Subsequent Event
It is an event or transaction that occurs after the balance sheet date but before the financial statements are issued or are available to be issued.
Divided into Two Categories
- Recognized Subsequent Event (Exist at balance sheet date)
- Settlement of Litigation
- Loss on an Uncollectible Receivable - Unrecognised Subsequent Event (Does not exist at balance sheet date) must be disclosed
Subsequent Event Evaluation Period
FS filed with SEC - evaluate through the date that FS are issued
others - evaluate through the date that FS are available to issue
Reissuance of FS
should not recognise events that occurred btw the date the original FS were issued or available and the date that the FS were reissued unless required by GAAP
Revised Financial Statements
have been revised to correct an error or to reflect the retrospective application of US GAAP
not SEC filers - disclose in its revised FS the dates thru which subsequent events have been evaluated in both its issued/available to be issued FS and its revised FS.