Subset 1 Flashcards
Central Valley Project
Federal Water Project as a long term plan to effectively use water in CA’s central valley
Code of Hammurabi
The first known written legal code developed in ancient Babylonia, predated justinian code by about 2000 years. Presumption of innoscence, eye for an eye,
Democratic-Republican Party
One of the 1st 2 polical parties in US led by Jefferson and Madison; opposed the Federalist party and was strongly in favor of individual rights
Federalist papers
A series of articles written in 1787 by Hamilton, Madison, and John Jay to gain popular support of the then proposed constitution
Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts)
British reaction to the Boston tea party, included more rigid restrictions on colonial town meetings and other harsh penalties. Closing boston harbor, enforcing quartering, closing town hall meetings, trying british citizens in britain.
Ten Percent Plan
Plan created by Lincoln, carried out by Andrew Johnson stated a state could be readmitted to the union if 10% of former conferates in the state who had voted in the 1860 election vowed loyalty to the union
House of Burgesses
An early colonial attempt at representitive self-government (1619), first legislative assembly of the colonies
Articles of Confederation
The first constition of the US
townshend acts
the law the bostonians protested when soldiers fired on the mobs in the Boston Massacre. Taxed paper, glass, tea, etc.
Order of the Acts
Stamp, Declatory, Townshend, Boston Massacre
1763-1776 Tension Built
English Mercantile policy discouraged economic independence, colonial concepts of political and economic freedom, colonies used boycotts and other measures. Dec of independence stated the purposes for the colonial break with england.
Stamp Act
First direct tax to be levied on the american colonies, required multiple papers to bear a stamp. most affected businessmen, merchants, lawyers, etc.
Tea act
Aim was to prop failing EAst India Company who had an oversupply of tea. Was sold to colonists at low prices, but they were suspicious because the Townshend duties were still in place. thought this was to buy favor for those unpopular acts in plays. Also undercut business of local merchants
American Rev Chronological Order
Stamp act, townshend act, boston massacre, tea act, boston tea party, intolerable acts, british march on concord and lexington
American Rev - Colonists weaknesses
underequipped, whidespread oppoition to fiexed military terms
Articles of confederation
National government did not have power to regulate foreign trade, no court system, no independent taxing power, could not enforce national laws,
Divided federal and state power, seperation of powers, checks and balances, 3 branches, bill of rights
15th amendment
black americans right to vote
War of 1812
War fought between US and Great Britian over neutrality and impressment of US sailors, US victory resulted in national pride, self sufficiency, and foreign credibility
Whig Party
Favored strong national government
Reasons for Civil war
individual state rights, slavery, cotton, election of abraham lincoln as president
Civil war - north power
manpower, firepower, economic resources
civil war - south power
leadership, territory, over their freedom, more rural better with guns
Radical plan won over predentical plan. Treated the south like a conquered territory. Radical plan would have treated south with tolerance.
Plessy vs. ferguson
separate but equal
brown vs. board of education
outlawed racial segragation, overruled separate but equal
mayflower compact
first declaration of self-government in the new world
smallest sound unit of spoken language
sound sequences that convey meaning
study of the way sound functions in a language
phonological awareness
understanding that words are composed of sounds called phoemes. Also called phonemic awareness.
sentence structure
study of the way sounds, words, etc. are used to convey language
the social, physical, cultural context of language.
Milestones of language birth to 1 year
cooing then babbling
Milestones of language 1-2
holophrastic speech
Milestones of language 1.5-2.5
telegraphic speech, content words without affects or function words
Milestones of language 2-5y
emergent speech/grammar explosion
Milestones of language 5-7y
intermediate language fluency
Milestones of language 7-a
increasing fluency
Universal grammer
language acquistion device
metalinguistic awareness
extent children understand language as an object that can be mastered
metacognitive skills
knowing there are skills that can increase learning efficiency
stephen krashen
difference between traditional language learning - emphasis on studying rules and natural language acquistion, how young children learn
Spelling stages - pre-communicative
child is aware letters represent sounds, but unclear about actual correspondences
Spelling stages - semiphonetic
understand letter sound correspondence as a principle, grasp far from thorough
Spelling stages - phoentic
begin to systematically represent speech sound in a logical way
Spelling stages - transitional stage
Moves from a dependence on sound and phology to the use of visual memory and an understanding of word structure
Spelling stages - correct stage
learned the basics including exceptions
portuguese, first to circumnavigate the globe, died on journey
Sir Francis Drake
English, second to circumnaviagate globe
Jaques Cartier
French, traveled to canada looking for northwest passage, st. lawrence rivier, friendly relationships with Native America
Samuel de chaplain
mapped coastline from cape cod to nova scotia, foudned montreal
henry hudson
from dutch east india company, found mouth of hudson river, led to new amsterdam, fur trade
first caribbean then panama, pacific ocean through ismus of panama
conquered aztecs
peru, defeated inca with help of other tribes
mayflower compact
first declaration of self government in the new world
treaty of paris
1763, ordered french be removed from north america
Proclamation of `763
Forbade colonists to move west of the appalachians
sugar act
combined new taxes with greater enforcement of previous lawas
quartering act
forced colonists to host british soldiers
townshed act
tightened taxation and regulation