Suetonius Section L - Translation Flashcards
tunc scrobem coram fieri imperavit
then he ordered a grave to be made in front of him
dimensus ad corporis sui modulum
(the correct size for his body)
lit. having measured it to the size of his body
componique simul, si qua invenirentur, frusta marmoris
and at the same time, [for] pieces of marble, (if any were) to be found, to be arranged
lit. if somehow there were
et aquam simul ac ligna conferri
and water and firewood to be brought together
curando mox cadaveri
for the immediate care of his corpse
flens ad singula atque identidem dictitans
weeping at each thing being done, he (kept on saying)
lit. repeated again and again
‘qualis artifex pereo’
‘what an artist, yet I perish’
ferrum iugulo adegit iuvante Epaphrodito a libellis
(with the help of Epaphroditus), his secretary, he drove a sword through his throat
lit. with Epaphroditus helping
semianimisque adhuc irrumpenti centurioni … respondit
[he was] still half-alive [when] he responded to a centurion [who], bursting in
paenula ad vulnus adposita in auxilium se venisse simulanti
(placed his cloak on the wound) pretending he had come to help
lit. with his cloak placed on the wound
non aliud [respondit] quam: ‘sero’ et: ‘haec est fides’
[saying] nothing other than: ‘too late’ and ‘this is loyalty’
Nero speaking
atque in ea voce defecit
in the midst of speaking, he died
extantibus rigentibusque oculis usque
with his eyes bulging and glazed
ad horrorem formidinemque visentium
to the horror and fear of those who saw him
nihil prius aut magis a comitibus exegerat
he had demanded beforehand nothing more from his companions
quam ne potestas cuiquam capitis sui fieret
than that (the chance of having his head) might not be given to anyone
lit. control [over] his head
ut quoquo modo totus cremaretur
that his body might be cremated whole by whatever means
permisit hoc Icelus, Galbae libertus
Icelus, Galba’s freedman, allowed this
non multo ante vinculis exolutus
[he had] not long before [been] freed from prison
in quae primo tumultu coniectus fuerat
into which he had been thrown (when the first revolt had broken out)
lit. in the first revolt