Paracetemol overdose
when does hepatic necrosis occur
· Risk of severe liver damage
o <150mg/kg = unlikely
o >250mg/kg = likely
Paracetemol is metabolised by an alternative pathway ==> NAPQI –> necrosis in live and kidney tubules
Often asymtomatic first 24 hrs or N+V
Hepatic necrosis develops after 24 hours –> RUQ pain and jaundice, encephalopathy
IVX: paracetemol levels 4 hours post ingestion
Bloods: INR, LFT and CK - U+Es, ABG
Management: times plasma paracetemol on nomogram IV acetlycycsteie (PARVOLEX)
Refer to ICU if fulminent liver failure
- transplant if PH <7.3
Opiate overdose
aka heroin or morphine
- analgesic and euphoric effect
- Withdrawal syx
- sweating
- runny nose
- yawning
- feeling hot and cold
- tremor
- dialated pupils
- screen for hep b,c + his
- detoxification 28 days inpatient
- methadone
(naloxone for overdose)
Aspirin overdose (salicyic acid) - used as blood thinner, pain and fever tx
- Moderate OD: between 300 and 500 mg/kg
- acute OD
tinnitus, hyperventilation, vomiting and double vision, drowsy, coma - chronic OD more common in elderly
IVX: Plasma salicylate concentrations
Take sample 2 hrs (for Sx pts) or 4 hrs (for unSx pts) following ingestion, ABG - mixed resp and metabolic acidosis
MANAGEMENT: oral activated charcoal
Alcohol intoxication + alcoholism
acute withdrawal signs?
live disease signs?
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome?
Clinical Features
Coarse tremor and tachycardia.
Liver diseasr: palmar erythema, gynaecomastia, spider naevi and jaundice
· Hepatomegaly (in chronic alcoholic liver disease the liver is shrunken).
· Ascites; gonadal atrophy.
· Atrial fibrillation and cardiomyopathy.
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (ataxia, confusion, ophthalmoplegia), amnesic problems, peripheral neuropathy and dementia
IVX: CAGE, FBC, thiamine levels
Management: community detox, benzos to prevent withdrawal, thiamine PABRINEX
Alcohol withdrawal
Problems ass with withdrawal can include: · Delirium tremens. · The Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. · Seizures. · Depression. · Polysubstance abuse. · Electrolyte disturbances. · Complications due to associated liver disease
–> 6-12 hours after alcohol has stopped = tremor, anxiety, sweating, insomnia, palpitations
–> 12-24 Alcoholic hallucinosis (can appear
o Includes visual, auditory ortactile hallucinations
–> 24-48 hours Withdrawal seizures
o Generalised tonic-clonic seizures.
—> 48-72 hours = Alcohol withdrawal delirium or ‘delirium tremens’
- altered mental state Hallucinations
- Confusion
- Delusions
- Severe agitation
TX: Chlordiazepoxide
Ivx: Assess severity of withdrawal, FBC, LFT, Clotting, ABG