Ambition And Deception - Flashcards
1) the witches predictions have profound effects on Macbeth
2) Macbeths soliloquies show his hidden ambitions
3) lady Macbeth shows her ambition by planning and manipulating Macbeth into killing Duncan and telling him to hide his desires
4) Macbeth lies to banquo that he never thinks of the witches
5) manipulates the murders into killing banquo which removes his obstacle to becoming king
Hell and damnation
Evil - black and dark
Stay you imperfect speakers
Speak I charge you
Show macbeths hidden ambition as he wants to find out more and is intrigued
Not scared of the witches
Think upon what hath chanced and at more time
Influenced by what the witches have said and wants to speak more about it
Thinking of them in his head
Let light not see my black and deep desires
Dark hidden thoughts that he wants to be unloyal to the king
Wouldst not play false
Lady Macbeth already plotting but believes that Macbeth isn’t capable of lying however audience knows he is already having dark desires
Look like the innocent flower but with a serpent undert
Act innocent but be evil within
Hide the desires
It were done quickly
Macbeth is conflicted and sums up the pros and cons of what he is about to do
I think not of them
Lies to banquo saying that he never thinks of the witches
When you durst do it then you were a man
Lady Macbeth manipulates Macbeth into killing DUncan
Fruitless crown
Macbeths soliloquy shows that he sees banquo as a threat and he must remove him as an obstacle
In the catalogue you go for men
Convinces the murders to kill banquo and fleance by calling them cowardly
Be innocent in knowledge
Change in his behaviour no longer wants lady Macbeth involved
Capable of doing it by himself
My seated heart knock at my ribs
He’s scared of what he’s thinking
Prince of Cumberland this is a step on which I must fall down or else O erleap
Unhappy with Malcolm as next king cause him to think about killing Duncan
Two full of the milk of human kindness
Lady Macbeth believes he’s too kind to kill she calls on the evil spirits to unsex her and give her the power of a man
Fill me from Crown to toe top full of direst cruelty
Hungry for the Power so-called on the evil spirits
Vaulting ambition
Desires to be higher in the divine right of kings but knows that the ‘bloody instructions … return to plague the inventor’
You must kill both Banquo and his son Fleance
Macbeth is that ambitious that he killed his oldest friend
In the catalogue you go for men
Parallels Lady Macbeth
I conjure you by that which you profess tell me
Still insecure about his crown returns to the witches to find out how to protect his position
The castle of Macduff I will surprise
Macbeth goes to slaughter Macduff to protect his position but instead kills his innocent Family
Bring thou this fiend of Scotland myself within my sword length set him
Macduff wants to kill Macbeth to get revenge for his family