**Cardiac Arrest
Adrenaline dose
- Most commonly occurs due to patients developing VF & is the most common cause of death following a MI. Patients are managed as per the ALS protocol with defibrillation
1) CPR 30:2 + 02, adrenaline every 3-5 mins
2) Assess Rhythm
- Shockable –> Shock (amidarone after 3 shocks)
1 in 10,000 adrenaline every 3-5 mins
- Return of spontaneous circulation –> A-E
- Non-Shockable (PEA/systole) Repeat CPR
**Myocardial Infarction
ECG changes
- CF: Chest pain radiating to arms, back or jaw – not relieved by GTN
Nausea + Vomiting +. Sweating, Acute Dyspnoea
Extreme distress
Atypical: epigastric or back pain (silent in elderly or diabetic)
. ECG (confirms Dx)
- First sign = peaked T wave then…
- ST elevation ≥1 mm (limb leads) ≥ 2mm (chest leads) – onset mins, lasts 2wks
1. Left anterior descending (LAD) – supplies anterior, left ventricle (V1-4)
2. Circumflex artery – supplies lateral of heart (I, AVL, V5-6)
3. Right coronary artery – supplies inferior of heart (II, III, AVF) → high risk of heart block
Blood: Troponin peaks at 12 hrs, CK increased
a) Coronary angiography + primary PCI
⇒ If presentation within 12 hrs of Sx onset and
⇒ If PCI can be delivered within 2hrs of when fibrinolysis could be given
OR if PCI not available = Fibrinolysis: Alteplase (or reteplase, streptokinase)
**Acute Coronary Syndrome
- A set of symptoms resulting from acute myocardial ischaemia. There are two groups:
Unstable angina and NSTEMI – not treated w/ thrombolysis
STEMI – must undergo reperfusion therapy on presentation
Common symptoms: Chest pain radiating to arms, back or jaw > 15 mins Acute dyspnoea Nausea, vomiting and sweating Haemodynamic instability
IMMEDIATE treatment for suspected ACS (MONA)
Morphine, Oxygen, GTN, Aspirin 300mg PO
ECG + blood markers (Trop T+I, CK)
**Acute Left Ventricular Failure
SYX: SOB (blood buildds into lungs)
Causes: infections, LV aneurysms & Left ventricular free wall rupture –>
Seen in 3% of MIs - occurs 1-2 weeks after. Present with acute heart failure secondary to cardiac tamponade (raised JVP, pulsus paradoxus, ↓BP, Ejection fraction, diminished heart sounds). Urgent pericardiocentesis and thoracotomy are required.
Ivx algorithm,
Stage 1: 140/90
Stage 2: 160/100
Stage 3: >180/110
Malignant: >200/120
RF: DM, obesity, salt, stress, conns, phaemochromocytoma
IVX: Ambulatory or home Bpm.
URGENT referral if BP >180/110 + pappiloedema, retinal haemorrage or suspected phaemochromocytoma
TX: Lifestype
Offer dx if level 1 and tried lifestyle
Under 55
1) A 2) A + C/D 3) A + C + D
Over 55 + afro carribean
1) C 2) C + A/D 3) C + A + D
4) = add a blocker or further diuretetic eg spironolactone
D = thiazide diuretic
**Chronic Cardiac Failure
Pump failure of L, R or Both sides of heart resulting in characteristic symptoms
Cause: Low output, increased pre-load or pump failure
SYSTOLIC: EF < 40%, ventricles cannot contract fully
DIASTOLIC: EF> 50% - ventricles cannt relax fully
LVF –> DYSPNOEA, orthopnoea, PND, nocturnal cough (pink frothy), weight loss, fatigue, basal creps, displaced apex. LEFT LOOP LUNG
RVF -> PERIPHERAL OEDEMA, calf swelling, ascites, N+Vm JVP, weight
CF: Poor exercise tolerance Confusion, Dizzy – cerebral Sx from ↓blood supply PMH – MI, AF, IHD, HTN, ascites Lungs - ↑RR, Cyanosis Heart - ↑HR, 3rd heart sound Limbs – Cachexia, muscle waste
IVX: ECG: axis deviation
BNP, CXR, bloods, urine dip
Treatment: - Pneumococcal vaccine - LOOP DIURETIC furosemide - B BLOCKER = bisoprolol (+ thiazaide diuretic)
**Deep Vein Thrombosis
Legs or Pelvis and can –> PE
RF: smoking, BMI > 30, cancer, VTE hx
CF: Limb pain and tenderness along line of DV
Swelling of calf or thigh, pitting oedema
Score >2 = likely –> D dimer test and proximal leg vein USS
Management: LMWH / fondaparinux 5 days at least (discuss long term) or warfarin
**Acute Limb Ishcaemia
- Due to embolus or thrombosis
Rapid onsent Syx • 6Ps o Pale o Pulseless o Painful o Paralysed o Paraesthetic o Perishinglycold • Onset of fixed mottling of skin implies irreversible changes
IVX: hand held doppler
bloods and ecg/echo/uss
Management: urgent admission, check for compartment syndrome, surgical emboletomy fogarty catheter, anticoag
**Superficial Thrombophlebitis
- Superficial vein (often long saphenous of leg) becomes inflamed and forms a clot within = Virchow’s triad = damage to blood vessel wall, stasis of blood flow; HYPERCOAGULABILITY of blood
RF: Obesity, Thrombophilia, Smoking, COCP, Preg, IVDU or IV infusion
CF: Erythema, swelling, tenderness. Septic = hard lump and fever
IVX: clinical (venography could aggravate conditon)
Mx: Elastic support, exericse, analgesia and LMWH + surgery if recurrent
**Cannula Related Phlebitis
- Septic phlebitis often with long term IV cannula or IVDU
- Local irritation at site
- Hard lump
- Fever, tachycardia, nausea + vomiting, ↓BP
**Complete heart block
aka 3rd degree
- Complete absence of AV conduction – none of the supraventricular impulses are conducted to the ventricles
- • Perfusing rhythm maintained by a junctional or ventricular escape rhythm
• Typically the patient will have severe bradycardia with independent atrial and ventricular rates ie AV disccociation
Cause: underlying ischaemic damage / drug induced
CF: dizziness, palpitations, sob, chest pain
IVx: ecg = complete dissociation of p waves from qrs
Acute: a-e, 02, Atropine
Chronic: pacemakers
**Postural Hypotension
drop 20 systolic
- Common in elderly
Cause: medications, hypovolaemia, autonomic neuropathy
CF: dizziness, blurred vision, syncope, palpitations
IVX: lying and standing BP
TX: review meds, lifestyle changes e.g stand slowly, stockings for legs, increase salt intake
mineralocoricodis e.g fludrocortisone !!!!
Stabile Angina
- Induced by effort, relieved by rest
- Radiate to arms, neck, jaw, teeth & N +V
Cause: atheroma
IVX: ECG- ST Depression + inverted T waves
stress echo
Management: GTN (Se flushing and headache)
- Ca channel blocker
- Aspirin
- Statins
CABG for revascularisation
Atrial Flutter
- (less common than AF)
- Re-entrant rhythm in L or R atrium causing endless loop (by over-riding SA node) →atria contract at high rate in flutter like rhythm (>300bpm often)
CF: Palpitations + chest pain Regularly irregular heart beat ● Can be regular, but always rapid ● Usually 150bpm (2:1 AV conduction) Dyspnoea, fatigue + dizzy Syncope HF – L or R
IVX: ECG - saw tooth, no p waves
CXR for HF and echo for structural
ACUTE Management: DC shock –> amiodarone, repeat shock –> amiodarone, vagal manouvres and adenosine to reduce tachy.
CHRONIC management: ablation, anticoagulate and amiodarone, atenolol for rate and pacemaker.
Atrial Fibrillation
- Disorganised electrical impulses
Causes: HF or IHD (common mid-early), MI (22%), HTN, PE, mitral valve disease, hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis) - Alcohol or caffeine induced
- Abnormal impulses typically originate at pulmonary veins
Types: Acute, Recurrent, Paroxysmal, persistent, permanent
CF: Dyspnoea Dizzy/syncope, Palpitations Fast, irregular pulse, Apex pulse is faster > radial pulse, Signs of LVF → Pulmonary oedema
Refer: HR > 150bpm ± ↓BP < 90
Severe symptoms: chest pain, syncope
PMHx of Stroke, MI, TIA
IVX: ECG (irregularly ireegular R-R and narrow QRS complexes, absent p waves)
Echo- atrial enlargement
Acute: Life threatening –> DC cardioversion or Chemical - Flecanide or Amiodarone if structureal abnormalities.
Acute: not threatening –> BB or digoxin if HF
Chronic: Rate control, Digoxin for sedentry patients or Diltiazem
+ rhythm control is still syx after rate controlled via amiodarone +felcanine + anticoagulant
- LA ablatation if drugs failed + consider LA appendage occulusion
CHA2DSVaSc stroke risk
Rx: stroke, bleed, mesenteric ischameia
Heart Block - all degrees
–> FIRST degree: Slow AV node conduction
- PR interval >200ms PROLONGED INTERVAL
-All atrial impulses conducted to ventricles
- Benign
Mobitz I: AV node conduction defect
Mobitz II: Conduction defect below AV node
- Degenerative: Lev’s disease = acquired complete heart block due to idiopathic fibrosis and calcification of the electrical conduction system
- Risk of progression to 3rd degree block
IVX: ECG + echo
Management: mobitz II atropine and pacing
Re-entrant supra- ventricular tachycardia
- SVT is usually paroxysmal and episodes may occur regularly or infrequently. They may last minutes or several months
Re-entrant tachycardias are due to abnormalities of impulse conduction
Cause: previous MI, mitral valve prolapse, congential heart disease, pericardiits
CF: Minimal symptoms or may present with syncope
Palpitations and light headedness which start and end abruptly
ECG –> pre excitation
Management: if haem unstable
1) valsalva and IV ADENOSINE
3) Synchronised Cardioversion
Example Wolf Parkinson White- delta wave (leading up)
Ventricular Tachycardia
CF: Palpitations, dizzy, SoB Tachycardia, Pallor
Worrying signs – hypotension, HF, MI, syncope, pulseless, chest pain
ECG: regular rhythm, broad complex tachy, absent p waves
IVX: bloods, U+E and CXR for HF
Management: - Pulseless VT or VF = defibrillation - With pulse: synchronised cardioversion and amiodarone A-E Implant cardioverter defirbillation
Complication: Torsades de points (QTc elongation, broad tachy- give IV mg)
Mitral regurgitation
Abnormal regurgitation of blood from left ventricle, into left atrium during systole
–> Primary
Degenerative – LV dilatation, annular calcification
Acute – papillary muscle rupture (MI), Inf endocarditis, trauma
Mitral valve prolapse (weakened chordae tendenae – mid systolic click, systolic murmur), ASD
Rheumatic fever (→leaflet fibrosis)
–> Secondary (functional)
LVF enlargement and remodelling (→abnormal valve function)
Cardiomyopathy, CAD
CF: SOBOE, cough, palpitations
Signs: displaced apex beat, RV heave, PANSYSTOLIC murmur at apex –> radiates to L axilla
Soft S1
IVX: Ecg broad P wave (left atrial enlargement)
CXR: enlarged left A +V
Management: control rate if fast AF + Anticoagulate. Repair or replace valve. Abx to prevent I endocarditis.
Aortic regurgitation
- • Caused by either problems with the aortic valve or aortic root, incl: o Bicuspid aortic valve o Rheumatic fever o Infective endocarditis o Collagen vascular diseases o Degenerative aortic valve disease
CF: exertional dyspnoea, orthopnoea, paroxysmal nocturan dyspnoea, angina, collapsing pulse
TX: anticoagulate
Infective endocarditis
aortic now most affected above mitral
- Intracardiac and systemic effects
Sterile fibril platelet vegetation is prerequisite
Acute IE - e.g invading organism or trauma
Subacute: bacterial clumps
Cause: S. viridens, S aureus
CF: FEVER + NEW MURMER ie until proven otherwise
Immune complex deposition: vasculitis, roth spots (retinal haemorrhage), splinter haemorrhage, oslers nodes, janeway lesions, arthritis
IVX: bloods, blood CULTURES
2 sets at different times 1 hour before abx. Urine dip, ECG and Echo
Major criteria:
o Positive blood culture:
- Typical organism in 2 separate cultures or
- Persistently +ve blood cultures eg 3, 12hrs apart
o A +ve serological tests for Q fever
o Endocardium involved:
- +ve echo (vegetations, abscess, new partial dehiscence of prosthetic valve)
- New valvular regurgitation (change in murmur not sufficient)
Minor criteria:
o Predisposition (cardiac lesions, IVDU)
o Fever >38°C
o Vascular/immunological signs
o +ve blood culture that do not meet major criteria
o +ve echo that does not meet major criteria
Diagnosis = 2 major + 1 minor; 1 major + 3 minor; all 5 minor
Management: 4-6 week course of iv ABX
maintain food oral health
Pulmonary Embolism
Score+ what number >
Fat, thrombosis, amniotic fluid or air embolus in pulmonary artery tree
RF: surgery, immobility, varicose veins, malignancy
CF: dyspnoea, pleuritic chest pain, dizziness, syncope, hypotension, pyrexia, tachy, raised JVP, dvt
IVX: bloods, d-dimer, ABG, CXR, ECG, CTPA !!!
Wells Score
- if likely (4+) to CTPA
Management: Large PE = o2, morphine, thrombolysis, heparin, compression stockings
Prevention: lmwh, stockings
true = all 3 layers wall
Localised abnormal dilatation of an artery due to weakness in the arterial wall
Cause: syphillis, infective, atheroclorosis, vasculitits
- Cerebral anurysms
Varicose Veins
- Long, torturous and dilated vein of superficial venous system. Due to incompetent valves – venous hypertension - dilatation
RF: pregnancy, FH, prolonged standing
CF: pain, cramps, oedema
IVX: auscultate for bruits, examine for ulcers, doppler US probes
Management: refer to specialist if pain or bleeding or thrombophlebitis, can have laser or endothelial ablation
Lose weight, walk, stockings
Chronic lower limb ischaemia
when is the pain?
Presence of ischaemic rest pain, and ischaemic lesions or gangrene objectively attributable to arterial occlusive disease
CF: Cramping - claudication distance relieved by rest, pain at rest (critical limb ischaemia), ulceration, absent pulses, 6 Ps
Ivx: exclude DM
CARDIO risk assessment
ABPI and duplex imaging
Management: stop smoking, exercise, antiplatelets, surgican reconstruction or amputation
Abdominal aortic aneuysm
Abdominal aortica aneurysms (50% bigger diameter)
Syx pain radiates to back, collapse, shock
IVX: fbc, ecg, exr, US, CT
- driving rules important
TX ruptured: VAsc surgeon and anaesthetist
Unruptured: monitor and elective if >5cm
2- Pericarditis
Inflammation of pericardium
Cause: Vrial (coxshachievirus), bacterial, rheumatological e.g sarcoidosis,
SYX: Chest pain, radiates to neck, aggravated by lying flat
- non-productive cough
chills, weakness, tachypnoea, fever
stage 1: concave st-segment elevation and t waves. As progress to stage 3: t wave inversion
Management; tx underlying cause, NSAIDS for 2 weeks and if recurrent then Colchine too
2- Pericardial effusions
Collection of fluid in the pericardial space- transudates or exudate.
Cause: infection, malignancy
SYX: chest pain, pericardial pain relieved by sitting, syncope, palpitation, SOB, cough --> Triad of pericardial tamponade o Hypotension o Muffled heart sounds o Jugular venous distention
IVX: bloods, troponin, echo, CXR, ECG, MRI, pericardial fluid aspiration for analysis
TX: pericardiocentesis
2- mesenteric ischamia
- Impaired blood transfusion to the intestine, bacterial translocation and systemic inflammatory response
- Caused by conditions causing arterial emboli
Syx: colicky poorly localised pain
IVX: abdo to rule out other causes
- angiograpphy gold standard
Management: resus with fluids and 02
- Thrombolytics and surgical angioplasty
- Bypass and resection of bowel if gangrene develop
2- Superior Vena Cava Thrombosis
- Malignant causes common and goitre, mediastrinal fibrosis, infection
SYX: dyspnoea, cough, chest pain at rest, dizziness, syncope
IVX: CXR, CT scan, doppler
TX: Corticosteroids dexamethasone 16mg with PPI cover
2- Cardiomyopathy
Heart muscle is structurally and functionally abnormal
1) Dialated
2) Hypertrophic
3) Restrictive
4) arrythmogenic
IVX: bloods, CXR, ECG
TX: implantable cardioverter defibrillates and ? heart transplant
- CHF (1)
- HTN controlled or uncontrolled (1)
- Age: > 65 (1) ≥ 75 (2)
- Diabetes mellitus (1)
- Stroke, TIA or thromboembolism (2)
- Vascular disease (1)
- Sex: Male (0) Female (1)
- Score ≥ 7 = 10% stroke risk (only add female gender as risk if there is at least another RF)
Give: NOAC, warfarin or aspirin
Bleed risk when on anticoagulant
HTN > 160 (1),
Abn renal + liver func (1-2), Stroke (1),
Bleeding (1),
Labile INRS (1),
Elderly >65 (1),
Drugs (anti-coag/plat, NSAIDs) or alcohol (1-2)
–> Calculates risk of bleeding with A/C treatment
Ventricular Fibrillation
RF: IHD, MI, hypoxia,
CF: chest pain, faigue, palpiations then sudden loss of responsiveness absent breathing and pulse
Management ALS - adrenaline 1:10,000 - amiodarone 300mg IV - CPR - shock if shockable
** Myocardial infarction
3 distinctive features:
- Resting angina
- New-onset severe angina
- Increasing angina – prev diagnosed angina, but more frequent, longer in duration, lower in threshold
ECG: T inversion, ST depression, Q waves
Bloods: raised trop and CK
TX: Coronary reperfusion therapy PCI if within 12 hrs, LBB or on going pain or
Metoclopramide, morphine, 02, gtn, aspirin, clopdigrel, heparin
Aftercare for STEMI OR NSTEMI
ABC'S Ace inhibitor Beta Blocker anti-Coagulant: aspirin and clopidogrel Statin
MI Complications:
what syndrome?
Cardiac arrest, Cardiogenic shock, CHF Tachyarrhythmias/ Bradyarrhtymias Pericarditis in first 48 hrs Mitrial regurg VSD, LV aneurysm , LV free wall rupture
-> Dresslers sydnrome (2-6 weeks post MI; autoimmune= fever, pericarditis, pleuritic pain and pericardial effusion)
Drugs side effects
K sparing
Ace: Postural hypotension, drug cough, dyspnoea, rash, increased K
ARB: Dizzy
CCB: Ankle oedema, headache, palpitaitions, nausea, dizzy
Thiazides: Hypokalaemia, headache, postural hypo
K sparing: = spironolactone Gynaecomastia, impotence, mesntrual irregulatirity
Mitral Stenosis
– Obstruction of mitral valve –> left atrial hypertrophy —> pulmonary congestion (LVF) → RVF
Cause: Calcification, rheumatic fever (infective endocarditis)
Signs: Dyspnoea, PND, malar flush on cheeks due to increase C02, RV HEAVE, AF common,
CXR: Left atrial enlargement, mitral valve calcification
Acute AF: GTN, BB or rate limiting CCB, mitral valve replacement, warfarin
PO penicillin if recurrent rheumatic fever
Aortic stenosis
Most frequent valvular heart disease
Tight valve - advanced from sclerosis
Cause: rheumatic heart disease, aging, congenital
CF: anginal, syncope, heart failure Triad
dizziness, LV heave, aortic thrill
IVX: ECG, CXR and see LVH, calcified aortic value,
Cardiac MRI
Management: early surgical intervetion and avoid exertion
TAVI - transcatheter aortic valve implantation
Heart Failure Treatment
ABAL - not abal with heart failure
LOOP DIURETIC - Furosemide