Cord Compression Flashcards
T or F
Cervical subluxations cannot cause sufficient
neural canal stenosis to mechanically compress
the spinal cord, with subsequent injury and
neural dysfunction
they CAN
What part of the Spinal Cord is particularly sensitive to spinal cord compression? What is it responsible for?
Dorsal Column (kinesthesia, fine touch, fine pressure, vibration)
What are the symptoms of Myelopathy
Numbness & paresthesias
Transient paraplegia
Subluxations in upper cervical spine can cause stabilizing attachments of the ______________ to distort the
spinal cord by traction, affecting lateral columns
dentate ligaments
Subluxation effects may include mechanical stress on the ________ due to traction from spinal distortion or from
cervical muscle tension and connective tissue bridges
RCP Minor (Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor) has a tissue bridge between ____ and ______
C1 and Occiput
RCP Major (Rectus Capitis Posterior Major and OC Inferior (Oblique Capitis Inferior) have a tissue bridges between ____ and ____
C1 and C2
T or F
There Exists a Connective tissue bridge between Occiput and C1 which connects Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor
muscle and the dura mater at the level of the medulla
How are Cervical Subluxations and SIDS related?
Mechanical Irritation of the Cervical region may cause BRADYCARDIA which can lead to SIDS
What would you tell your patients regarding nerve and cord compression?
(sorry its long, take it or leave it)
- Slight misalignments and other distortions of the spine can cause narrowing or other changes in the pathways that nerves follow between the body and the brain
- This can lead to very sensitive portions of the spinal nerves or spinal cord or their protective coverings becoming squeezed, stretched, twisted, or irritated
- The damaged nerves or spinal cord then become unable to function normally, which disrupts communications between various parts of the nervous system and the body
- Normal alignment of the upper neck is very important, due to the vulnerability of the spinal cord which
passes through that area. - There is some evidence that upper neck misalignment can increase the risk of SID (Sudden Infant Death) in
some children.