Summer High Frequency Vocab Flashcards
nox, noctis, f.
night; death
quod (conjunction)
because, the fact that;
pars, partis, f.
part, portion; side
demonstro, demonstrare, demonstravi, demonstratum
to show; to describe
ā (ab) + ablative
by, from, away from
degum, deesse, defying, defuturum
to be lacking
erro, errare, erravi, erratum
to wader, roam; to be mistaken
volvo, volvere, volvi, volutum
to tur, roll; to decree; to glide; to ponder
ferro, ferre, tuli, latum
to bring, carry; to wear; to report
spes, speī f.
hope, expectation
Belgae, -orum,
Belgians, Belgae
fama, fame, f.
report, rumor; saying
antrum, antri, n.
cave, cavern
ruo, ruere, rui, rutum
to rush, hurry; to fall down; to plow
sed (conj.)
mitto, mittere, misi, missum
to send
aliquis, aliqua, aliquid
someone, anyone, something
exercitus, exercitūs, m.
impetus, impetūs, m.
unda, undae, f.
wave; water, sea
ripa, ripa, f.
bank (of a river), shore
patria, patria, f.
homeland, native land, home
tendo, tendere, tetendi, tentum
to stretch, extend; to present; to aim
facio, facere, feci, factum
to make, do; to build, produce; to grant
iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussum
to order
inter (prep w/ acc)
between, among; during
hīc (adv.)
aura, aurae, f.
air, breeze; favor, light
subsidium, -ī, n.
reserve troops; aid, support
per (prep with acc.)
through, along; by; throughout
peto, potere, pettini, petitum
to look for, seek; to attack; to scan
oppugn, oppugnare, oppugnavi, oppugnatum
to attack
tantus, a, um
so great, such great; tantus.. - quantus as much as
himself, herself, itself, themselves; him, her, it
moveo, movere, movi, motum
to move, shake; to arouse, agitate
vīs, vīs, f.
force, violence; strength (pl.)
pugna, -ae, f.
fight, battle
arma, -orum, n. pl.
weapons, arms; utensils, equipment
Helvetius, a, um
fortis, fortis, forte
brave, strong, courageous
telum, teli, n.
spear, javelin
capio, capere, cepi, captum
to seize, take; consilium capere to
flamma flammae. f
fire, flame
permoveo, permovere, permovi, permotum
to agitate; to influence, move; to provoke; to rouse
nam (conj)
impero, imperare, imperavi, imperatum
to order, command (w/ acc. of the thing & dat. of the person)
caelum, caeli, n.
sky, heaven, weather
pater, patris, m.
father; ancestor
ille, illa, illud
that, those; the former; he, she, it
aspicio, aspicere, aspexi, aspectum
to look at, behold
Pono, ponere, posui, positum
to put, place
premo, premere, pressi, pressum
to press; to oppress
privatus, a, um
dē (prep w abl.)
down from, from; about, concerning; for
vallum, valli, n.
palisade of stake on top of an
interficio, interficere, interfeci, interfectum
to kill
priest, praestare, praestiti, praestitum
to fulfill, preform; to show, display; (w/ dat.) to surpass
sīc (adv.)
thus, in this way
genus, generis, n.
family, race; birth
deus, dei, m.
longus, a, um
Gallus, ī, m.
Gaul (inhabitant of Gaul)
et; et…et
and, both, also, even; both… and
provincia, -ae, f.
vulnus, vulneris, n.
wound, injury, blow
habeo, habere, habui, habitum
to have; to hold; to keep; to make (a speech)
annus, anni, m.
year; season
maxime (adv)
very greatly, in particular, especially
cereus, a, um
certain, fixed
mors, mortis, f.
etiam (Adv)
also; even
ipse, ipsa, ipsum
himself, herself, itself; myself
Magnus, a, um
great, large, huge; mighty; loud
is, ea, id
this; that; her, she, it
prelim, proeli
oppugnatio, oppugnationis, f.
ingens, (nom), inventais (gen)
huge, massive, exraordinary
moenia, moenium, n. pl.
walls, ramparts; structures
ius, iuris, n.
law; right; authority; justice; ius iurandum= oath
peto, potere, petivi/petii, petitum
to look for, see; to ask; to head for; to attack