Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations Flashcards
The main research question has been concisely
The overall argument has been summarized.
This is reflection on the aims, methods, and
results of the research.
Any important limitations have been
Relevant recommendations have been
The contributions of the research have been
clearly explained.
The contributions of the research have been
clearly explained.
The conclusion of a thesis or dissertation
should clearly answer the research question,
summarize, make recommendations, show
new knowledge, and be concise and engaging,
ensuring the reader understands the main
How to write a research conclusion
The conclusion in a thesis or dissertation
should be shorter and more general than the
discussion, summarizing the most important
insights without introducing new data,
interpretations, or arguments, and should be a
final impression of the research.
Discussion vs. Conclusion
The conclusion of a thesis should be 5-7% of
the overall word count, depending on the type
of study and the overall argument.
Length of the Conclusion
The conclusion of your thesis or dissertation
should address the main question and provide
a concise answer.
Answer the Research Question
Avoid repeating results but synthesize them
into a memorable takeaway.
Answer the Research Question
Reformulate your research aim into an overall
statement to avoid repetition and emphasize
the relationship between media discourse and
migration policy.
Answer the Research Question
The conclusion should reflect on the research
approach, expectations, and results, avoiding
repetition. It should consider the effectiveness
of the methodology, any new insights, and any
limitations, while focusing on the positive
aspects of the work.
Summarize and Reflect on the Research
In conclusion, elaborate on your research’s
implications for theory and practice.
Make Recommendations
Avoid exaggerating applicability and frame
recommendations as suggestions rather than
Make Recommendations
Avoid undermining your own work by not
requiring future studies to confirm or enrich
your conclusions.
Make Recommendations
Avoid undermining your own work by not
requiring future studies to confirm or enrich
your conclusions.
Make Recommendations
To effectively communicate your research,
focus on addressing the problem statement,
addressing gaps in knowledge, and confirming
or challenging existing theories.
Emphasize your contributions
Avoid repeating existing information and
provide a succinct overview to situate your
project in its broader context.
Emphasize your contributions
After writing the conclusion, wrap up your
thesis with the abstract, complete reference
list, bibliography, table of contents, and title
Finish your research
Double-check for clarity and proofread for any
language errors, ensuring your thesis is free
from errors.
Finish your research