**Cardiac Arrest
Adrenaline dose
- Most commonly occurs due to patients developing VF & is the most common cause of death following a MI. Patients are managed as per the ALS protocol with defibrillation
1) CPR 30:2 + 02, adrenaline every 3-5 mins
2) Assess Rhythm
- Shockable –> Shock (amidarone after 3 shocks)
1 in 10,000 adrenaline every 3-5 mins
- Return of spontaneous circulation –> A-E
- Non-Shockable (PEA/systole) Repeat CPR
**Myocardial Infarction
ECG changes
- CF: Chest pain radiating to arms, back or jaw – not relieved by GTN
Nausea + Vomiting +. Sweating, Acute Dyspnoea
Extreme distress
Atypical: epigastric or back pain (silent in elderly or diabetic)
. ECG (confirms Dx)
- First sign = peaked T wave then…
- ST elevation ≥1 mm (limb leads) ≥ 2mm (chest leads) – onset mins, lasts 2wks
1. Left anterior descending (LAD) – supplies anterior, left ventricle (V1-4)
2. Circumflex artery – supplies lateral of heart (I, AVL, V5-6)
3. Right coronary artery – supplies inferior of heart (II, III, AVF) → high risk of heart block
Blood: Troponin peaks at 12 hrs, CK increased
a) Coronary angiography + primary PCI
⇒ If presentation within 12 hrs of Sx onset and
⇒ If PCI can be delivered within 2hrs of when fibrinolysis could be given
OR if PCI not available = Fibrinolysis: Alteplase (or reteplase, streptokinase)
**Acute Coronary Syndrome
- A set of symptoms resulting from acute myocardial ischaemia. There are two groups:
Unstable angina and NSTEMI – not treated w/ thrombolysis
STEMI – must undergo reperfusion therapy on presentation
Common symptoms: Chest pain radiating to arms, back or jaw > 15 mins Acute dyspnoea Nausea, vomiting and sweating Haemodynamic instability
IMMEDIATE treatment for suspected ACS (MONA)
Morphine, Oxygen, GTN, Aspirin 300mg PO
ECG + blood markers (Trop T+I, CK)
**Acute Left Ventricular Failure
SYX: SOB (blood buildds into lungs)
Causes: infections, LV aneurysms & Left ventricular free wall rupture –>
Seen in 3% of MIs - occurs 1-2 weeks after. Present with acute heart failure secondary to cardiac tamponade (raised JVP, pulsus paradoxus, ↓BP, Ejection fraction, diminished heart sounds). Urgent pericardiocentesis and thoracotomy are required.
Ivx algorithm,
Stage 1: 140/90
Stage 2: 160/100
Stage 3: >180/110
Malignant: >200/120
RF: DM, obesity, salt, stress, conns, phaemochromocytoma
IVX: Ambulatory or home Bpm.
URGENT referral if BP >180/110 + pappiloedema, retinal haemorrage or suspected phaemochromocytoma
TX: Lifestype
Offer dx if level 1 and tried lifestyle
Under 55
1) A 2) A + C/D 3) A + C + D
Over 55 + afro carribean
1) C 2) C + A/D 3) C + A + D
4) = add a blocker or further diuretetic eg spironolactone
D = thiazide diuretic
**Chronic Cardiac Failure
Pump failure of L, R or Both sides of heart resulting in characteristic symptoms
Cause: Low output, increased pre-load or pump failure
SYSTOLIC: EF < 40%, ventricles cannot contract fully
DIASTOLIC: EF> 50% - ventricles cannt relax fully
LVF –> DYSPNOEA, orthopnoea, PND, nocturnal cough (pink frothy), weight loss, fatigue, basal creps, displaced apex. LEFT LOOP LUNG
RVF -> PERIPHERAL OEDEMA, calf swelling, ascites, N+Vm JVP, weight
CF: Poor exercise tolerance Confusion, Dizzy – cerebral Sx from ↓blood supply PMH – MI, AF, IHD, HTN, ascites Lungs - ↑RR, Cyanosis Heart - ↑HR, 3rd heart sound Limbs – Cachexia, muscle waste
IVX: ECG: axis deviation
BNP, CXR, bloods, urine dip
Treatment: - Pneumococcal vaccine - LOOP DIURETIC furosemide - B BLOCKER = bisoprolol (+ thiazaide diuretic)
**Deep Vein Thrombosis
Legs or Pelvis and can –> PE
RF: smoking, BMI > 30, cancer, VTE hx
CF: Limb pain and tenderness along line of DV
Swelling of calf or thigh, pitting oedema
Score >2 = likely –> D dimer test and proximal leg vein USS
Management: LMWH / fondaparinux 5 days at least (discuss long term) or warfarin
**Acute Limb Ishcaemia
- Due to embolus or thrombosis
Rapid onsent Syx • 6Ps o Pale o Pulseless o Painful o Paralysed o Paraesthetic o Perishinglycold • Onset of fixed mottling of skin implies irreversible changes
IVX: hand held doppler
bloods and ecg/echo/uss
Management: urgent admission, check for compartment syndrome, surgical emboletomy fogarty catheter, anticoag
**Superficial Thrombophlebitis
- Superficial vein (often long saphenous of leg) becomes inflamed and forms a clot within = Virchow’s triad = damage to blood vessel wall, stasis of blood flow; HYPERCOAGULABILITY of blood
RF: Obesity, Thrombophilia, Smoking, COCP, Preg, IVDU or IV infusion
CF: Erythema, swelling, tenderness. Septic = hard lump and fever
IVX: clinical (venography could aggravate conditon)
Mx: Elastic support, exericse, analgesia and LMWH + surgery if recurrent
**Cannula Related Phlebitis
- Septic phlebitis often with long term IV cannula or IVDU
- Local irritation at site
- Hard lump
- Fever, tachycardia, nausea + vomiting, ↓BP
**Complete heart block
aka 3rd degree
- Complete absence of AV conduction – none of the supraventricular impulses are conducted to the ventricles
- • Perfusing rhythm maintained by a junctional or ventricular escape rhythm
• Typically the patient will have severe bradycardia with independent atrial and ventricular rates ie AV disccociation
Cause: underlying ischaemic damage / drug induced
CF: dizziness, palpitations, sob, chest pain
IVx: ecg = complete dissociation of p waves from qrs
Acute: a-e, 02, Atropine
Chronic: pacemakers
**Postural Hypotension
drop 20 systolic
- Common in elderly
Cause: medications, hypovolaemia, autonomic neuropathy
CF: dizziness, blurred vision, syncope, palpitations
IVX: lying and standing BP
TX: review meds, lifestyle changes e.g stand slowly, stockings for legs, increase salt intake
mineralocoricodis e.g fludrocortisone !!!!
Stabile Angina
- Induced by effort, relieved by rest
- Radiate to arms, neck, jaw, teeth & N +V
Cause: atheroma
IVX: ECG- ST Depression + inverted T waves
stress echo
Management: GTN (Se flushing and headache)
- Ca channel blocker
- Aspirin
- Statins
CABG for revascularisation
Atrial Flutter
- (less common than AF)
- Re-entrant rhythm in L or R atrium causing endless loop (by over-riding SA node) →atria contract at high rate in flutter like rhythm (>300bpm often)
CF: Palpitations + chest pain Regularly irregular heart beat ● Can be regular, but always rapid ● Usually 150bpm (2:1 AV conduction) Dyspnoea, fatigue + dizzy Syncope HF – L or R
IVX: ECG - saw tooth, no p waves
CXR for HF and echo for structural
ACUTE Management: DC shock –> amiodarone, repeat shock –> amiodarone, vagal manouvres and adenosine to reduce tachy.
CHRONIC management: ablation, anticoagulate and amiodarone, atenolol for rate and pacemaker.
Atrial Fibrillation
- Disorganised electrical impulses
Causes: HF or IHD (common mid-early), MI (22%), HTN, PE, mitral valve disease, hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis) - Alcohol or caffeine induced
- Abnormal impulses typically originate at pulmonary veins
Types: Acute, Recurrent, Paroxysmal, persistent, permanent
CF: Dyspnoea Dizzy/syncope, Palpitations Fast, irregular pulse, Apex pulse is faster > radial pulse, Signs of LVF → Pulmonary oedema
Refer: HR > 150bpm ± ↓BP < 90
Severe symptoms: chest pain, syncope
PMHx of Stroke, MI, TIA
IVX: ECG (irregularly ireegular R-R and narrow QRS complexes, absent p waves)
Echo- atrial enlargement
Acute: Life threatening –> DC cardioversion or Chemical - Flecanide or Amiodarone if structureal abnormalities.
Acute: not threatening –> BB or digoxin if HF
Chronic: Rate control, Digoxin for sedentry patients or Diltiazem
+ rhythm control is still syx after rate controlled via amiodarone +felcanine + anticoagulant
- LA ablatation if drugs failed + consider LA appendage occulusion
CHA2DSVaSc stroke risk
Rx: stroke, bleed, mesenteric ischameia
Heart Block - all degrees
–> FIRST degree: Slow AV node conduction
- PR interval >200ms PROLONGED INTERVAL
-All atrial impulses conducted to ventricles
- Benign
Mobitz I: AV node conduction defect
Mobitz II: Conduction defect below AV node
- Degenerative: Lev’s disease = acquired complete heart block due to idiopathic fibrosis and calcification of the electrical conduction system
- Risk of progression to 3rd degree block
IVX: ECG + echo
Management: mobitz II atropine and pacing