Subtest 3 Flashcards
Biomechanical principles
center of gravity, application of force
moving a part of the body away from the axis or middle of the body
moving a part of the body towards the axis or middle of the body
sensorimotor stage
0-18m/2 learn diff between self and external world, object permanence
2-7 difficulty entering viewpoints of others, egocentric, learning to use words to label and order, begins process of symbol manipulation by using words for objects that are not present
concrete operational
7-11 can reason with concrete objectsin concrete situations, law of conservation, reversaibility, recognize other’s viewpoints, deductive logic
cosideration of 2 concepts or relationships at the same time
formal operation
11ish graps hypothesis of science experiments, abstract thought
moral development - kohlberg
3 levels of moral reasoning
kohlberg - preconventional
1st stage avoid wrong doing to avoid punishment, 2nd stage focus on fairness
kohlberg - conventional
focuses on what one is supposed to do, stage 3 children want to do what is right as defined by authority figures, stage 4 awareness expands to society and laws
kohlberg - 3rd level
5th stage principles underlying society’s laws and norms, 6th stage willing to disobey laws htey believe subvert moral principles
howard gardner
7 distinct intelligence, expanded to 8, linguistic, spacial, logical-mathematical, musical, intrapersonal, interpersonal, bodily-kinesthetic, naturalist,
behavior expectations - k-2
simple concrete rules, wait for their turn, sit at a table, need to be reminded of rules, do not understand reasons behind rules, memories not well developed
behavior expectations 3-5g
learning about fairness, understand reason behind rules, conventional stage moral, simple conflict resolution, increasingly accountable for behavior
behavior expecations 6-8g
fully responsible for behavior, mastering subtitlies of social etiquette
dance - space
immediate spherical area surrounding a dancer’s body, shape their space as they move
dance - time
formally measured in meter, or less formally in body rhythmes, duration, regular/irregular rhythm, tempo, phrasing, accent
dance - levels
series of horizontal planes rising, one above the other, ballet uses with leaps and lifts
music - rhythm
pattern of long and short beats in combination of stressed and unstressed beats
music - tempo
rate at which it moves
tune, succession of musical notes based on mathematical progressions of scale that resonate at different pitches
eriksen - initiative vs. guilt
kindergarden - children accepted are more likely to try new ideas, rejected become inhibited and guilty
eriksen - identity vs. inferiority
elementary - students accepted by their peers and who do well are more successful than those who do not feel good about themselves
eriksen - identity vs. identity confusion
middle school students who establish an identity and sense of direction and role experince an easier transition into adulthood that those who do no establish these roles
eriksen - intimacy vs. isolation
high school - student who have passed successfully through other stages will find it easier to establish relationship with opposite sex and transition into adulthood