman on whom I built an absolute trust
Irony as Macbeth will betray him to
Good King shows he has trust in most
That is a step / on which I must fall down or o’erleap
Succession and natural order of the kings
Is going against the divine rights and there fore against god
Return to plague the inventor
Vaulting ambition
Fears the consequences
knows that it is wrong and will upset the natural order
Changes his mind about killing the king
Will haunt him forever
Weeps bleeds and each new day a gash is added to her wounds
Scotland personified as being ill and weird occurrences happen after the king was killed
Natural order has been upset and Scotland has become sick
Kingdoms pearl
Malcom is a good king and makes all the Thanes into earls
This dead butcher and his fiend like queen
Cold hearted terrible people for going against the divine rights
Macduff labels them as this
With this former title greet Macbeth
Duncan perform his duties and instantly punishes the traitor and rewards Macbeth
Hath borne his faculties so meek
Plead like angels and trumpet tongued
Makes Duncan sound like baby Jesus
The heavens as troubled with man’s act
Macbeth has broken the divine rights of the king has gone against God and natural order
A falcon towering in her pride of place was by a mousing owl Hawked and killed
Duncan was strong and powerful and a good king but overthrown by someone terrible and unworthy
Play the humble host
Macbeth pretends to be good and plays an act
Fit to govern
When Macduff has found Malcolm Malcolm asks if Macbeth is fit to Govan doubting him as king
My thane and Kinsman henceforth be Earles
Malcolm is a good king and promotes all the thanes to earls