Suit Of Wands Flashcards
Ace of Wands upright
Key words: Inspiration, New Opportunities, Growth, Potential, Venture, New Enterprise.
The pure potential of spirituality awaits you. Follow your heart and live your passion. Think of it as the match that starts whatever fire you want it to.
Ace of Wands reversed
Key words: An emerging Idea, Lack of Direction, Distractions, Delays, Indolence, Procrastination.
All of the creative but none of the focus to back it up. You’re just stuck.
Two of Wands upright
Key words: Accomplishment, Aspiration, Future Planning, Progress, Decisions, Discovery.
All of the creative energy of the Ace is now being put into plan, but you’re not ready to act, yet! Think on the world and plan, plan, plan.
Two of Wands reversed
Key words: Impatience, Haste, Rush, Personal Goals, Inner Alignment, Fear of the Unknown, Lack of Planning.
You are at a crossroads as the path forward isn’t so clear, take some time to align your inner self. Something got missed in the planning and you need to reevaluate, time to take a beat before you proceed.
Three of Wands upright
Key words: Progress, Expansion, Foresight, Overseas Opportunities, Validation, Productivity.
You are acting on your plan, on your passion, things are moving and shaking. Be bold and face the future.
Three of Wands reversed
Key words: Playing Small, Lack of Foresight, Unexpected Delays, Negligence, Careless, Mistakes, Setbacks.
The plan isn’t working, you’re just stuck. You not only dropped the ball but you then tripped over it.
Four of Wands upright
Key words: Celebration, Joy, Harmony, Relaxation, Homecoming, Prosperity, Concord, Familial Bliss.
It’s time to enjoy yourself, you have made some good strides lately and it’s time to take a moment and enjoy the music, flowers, and dancing.
Four of Wands reversed
Key words: Personal Celebration, Inner Harmony, Conflict with Others, Transition, Attunement, Harmony, Right of Passage
This can be celebration but on a personal level, something only celebrated by you. The shadow side speaks of disharmony, and conflict, or maybe just transition.
Five of Wands upright
Key words: Conflict, Disagreements, Competition, Tension, Diversity, Rivalry, Contention.
Everyone is fighting to be heard but no one is listening, and the moment you raise your voice you’ve lost. This could also be the spirit of competition, it calls on you to hone your skills so you are the best and the one that will be the victor.
Five of Wands reversed
Key words: Inner Conflict, Conflict Avoidance, Tension Release, Opportunity, Reconciliation.
Deciding the fight isn’t worth it, or that the conflict is within or is being avoided all together. It can also mean the conflict is being resolved.
Six of Wands upright
Key words: Success, Public Recognition, Progress, Self-Confidence, Victory, Tribute.
This is the recognition of all of the good things that are happening to you. Take the time to celebrate and take the praise, but be humble. You did the thing, celebrate!
Six of Wands reversed
Key words: Private Achievement, Personal Definition of Success, Fall From Grace, Egotism, Postponement, Pending Advancement.
Your achievement is private, and that’s a good thing. This could also mean a fall from social height or everything going to your head. Perhaps the achievement is now delayed, or you need to recognize that you fucked up and it’s time to figure out what to do now.
Seven of Wands upright
Key words: Challenge, Competition, Protection, Perseverance, Resistance, Opposition, Tenacity.
Conflict as people want to take what you have, but you have the will to stand your ground. You’ve drawn a line in the sand, and you’re not going to back down.
Seven of Wands reversed
Key words: Exhaustion, Giving-up, Overwhelmed, Indecision, Vulnerability, Lacking Confidence.
You’ve been overwhelmed by everyone and everything. The time is right to act rather that waiting for the right time to act. Time to be confident.
Eight of Wands upright
Key words: Movement, Faced Paced Change, Action, Alignment, Air Travel, Action, Vigor, Acceleration.
Conflict is done, time to got with flow, strike while the iron is hot, time to make a move, time to move forward.
Eight of Wands reversed
Key words: Delays, Frustration, Resisting Change, Internal Alignment, Regression, Rashness.
You misinterpreted the signs, it’s not time to move yet. Or you’re resisting the change, there are delays or frustration.
Nine of Wands upright
Key words: Reliance, Courage, Persistence, Test of faith, Boundaries, Defensive, Protective.
You’ve been wounded but you are standing your ground. It’s time to dig deep and set your boundaries and protect yourself.
Nine of Wands reversed
Key words: Inner resources, Struggle, Overwhelm, Paranoia, Exhaustion, Battle, Depletion.
You have been overwhelmed and are just being a doormat for everyone. You are exhausted, or maybe paranoid. If you build a fort but no one attacks you, are you just prepared or too guarded.
Ten of Wands upright
Key words: Burden, Extra Responsibility, Hard Work, Completion.
You are so overwhelmed that you can’t even see where you’re going, but it’s coming to an end. You are almost there.
Ten of Wands reversed.
Key words: Doing it all, Carrying the Burden, Delegation, Release, Accountability, Reassessment.
You are doing too much, it’s time to let the sticks go. To delegate and release. It’s time to figure out who is accountable for it all.
Page of Wands upright
Key words: Inspiration, Ideas, Discovery, Limitless Potential, Free Spirit, Motivated and Energetic.
Full of hope and a dreamer, the poet, so motivated and inspired about it all. Time to discover what’s ahead.
Page of Wands reversed
Key words: Newly Formed Ideas, Redirecting Energy, Self-limiting Beliefs, A Spiritual Path, Passivity, Inarticulate.
It’s time to redirect the energy as you’ve come across a few issues with your current path. Best to take the time to figure out what is hampering you and get around it.
Knight of Wands upright
Key words: Impetuous, Hotheaded, Competitive, Energy, Passion, Inspired Action, Adventure, Impulsiveness.
All of the passion meets all of the action, there can be some act first and ask questions later energy, but that might be how things get done.
Knight of Wands reversed.
Key words: Hesitation, Insecurity, Passion Project, Haste, Scattered Energy, Delays, Frustration.
All of the passion and all the drive has left you feeling like you don’t know where to put it all, you hesitate and are insecure.
Queen of Wands upright
Keywords: Courage, Confidence, Independence, Social Butterfly, Determination, Self Assured, Down to Earth.
Though love at it’s core. This inspires you to have courage and be confident, embrace the social.
Queen of Wands reversed
Key words: Self-respect, Self-confidence, Introverted, Re-establish Sense of Self, Capitulation, Yielding.
You maybe yielding to others or you might be so full of self respect and confidence that you let it all slide, maybe a bit more on the introverted side.
King of Wands upright
Key words: Natural-born Leader, Grand Visions, Long-term Success, Noble, Demanding.
You’re near the end of it all and about to stand up. You have everything that you need and should focus on the big picture.
King of Wands reversed
Key words: Poor Leadership, Aggressive Goals, High Expectations, Personal Direction, Tyranny, and Despotic.
Leadership needs some work, there’s gaslighting here. High expectations haven’t quite aligned.