Income From Continuing Operations
- Multi step Income (operating Revenues & Expenses
Non operating Revenues & Expenses and other G&L)
2.Single step Income
(total exp - total revenue)
Foreign Exchange Transactions
Direct Method - Domestic price of one unit of another currency (1 Euro = $ 1.47)
Indirect Method - Foreign price of one unit of domestic currency (0.68 euro =$1.00)
Comprehensive Income
is the change in equity
includes all changes in equity during a period except those resulting from investments by owners and distributions to owners
Pension Adjustment
- Certain G&L from defined benefit pension plan accounting must be recognised in OCI in the year the changes occurs.
- G&L are included in OCI until rec.g as pension exp on income statement
Unrealised G&L (Available for sale debt securities and hedges)
reported in OCI until securities are sold or until the CF associated with the hedged item are realized
1. unrealised holding G&L on available for sale debt securities
2. unrealised holding G&L that result from a debt security being tf into the available for sale category from HTM
3. subsequent Decreases / Increases in FV of available for sale debt securities prev written down as impaired
4.G/L on derivative instruments that are designated as cash flow hedges
5. For derivatives that are designated in qualifying hedging relationship
Foreign Currency Items
- Foreign Currency translation adjustments and G&L on foreign currency transactions that are designated as economic hedges of a net investment in foreign entity
-Foreign Currency translation adjustments remain in OCI until the sale/liquidation of the inv. in foreign entity
- G&L on intra-entity foreign currency transactions that are of a longterm investment nature, when the entities to the transaction are consolidated, are combined or accounted for by the equity method
Instrument Specific Credit Risk
For liabilities for which the FV option is elected, changes in FV that are attributable to instrument specific credit risk
Financial Statement Reporting
Single Statement Approach - displays OCI items individually and in total below Net Income Amt and totals them for CI
Two Statement Approach - displays CI as a separate statement that immediately follows the income statement