Suetonius Section C - Translation Flashcards
spectaculorum plurima et varia genera edidit
he gave a great many of different sorts of shows
iuvenales, circenses, scaenicos ludos, gladiatorium munus
youth games, chariot races at the Circus Maximus, stage plays, (a gladiatorial display)
lit. a show of gladiatorial [things]
iuvenalibus senes … recepit ad lusum
to the youth games he welcomed old men
quoque consulares anusque matronas
as well as men of consular rank, old ladies and married women
circensibus loca equiti secreta a ceteris tribuit
at the chariot races he set aside seats for the equites away from the rest of the people
commisit etiam camelorum quadrigas
he even raced chariots drawn by four camels
ludis, quos … susceptos appellari maximos voluit
at the games, which he wanted to be called ‘the greatest [ever] undertaken’
pro aeternitate imperii
for the sake of the permanence of his reign
plerique ludicras partes sustinuerunt
(most of the roles were taken on)
lit. many [people] took on stage parts
ex utroque ordine et sexu
by men and women of the senatorial and equestrian orders
lit. [people] from both ranks and sexes
notissimus eques Romanus elephanto supersidens
one very well-known Roman equestrian riding an elephant
per catadromum decucurrit
(entered) on a [sloping] tight-rope
lit. ran down [from it]
inducta Afrani togata, quae incendium inscribitur
(when he staged a Roman play by Afranius which was called The Fire)
lit. when a play by Afranius which was called The Fire had been staged
concessumque ut scaenici … sibi haberent
it was allowed for the actors to keep for themselves
ardentis domus supellectem diriperent
(the furniture which they had snatched from the burning house)
lit. to snatch the furniture of a burning house
sparsa et populo missilia omnium rerum per omnes dies
On every single day [on which there were games], (gifts of all sorts [were] scattered upon the crowd like missiles)
lit. presents of all sorts thrown by the Emperor [were] scattered on the people
singula cotidie milia avium cuiusque generis
every day [there were] 1,000 birds of different types
muliplex penus, tesserae frumentariae, vestis, aurum, argentum, gemmae, margaritae
numerous food parcels, tokens for grain, clothes, gold, silver, jewels, pearls
tabulae pictae, macipia, iumenta atque etiam mansuetae ferae, novissime naves, insulae, agri
paintings, slaves, pack animals and even tame wild beasts, finally [tokens for] ships, tenement buildings and land