Suetonius Section J - Translation Flashcards
nuntiata etiam ceterorum exercituum defectione
(after a report of the revolt) of the rest of the armies (was brought to him)
lit. with the revolt … having been announced
litteras prandenti sibi redditas concerpsit
while he was eating breakfast, he ripped up the letters that had been received
sumpto a Locusta veneno
(he obtained poison from Locusta)
lit. poison having been received from Locusta
veneno … in auream pyxidem condito
(after he had hidden the poison in) a little golden box
lit. the poison [having been] placed in
transiit in hortos Servilianos
he crossed into the Gardens of Servilius
tribunos centurionesque praetorii de fugae societate temptavit
he urged the tribunes and the centurions of the praetorian guard (to escape with him)
lit. about escape as a group
partim tergiversantibus, partim aperte detrectantibus
(some were evasive, others openly refused)
lit. with some evasive and others openly refusing
uno vero etiam proclamante
(with one even declaring)
lit. one indeed even proclaiming
“usque adeone mori miserum est?”
“at this point, is it so wretched a thing to die?”
varie agitavit sed tandem obdormivit
he was greatly distressed but at last he fell asleep
sic cogitatione in posterum diem dilata
(so he put off his decision) until the following day
lit. in this way, the decision having been put off
ad mediam fere noctem excitatus
he woke at about midnight
ut comperit stationem militum recessisse
when he found that his bodyguard of soldiers had withdrawn
prosiluit e lecto misitque circum amicos
he jumped out of bed and sent [messages] around his friends
quia nihil a quoquam renuntiabatur
because nothing was heard back from anyone
ipse cum paucis hospitia singulorum adiit
he himself approached the lodgings of each of them with a few companions
verum clausis omnium foribus, respondente nullo
(however), with the doors of all of them closed and nobody answering
lit. indeed
in cubiculum rediit, unde iam et custodes diffugerant
he returned to his bedroom, from where by now his guards had scattered
direptis etiam stragulis, amota et pyxide veneni
even the bed linen had been plundered and the little box of posion removed
Spiculum murmillionem vel quemlibet alium percussorem … requisiit
he searched for Spiculus the gladiator or some other murderer
cuius manu periret
by whose hand he might perish
nemine reperto … inquit
having found no one he said
“ego … nec amicum habeo nec inimicum?”
“do I have neither a friend nor an enemy?”
procurritque, quasi praecipitaturus se in Tiberim
and he rushed forward as if he were going to throw himself into the Tiber