Subjunctive Flashcards
The teacher wants me to study the words
El profesor quiere que yo estudie las palabras
Mom advices me to sleep in my pajamas.
Mama me aconseja que duerma con pijamas
Have a good night
Que tengas buenas noches
I want John to help me
Quiero que Juan me ayude
It is important that we finish the homework
Es importante que nosotros terminemos la tarea
I may come back
Tal vez pueda volver
We are sorry you (form.) have to leave so soon
Lamentamos que tenga Usted que irse tan pronto
Gentelmen, the secretary says that she wants you all to talk to the lawyer tomorrow
Señores, la secretaria dice que ella quiere que ustedes hablen con el abogado mañana
The teacher wants us to turn in the homework
El maestro quiere que nosotros demos la tarea
They want Louisa to comb the girls’ hair
Ellos quieren que Louisa peine a las niñas
Enough with what you tell me
Basta con que tú me lo digas
You want us to pass by to see you
Quieres que pasemos a ver te
I want them to hear it
Quiero que lo escuchen
I prefer you write it in pencil
Prefiero que lo escribas con el lápiz
Armando doesn’t want the children to fall down on the floor
Armando no quiere que los niños caigan en el suelo
It’s necessary that you talk to him
Es preciso que le hables
Stand here at the assembly line until the break time
Quédese aqui en la cadena de montaje hasta que sea hora de descanso
Say what you’ve got to say to him
Dígale lo que tenga que decirle
Mr. Garcia, I hope that you can help him to do the work
Señor Garcia, yo espero que usted lo pueda ayudar a hacer el trabajo.
Mr Garcia, I hope that you can help him.
Señor Garcia, yo espero que usted pueda ayudarlo
Mary, do you want me to help you clean the house?
Maria, quieres que te ayude a limpiar la casa?
We need the document to be verified by the notary
Nosotros necesitamos que el documento sea autenticado por un notario
The boys want us to help them
Los muchachos quieren que nosotros los ayudemos
When you sell the house, you may have to pay the capital gain tax
Cuando usted venda la casa puede que tenga que pagar impuesto sobre el patrimonio
I want Marta to clean the house
Quiero que Marta limpie la casa
You will watch TV after Hugo comes back
Tú verás la televisión después que venga Hugo
Maria doesn’t think that the boy is hungry
Maria no piensa que el niño tenga hambre
Zola wants them to give a banana to the monkey
Zola quiere que ellos den un banana al mono
I want the iguana to fall into the trap
Yo quiero que la iguana caiga en la trampa
We want them to carry the boxes
Nosotros queremos que ellos carguen las cajas
Is there someone here who speaks Spanish?
Hay alguien aquí que hable español?
However late it may be, we will come by to see you
Por muy tarde que sea, pasaremos a verte.
It doesn’t matter if it’s from another country
No importa que sea de otro país
I hope that John can go to the museum with us.
Yo espero que Juan pueda ir al museo con nosotros
Without the teacher seeing me, I leave the school
Sin que el maestro me vea, yo salgo de la escuela
all sort of things
todo lo que uno pueda imaginarse
Lucia wants Julia to sleep in her bed
Lucia quiere que Julia duerma en su cama
Maria wants me to sleep on the couch
Maria quiere que yo duerma en el sofa
I hope that the gentlemen speak with the lawyer tomorrow
Yo espero que los senores hablen con el abogado mañana
It is necessary that you accompany him
Es menester que lo acompanes
Allow her to speak
Permitanle que ella hable
The secretary wants us to speak with the lawyer tomorrow
La secretaria quiere que hablemos con el abogado mañana
Even though he asks for candy, I will not give him any
Por más que el pida dulces, no le dare
Although I am hungry, I am not going to eat meat
Aunque yo tenga hambre, no puedo comer carne
I hope that Mary can give it to me
Espero que Maria me lo pueda dar
It’s a shame that Louis arrives sick
Es la pena que Louis llegue enfermo
Julio washes his hands before eating
Julio antes de que coma se lava las manos
Sarah doesn’t want the monkey to fall down the tree
Sarah no quiere que el mono caiga del árbol
I may camp this summer
Yo tal vez acampe este verano
It is necessary that you work
Es preciso que trabajes
Have a happy birthday
Que pases un feliz cumpleaños
Rafael comes for dinner as soon as his show is over
En cuanto termine su programa, viene a cenar
Pedro wants me to fall into the swimming pool
Pedro quiere que yo caiga en la piscina
I would like for you to come. Hope you come!
Me gustaría que vinieras. Ojalá vengas!
Do they arrive before you and Juana?
Llegan ellos antes de que lleguen tu y Juana?
It s necessary that you see it
Es necesario que lo veas
As soon as dad arrives home, he will watch tv
Apenas papa llegue a casa, el vera la television
I hope that Mary can find the medicine that you need
Espero que Maria pueda encontrar la medicina que tú necesitas
I hope that Mary can lend me the list of words
Espero que Maria me pueda prestar la lista de palabras
As long as Susana does her homework, I am happy
Mientras Susana haga la tarea, yo estoy feliz
I hope that she can go to the party with me on Friday
Espero que ella pueda ir a la fiesta conmigo el Viernes
I want (wish) a male servant, and a female servant, and a male secretary in whom I can trust
Deseo un criado y una criada y un secretario en quien pueda confiar
They eat before their grandpa leaves
Elos comen antes de que salga su abuelo
Your mother wants (wishes) that you talk to her
Tu madre desea que hables con ella
I want you to introduce them to Amelia
Quiero que tú los presentes a Amelia
I want you to go buy flowers
Quiero que tú vayas a comprar flores
Do you have any card with your address on it?
Tienes alguna tarjeta dónde este tu dirección?
Possibly mom buys shoes for the kids
Posiblemente mama compre los zapatos para los niños
I hope that Juan can buy the tickets tomorrow
Espero que Juan pueda comprar los boletos mañana
I hope that you have insurance
Espero que tengas seguro
Please, I get me the tomatoes that are as mature as possible
Por favor, pongame los tomates lo mas maduros que sea possible
You (from.) have to work. It is necessary that you work.
Usted tiene que trabajar. Es necesario que Usted trabaje
How is it possible that you don’t know it!
Como es possible que no lo sepas
Are you interested in a flat that has a garage attached?
Le interesa que el piso tenga plaza de garaje asociada?
Filip wants the rain to fall on his face
Filip quiere que la lluvia caiga en su rostro
It isn’t good that you walk out in a robe when there are visitors
No esta bien que salgas en bata cuando hay visitas
Do you want me to be a witness?
Quiere que sea testigo?
Juan says that he hopes that I can go to the library with him
Juan dice que el espera que yo pueda ir a la biblioteca con el
I hope that all goes well with you.
Que te vaya bien
Silvia wants us to eat a cake
Silvia quiere que comamos el pastel
It’s ridiculous that we cannot go out
Es absurdo que no podamos salir
It is urgent that you furnish the apartment
Es urgente que tu amuebles el piso
Mary says that she hopes that I can help her
Maria dice que ella espera que yo pueda ayudarla
Mom wants her baby to sleep in a crib
Mama quiere que el bebe duerma en la cuna
Have a great trip
Que tengas un viaje divertido
Would you like me to book a rental car for you to pick up at the airport?
Desea que le reserve un coche de alquiler para recoger en el aeropuerto?
the professor expects me to speak a lot
La profesora espera que yo hable mucho
It’s unfair that you fail the exam
Es injusto que tu pierdas el examen
I need an envelope before I can send this letter
Necesito un sobre antes de que pueda mandar la carta
He wants you to sit in this seat
El quiere que te sientes en esta silla
I don’t believe he has the money
No creo que el tenga el dinero
In Spain it is very typical that people have flowers in their homes
En Espana es muy característico que la gente tenga flores en las casas
To Marta it doesn’t seem ok that Juan sells shoes
A Marta no le parece bien que Juan venda los zapatos
Could someone who speaks English help me?
Podría ayudarme alguien que hable Ingles?
I want the guide to speak slowly
Quiero que el guia hable despacio
They don’t want us to smoke anymore
Ellos quieren que no fumemos mas
Señor Garcia, do you want us to help you?
Señor Garcia, quiere Usted que le ayudemos?
Raul wants the actress to kiss Ricardo on the cheek
Raul quiere que la actriz de un beso en la mejilla a Ricardo
He wants you to work more
El quiere que trabajes mas
Provided that I have time, I will pass by to visit you
Con tal de que tenga tiempo, pasare a visitarte
Hi Maribel! Would you feel like (fancy) having lunch together?
Hola Maribel! Te apetece que comamos juntas?
He wants you to get dressed
El quiere que te vistas
As soon as it is possible, we will rent it
En cuanto sea posible lo alquilaremos
Marcos wants me to wash the dishes
Marco quiere que yo lave los platos
I hope you can stay for lunch
Espero que pueda quedarse a almorzar
It’s good that you leave him alone
Es bueno que lo dejes solo
It doesn’t surprise me that Carla is successful
No me sorprende que Carla tenga éxito
I want them to tell him what happened
Quiero que le cuenten lo que paso
I hope that I am going to see it!
Ojalá vaya a ver lo!
I don’t think that it interests him
No crea que ese lo interese
Mr Garcia, Juan wants you to help him
Señor Garcia, Juan quiere que usted lo ayude
Ramon and Jamie will play football as soon as they a ball
Ramon y Jaime jugaran futbol en cuanto tengan una pelota
I beg you not to talk about this issue to anyone
Te suplico que no hables de este asunto con nadie
They want the children to go with them
Ellos quieren que los niños vayan con ellos
I want Louis to give the tie to dad
Quiero que Louis de la corbata a papa
I am looking for a secretary who speaks Spanish
Estoy buscando una secretaria que hable español
Marcos doubts that the gardner works today
Marcos duda que el jardinero trabaje hoy
Sit down! I want you to sit down.
Siéntate! Quiero que te sientes
Whenever he has nothing to do, he is going to accompany you
Siempre que no tenga nada que hacer, te va a acompanar
Who has your key? Maybe Juan has it? I have to have my key.
Quien tiene tu llave? Tal vez Juan la tenga? Tengo que tener mi llave
Louis brought a ball for the cat to play
Louis trajo una pelota para que el gato juege
It is probable that Lucia cooks a cake
Probablemente Lucia cocine un pastel
Although he has the money, he is not going to buy a car
Aunque tenga dinero, no va a comprarse un coche
Hopefully you have time!
Ojala tengas tiempo!
Alicia wants us to sleep on the beach
Alicia quiere que durmamos en la playa
You want me to watch TV
Tu quieres que yo vea la television
Oscar want me to give the girl a book
Oscar quiere que yo de un libro a la niña
I am going to talk to him before we leave
Le voy a hablar antes de que salgamos
He wants you to walk a little
Quiere que andes un poco
I want him to sell her a stamp
Quiero que le venda un sello
Carlos doesn’t believe that Louis understands the movie
Carlos no cree que Louis comprenda la película
I ask you (form) to buy a gift
Le pido que compre un regalo
Maybe Maria has a lot to do
Quizás Maria tenga mucho quehacer
Sylvia wants me to buy milk
Sylvia quiere que yo compre la leche
I want Juan to help me to clean the house
Yo quiero que Juan me ayude a limpiar la casa
I want you to make a grill for dinner
Yo quiero que hagas un asado para cenar
Perhaps Louis comes home
Quizá Louis venga a casa
Do you want me to make a cake?
Tu quieres que yo haga un pastel?
I hope that John can lend her the money that she needs
Espero que Juan le pueda prestar el dinero que ella necesita
I want you to explain it to me
Quiero que me expliques eso
I want him to have dinner with us
Quiero que venga a cenar con nosotros
Mario might do his math homework
Mario tal vez haga la tarea de matemática
Eat as soon as you can so that you can go and play
Tan pronto como tu puedas come, para ir a jugar
I don’t believe that Juan can go to the beach this week
No creo que Juan pueda ir a la playa esta semana
I want him to change the oil
Yo quiere que le cambie el aceite
I hope everything will turn out ok
Ojala todo salga bien
Dad gave you money to buy books
Papa te dio dinero para que compres los libros
Roberto want you to give a card to Carmen
Roberto quiere que tu des un tarjeta a Carmen
Ramiro wants them to sleep in a hotel
Ramiro quiere que ellos duerman en el hotel
I want us to wait for him ten more minutes
Quiero que lo esperemos diez minutos mas