Latin Idioms Flashcards
prīmum agmen
the front (of the advancing military)
rēs militarus
military service
nāven dēdūcere
to launch a ship
vītam agere
to live a life
sub monte
at the foot of the mountain
quam celerrimē
as quickly as possible
potestātem facere
to give an opportunity
grātiam referre
to show gratitude
vim facere
to use force
nōn nullī
plūrimum posse
to be very powerful
gratias agere
to thank
ōrātiōnem habēre
to deliver a speech
quā dē causā
for this reason
rēs gestae
deeds, achievements
rēs pūblica
government, state
verba facere
to speak
imperāta facere
to obey commands
in fugam dare
to put to flight
prīmā lūce
at dawn
nāvem solvere
to set sail
memoriā tenēre
to remember
pedibus īre
to walk
ā sinistrō cornū
on the left wing
nāvis onerāria
to transport ship
in mātrimōnium dūcere
to marry
inter sē dare
to exchange
proelium facere
to engage in battle
proelium committere
to begin or join a battle
bellum inferre
to make war
sē recipere
to retreat
bellum dūcere
to prolong the war
signa ferre
to advance
iter dare
to give the right of way
consilium capere
to form a plan
in fugal sēsē dare
to flee
in summō monte
on the top of the mountain
iter facere
to march
pedem referre
to retreat
graham habēre
to feel grateful
nōn iam
no longer
mīlle passus
a mile
viam munīre
to build a road
not even
in fugam conicere
to put to flight
causam dīcere
to plead a case
sōlis occāsū
at sunset
rēs frūmentāris
grain supply
certiōrem facere
to inform
nōn modo..sed etiam
not only..but also
quad prīmum
as soon as possible
castra pōnere
to pitch camp
castra movēre
to break camp
aegrē ferre
to be annoyed at
mūrum perdūcere
to construct a wall
sē referre
to go back, return
simul atque (ac)
as soon as
multā note
late at night
poem dāre
to pay the penalty
rēs novae
a revolution
inter sē dare
to exchange
rēs mīlitāris
military service
mīlle passus
a mile
in animō habēre
to intend
ā dextrō cornū
on the right wing