system blank (instrument blank)
des: not a simulated sample but a measure of instrument or system background response
Use: to establish baseline response of an analytical system in the sample
Solvent blank (calibration blank)
to detect & quantitate solvent impurities
the calibration standard correspond to zero analyte concentration
Use: consists only of the solvent used to dilute the sample
Reagent blank (Method blank)
To detect and quantitate contamination introduced during sample preparation and analysis
Contains all reagents used in sample preparation and analysis and is carried thru the complete analytical procedure
Match-matrix blank
To detect and quantitate contamination introduced during sample collection, handling storage, transport, preparation and analysis
Sampling media blank
To detect contamination associated with sampling media such as filters, traps, and sample bottles
consists of the sampling media used for sample collection
Equipment blank
To determine types of contaminants that may have been introduced through contact with sampling equipment; also to verify the effectiveness of cleaning procedures