Subluxation Models - Main Notes Flashcards
What is the Qualifying feature of Intervertebral Subluxation
Partial Dislocation
What are some mechanisms involved in causing vertebral subluxations
- Postural stress
- Trauma
- IVD Degeneration
- Erosive arthritides and Autoimmune Conditions
- Infections
- Congenital and Developmental Factors
T or F
Scientific literature suggests Intervertebral subluxation is a common entity
______ is the branch of mechanics that deals with the equilibrium of bodies at rest or in motion with zero acceleration
Who was the developer of the basic and compensatory distortion model of the spine in chiropractic
Dr. Willard Carver
Vertebral segments at _____ and ______ of normal and compensatory curves under greater mechanical stress
apices and transitions
What are the most vulnerable areas if the apices and transitions are under the most mechanical stress?
Occ-C1-C2 C4 C7-T1 T7-T8 T12 L3 and Lumbosacral
** these areas are predisposed to injury and partial subluxation
What are some of the things that are thought to cause fixation/Hypomobility in the Biomechanical Model/Hypothesis?
1) Adhesion in Synovial Joints (Rahlman)
2) Meniscoid Entrapment (Lewit, Bogduk, Giles)
3) IVD Degeneration and Fragmentation (Cyriax, Sandoz)
4) Postural Muscle Hypertonicity (Korr)
5) Inflammation/Edema in Facet Joints
________ is a branch of mechanics that studies
with the relationship between the forces acting on a body and the changes they produce in the motion of the body
What is the concept of Compensation reactions and who thought of it?
Jirout, Kirkaldy-Willis
the concept that hypomobility in a motion segment leads to compensatory hypermobility elsewhere
What are Kapandji’s Ideas? What Subluxation Model do his ideas fall under?
Change in central axis of motion
What are Mennels Ideas? What subluxation model do his ideas fall under?
Loss of Joint end play
What are Suh, Plaugher et al’s ideas and what model do their ideas fit under?
Positional Dyskinesia
What does the 4 phase model of subluxation degeneration include?
Biomechanical effects of chronic uncorrected VSC and Biomechanical response to adjustments
What occurs in phase 1 of the 4 phase model of subluxation degeneration
Motility Aberrations are present, Bony Architecture is intact, there are initial soft tissue changes and if adjust the body will return to near normal with care in weeks to months
What occurs in phase 2 of the 4 phase model of subluxation degeneration
Phase 1 changes are present plus fibrosis, early osseous changes are seen on x-ray, disc bony outlines change and if adjusted the body will see significant improvements but long term care over several years is required to halt degeneration