Major Arcana Flashcards
The Fool Upright
Phrase: I am Going
Element: Air
Planet: Uranus
Key words: Beginnings, Innocence, Spontaneity, a Free Spirit, Clear Conscience
A time to be bold and take the jump and trust the universe will catch you. The fool represents the unlimited potential of it all and represents the journey of the Major Arcana. The innocent, guileless nature of the fool represents something without agenda or pretense. The one the king will listen to above all others. This is Sun Wu Kong, Robin Hood, and Puck.
The Fool Reversed
Key Words: Holding Back, Reckless, Risk taking, Vanity, Foolishness, Indiscretion, Inanity
The project is not ready yet, you might lack the tools. Took many risks are being taken, being reckless. Your “foolish” nature is being done in private and should be brought out. It’s about deliberate ignorance and obtuseness, it’s a call to wake up.
The Magician Upright
Saying: I am doing
Element: Earth or Air
Planet: Mercury
Key Words: Manifestation, Resourcefulness, Power, Inspired Action, Create Change, Adroitness, Construction.
I got this energy is the Magician, all the tools are at your disposal and you are in need of nothing. Find the difference between confidence and arrogance. When you have the spiritual connection to the what and why of your goals, focus intensely and perhaps one thing at a time.
The Magician Reversed
Key Words: Destruction, Bane, Untapped Potential, Manipulation, Poor Planning
The real potential is not being maximized or the power is being used for destructive purposes. Think of struggle on your path, remember his wand is not pointing towards the ground representing a focus on the material. This is power and swagger only for their own sake, think of the politician that is considered moral for the sake of power but is busted for prostitution.
The High Priestess Upright
Saying: I am knowing
Element: Water
Planet: The Moon
Key Words: Intuition Clairvoyance, Premonition, Perceptivity, Sacred Knowledge, The Unconscious Mind.
The card of Tarot readers and Wise People, the card to show there are hidden forces at play. Spiritual enlightenment, the vastness of all human emotion, your intuitive self. This is a calling to look within and as hard questions. This is the card of natural and spiritual laws
The High Priestess Reversed.
Key Words: Deceit, Duplicity, Hypocrisy, Secrets, Withdrawal and Silence, Disconnection with Intuition.
This represents secrets that are harmful. It could be gossip about you or that you are spreading. It can also mean that you are surrounded by so many other voices that you need to focus inwards in order to reconnect with your intuition.
The Empress Upright
Phrase: I am loving
Element: Earth
Planet: Venus
Key Words: Fertility, Beauty, Nature, Abundance, Creativity, Motherhood, Nurturing
A call to create beauty in your life, to connect through your 5 senses. Do it through connecting with the natural world outside. Lots of indication of love from the sensual to parental. Associated with the spring and all the nurturing that comes with the changing of the season. Also about standing up for yourself with love and compassion.
The Empress reversed
Key words: Omission, Barren, Lacuna, Creative Block, Dependance on Others.
Unable to connect to the life giving energy of the earth, so creative projects aren’t coming through. Comes with a feeling of not being loved, supported, or protected and is considered to represent those relationships are wearing thin. Associated with anxiety and vulnerability and a call to focus on yourself. Self love and acceptance are the key, look out for issues around body image, or overprotection instinct. Can have “Mean Girl” energy.
The Emperor Upright
Phrase: I am Directing
Element: Fire
Planet: Mars
Astrological: Ares
Key Words: Authority, Government, Paternity, Establishment, Structure.
The card of systems, where the chaos of the world is broken down into actionable parts of a plan bringing a sense of law and order. An iron will where all is under control and provided for as well as self mastery and represents having to be “that guy” to make the decision. Be precise, practical, and smart, this can represent a painful decision that is for the greater good.
The Emperor Reversed
Key Words: Passivity, Overthrow, Coup d’etat, Domination, Excessive Control, Inflexibility, Lack of Discipline.
Assess the role of power in your life, are you giving it up to people? Are you dominating others with it? Are you being to much of a bully? This is not the leader, this is the tyrant, someone who does it all for the sake of power. The card of racists and egomaniacs, so we must be proactive when it comes to our association with power.
The Hierophant Upright
Phrase: I am unlocking
Element: Earth
Planet: Venus
Astrological: Taurus
Key Words: Tradition, Conservatism, Institutionalism, Spiritual Wisdom, Conformity, Religious Beliefs
This card can mean learning things from a trusted source or advisor. Like the trickster gods, this help is to take concepts that we can’t wrap our heads around and make it more understandable. The teacher, archivist, or librarian, represents the good of conformity. This can also mean the conformity is being used to obscure something from the seeker or by the seeker but can also just be the conduit from you to what you wish to obtain. Can be the card of counseling, mentorship, etc.
The Hierophant reversed
Key words: Non-Conformity, Unorthodox, Bohemian, Existentialist, Personal Beliefs, Challenging the status quo, Freedom
You have all that you need to move forward along your path, you are self determining now. This can also represent people in that trusted position that violated that trust or the person who is right simply because they say so.
The Lovers upright
Phrase: I am focusing
Element: Air
Planet: Mercury
Astrological: Gemini
Key Words: Passion, Partnership, Primordial Choice, Ethics, Love, Harmony, Values Alignment, Choices
Represents a soul connection with someone, can be sexual, or friendship. After walking through the Hierophant you are naked and ready to make the choices that matter to you. There is a choice to be made that has ethical implications, as there are choices to be made with the head or the heart.
The Lovers reversed
Key words: Temptation, Interference, Discord, Moral Quandary, Self love, Misalignment of Values, Imbalance
Being out of touch with the person you are in a relationship with, be it one sided, no longer in love, not synced together. Can mean someone is meddling in your relationship, be it in law or full on cheating. This can also mean there’s a serious conversation that is needed. Can represent the kind of love where everything is so heavy and sticky, and no one ends up happy. Can also mean the love of self that is what you present to the world and its value.
The Chariot Upright
Phrase: I am driving
Element: Water
Planet: Moon
Astrological: Cancer
Key Words: Victory, Willpower, Jurisdiction, Control, Success, Action, Determination.
Once you have a set course, this is the card that shows the willpower to drive to your destination. You are at the end of the journey that is in the physical world and getting ready to turn inwards. Those that are pulling the chariot will do what are asked but they must be asked. Additionally, note there are no reins associated with the chariot as willpower is the reins needed.
The Chariot reversed
Key Words: Riot, Turbulence, Wrong Direction, Self-discipline, Lack of Direction, Opposition.
When things are going well, it might be time to back up and re-evaluate. Are you imposing your will too much on the situation, or could indication simply the wrong direction or lack of self-discipline. Focus on where your chariot is going as it might be moving forward but in circles going no where.
Strength upright
Phrase: I am graceful
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
Astrological: Leo
Key Words: Compassion, Force, Security, Fortitude, Strength, Courage, Persuasion, Influence.
This is the inner strength that is needed to conquer your fears through compassion. This is about persistence and composure, the need to take a breath and know that you can do it.
Strength Reversed
Key Words: Brute, Carnal, Obstinate, Obdurate, Low Energy, Raw Emotion, Self-doubt.
Check in with your inner-strength, are you depleted? You might be too emotionally or mentally burnt out and in need of some recharging. You might be letting the lion rule too much and you need to reconnect with that compassion. Or you are using your strength for the wrong purpose I.e., being bull headed or overbearing.
The Hermit upright
Phrase: I am thinking
Element: Earth,
Planet: Mercury
Astrological: Virgo
Key Words: Wisdom, Erudition, Mentorship, Soul-searching, Being Alone, Introspection, Inner Guidance.
This is the chance to step away from everything and turn inwards. This is about being alone, not lonely. This is about getting some space from it all so you can see your way forward.
The Hermit reversed
Key Words: Isolation, Loneliness, Withdrawal, Ignorance, Immaturity, Petulant.
When you are isolating yourself and being unhappy about it. When you are withdrawing because you’re sad and it’s becoming more of a habit. When you are not heeding the advice you should be, or when you are not connecting.
Wheel of Fortune upright
Phrase: I am Changing
Element: Fire
Planet: Jupiter
Key Words: Kismet, Destiny, Turning Point, Serendipity, Good luck, Karma, Life Cycles
This is about the turn of the wheel and how nothing is permanent and that sometimes you have to let go and ride it out. To issue too much control is to invite madness in, just remember it’ll all be okay.
Wheel of Fortune reversed
Key Words: Bad Luck, Resistance to Change, Breaking Cycles, Flux, Unrest, Misfortune, Mischance
The cycle turns towards the bad for a while, but it won’t be that way forever. This could also represent going against the flow and coming out the other side like a fish swimming upstream.
Justice upright
Phrase: I am balancing
Element: Air
Planet: Venus
Astrological: Libra
Key words: Equilibrium, Equity, Fairness, Legality, Justice, Truth, Cause and Effect
A decision needs to be made regarding an external issue and should be done so rationally and impartially. The balancing of the scales without any added emotion. Justice is about action, make a list of pros and cons, be a brain not a heart.
Justice reversed
Key words: Unfairness, Lack of Accountability, Dishonesty, Prejudice, Bias, Chauvinism, Injustice
The fair decision doesn’t feel fair and is best to be accepted. You may feel that you “dodged a bullet” and have not been accountable. Rather than an external issue, Justice has turned inward to the internal critic. This is unfairness, with all the emotion. It’s the “Because I said so” card.
The Hanged Man upright
Phrase: I am releasing
Element: Water
Planet: Neptune
Key Words: Self Sacrifice, Suspension, Prophecy, Grace, Pause, Surrender, Letting go, New Perspectives
When this card comes up it’s a reminder that sometimes you need to pause and surrender. Sometimes you don’t have a choice with the pause and you have to surrender. Perhaps you are being persecuted, but you are right, this is the archetype of the wounded healer. Surrender is an act of will, a part of the spiritual journey, a reminder that when the dog piling of life occurs it’s often hard to see what the actual issue is through all of the dust that’s been unearthed.
The Hanged Man reversed
Key words: Selfishness, Martyrdom, Persecution, Delays, Stalling, Indecision, Resistance
Rather than things being paused for you, do you need to put things on pause. This could also indicate that the pause is coming to an end or that you are thinking of yourself as a martyr. You could be the problem in your life despite the fact that is seems like everyone else is to blame.
Death upright
Phrase: I am weary
Element: Water
Planet: Mars & Pluto
Astrological: Scorpio
Key Words: Transformation, Suffering, Mortality, Endings, Change, Transition
The time has come to clear away the old for the new. A time of change and transition, a time to let go of unhealthy attachments. This can often be the Universe coming for you causing the change and it’s the warning to not resist but embrace that change.
Death reversed
Key words: Resistance to change, Personal Transformation, Inner Purging, Conclusion, Cessation, Denouement, Windup
You are stuck or resistant to the change that is coming. Or Rather than a public change you are undergoing a private one. This is the stagnancy of someone who is in their 40s and is still reliving the glory days of being in High School.
Temperance upright
Phrase: I am balancing
Element: Fire
Planet: Jupiter
Astrological: Sagittarius
Key words: Balance, Forbearance, Attunement, Moderation, Patience, Purpose.
Temperance is about internal balance and the middle path. It’s about the day to day balancing of emotions and exchange of consciousness from higher to lower forms and vice versa. This is a reminder to make sure you have balance in all areas of your life.
Temperance reversed
Key words: Excess, Overflow, Overindulgent, Imbalance, Self-healing, Re-alignment
There might have been a period of over indulgence where you need to apply the idea of temperance. There has been a period where you have been out of balance and you really need to realign. Rather than being balanced, you are imbalanced and have falling down. Too much of it all, best to focus on the physical.
The Devil upright
Phrase: I am choosing
Element: Earth
Planet: Saturn
Astrological: Capricorn
Key words: Bondage, Temptation, Seduction, Shadow self, Attachment, Addiction, Restriction
This card appears when dealing with the shadow self. The self gratification that you are taking in the short term that impacts your long term plans. The addiction that you are facing, which can even be in the short term romantic honeymoon phase of love. The Devil indicates this is a rather large pattern in your life that may take awhile to break. This is something that we are chained to but the chains are able to slip off if we work hard at it.
The Devil reversed
Key words: Defeat, Release, Severance, Realizing limiting Beliefs, Exploring Dark Thoughts, Detachment.
Hiding your darkest self from people or a time to confront you inner fears. Think of it as a time to level up but first you have to shed those things that aren’t serving you anymore, to break free of those chains. It is a call to remain vigilant against these forces as they will always be there and always looking for a way back in.
The Tower upright
Phrase: I am rebuilding
Element: Fire
Planet: Mars
Key words: Hubris, Sudden Fall, Ego, Catastrophe, Sudden Change, Upheaval, Chaos, Revelation, Awakening
A great change or shock to the system, it’s the downfall that comes from ego and hubris only to be humbled. Expect the unexpected, this is the lightening bolt of clarity that cuts through all of the bullshit. The external force that is coming in and crashing down on your life through losing a job, or loved one. This is the time to let the tower crumble and build a new one that has a better base.
The Tower reversed
Key words: Personal Transformation, Fear of change, Averting Disaster, Oppression, Cataclysm
While the upright has to do with the external, the reversed is internal. You are calling into question those things that need to be torn down and built anew. Can also mean that you are resisting the change or in denial. Can represent false accusation, can be the premonition before a big event (think car crash), this card deals in the illusion of it all. The perfect life but at what cost?
The Star upright
Phrase: I am hoping
Element: Air
Planet: Saturn & Uranus
Astrological: Aquarius
Key words: Hope, Optimism, Inspiration, Visionary, Faith, Purpose, Renewal, Spirituality
After the fall of the tower, the dust has cleared and there is new found hope. This is calm, stable, hopeful energy, a time to rest after so much turmoil. Feed the well with water and place it on the ground as well, with the soil.
The Star reversed
Key words: Pessimism, Negativity, Maladies, Caution: Health, Lack of Faith, Despair, Disconnection
There is no hope now, the tower landed on you and you have to work through the rubble to get out, but the light of the star is distant and you can’t see it currently. It’s cold and alone. Can be sickness or depression, it’s time to reach out and get help.
The Moon upright
Phrase: I am wary
Element: Water
Planet: Neptune & Jupiter
Astrological: Pisces
Key words: Reflection, Changes, Imagination, Illusion, Fear, Anxiety, Subconscious, Intuition.
Representing your fears and illusion, that which is in your mind. This has to do with your intuition and the path that is light dimly. This is the repressed consciousness, the action that animals take prior to natural disasters. It’s when you have a bad feeling about something and you are right, it’s best to trust it. This card is fear.
The Moon reversed
Key words: Inconsistency, Risk, Uncertainty, Confusion, Release of Fear, Repressed Emotions.
This can mean that you are dealing with the aftereffects of all of the fear, and anxiety of the upright moon, or that all of the uncertainty is there. This is about depression and all of the debilitating nature of it. This means the fear has currently won and it’s time to get help.
The Sun upright
Phrase: I am happy
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
Key words: Attainment, Glory, Majesty, Celebrity, Eminence, Positivity, Fun, Warmth, Success, Vitality
This is the joy, the light in the darkness, what gives you energy, what illuminates your path, coming out the difficult into the new and shinny. All out success, this fire burns away the darkness and you are a strong and capable fire dancer. It shows the cracks in everything and shows these cracks are beautiful.
The Sun reversed
Key words: Quintessence, Disorientation, Inner Child, Feeling Down, Overly Positive.
You are struggling to see the bright side of life. You have permission to slip off the shackles of adulthood and enjoy something. This could also mean that you are too positive, too optimistic. A temporary state of the blues as in a cloud over the sun or even the blinding nature of the sun for some.
Judgement upright
Phrase: I am seeing
Element: Fire or water
Planet: Pluto
Key words: Awakening, Epiphany, Spiritual Realization, Rebirth, Judgement, Rebirth, Inner Calling Absolution.
This is a spiritual calling to embrace the higher self, an awakening. This is the crossroads we are at to find our authentic path in life. Think of the Rapture, it’s about getting to that higher state.
Judgement reversed
Key words: Self-doubt, Inner Critic, Ignoring the Call, Misinterpretation, Misreckoning
A denial of the spiritual life, not heeding the call, too much self doubt or inner critic. The focus on the one negative thing that brings you down despite all the positive.
The World upright
Phrase: I am transforming
Element: Earth
Planet: Saturn
Key words: Fulfillment, Masterpiece, Completion, Consummation, Integration, Accomplishment, Travel.
This is the end of the journey when all is fulfilled and come to fruition. This is finding all the balance and coming to the end that is really just another place to begin again.
The World reversed
Key words: Seeking personal closure, Short-cuts, Delays, Unfulfilled, Hiatus, Agnosticism, Skeptic, Chagrin
There is a delay to the great ending, but it’s coming. Or maybe the realization is something more personal that does not have to do with the world but yourself, something that you have to deal with or accept. This can also mean that your life just continues on and on and is so bland that you need to work on the shake up.