Subjuntive Flashcards
How many subjects do you need?
What is the yo form of conducir?
What is the yo form of conocer?
What is the yo form of ofrecer?
What is the yo form of oír?
What is the yo form of parecer?
What is the yo form of traducir?
What is the yo form of traer?
What do car verbs like sacar and buscar change to?
Que (saque, saques, etc)
What do gar verbs like jugar and llegar change to?
Gue (juegue, juegues)
What do zar verbs like almorzar and empezar change to?
Ce (Almuerce, almuerces)
How do ar and er stem changers change?
They have their change in all forms except nosotros, where there is no change
(Piense, pienses, piense, pensemos)
How do ir stem changes change?
They have their change in all forms but the nosotros, where they only have a partial change
(Duerma vs durmamos)
What are the six irregular verbs?
Dar, estar, ir, saber, ser, hay (haber)
How is dar conjugated?
Dé, des, dé, demos, den
How does estar change?
Esté, estés, esté, estemos, estén
How does ir change?
Vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayan
How does saber change?
Sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepan
How does ser change?
Sea, seas, sea, seamos, sean
How does haber (hay) change?
When do we use subjunctive? (WEIRDO)
Will and influence Emotions Impersonal expressions Requests Doubt and denial Ojalá
How do you say “it’s urgent that”
Es urgente que
What is to advise?
What is to desire/to wish?