Eating Flashcards
I like to eat apples.
Me gusta comer manzanas.
I feel like having a roast beef sandwich.
Tengo ganas de comer un sándwich de rosbif.
We’re going to have spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.
Vamos a comer espagueti con albóndigas para la cena.
I don’t want to eat right now. I am not hungry.
No quiero comer ahora mismo. No tengo hambre.
They had lunch quickly because they had a meeting at 1pm
Comieron el almuerzo rápido porque tenían una reunión a la 1 en la tarde.
We had dinner at a new Mexican restaurant.
Comimos la cena en un restaurante mexicano nuevo.
To be hungry
Tener hambre
I’m hungry but I don’t know what I want to eat.
Tengo hambre pero no sé qué quiero comer.
El desayuno
Many say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Muchos dicen que el desayuno es la comida más importante del día.
To eat breakfast.
My husband and I have breakfast together every day.
Mi esposo y yo desayunamos juntos todos los días.
I usually have eggs and toast for breakfast.
Suelo desayunar huevos y pan tostado.
To eat lunch
I’m going to have lunch with my boyfriend at the Mexican restaurant.
Voy a almorzar con mi novio en el restaurante mexicano.
Food, meal
La comida
Her favorite food is macaroni and cheese.
Su comida preferida es macarrones con queso.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
El desayuno es la comida más importante del día.
La cena
I have prepared fish for dinner.
He preparado pescado para la cena.
I’ll go for a walk after dinner.
Después de la cena me gusta dar un paseo.
To have (eat) dinner
He invited me to have dinner with his family.
Me invitó a cenar con su familia.
I am finally going to have dinner with him.
Por fin voy a cenar con él.
El mantel
The waiter put clean tablecloths on all the café tables.
El mesero pudo manteles limpios en todas las mesas del café
La servilleta
I used a napkin to clean the sauce off my face.
Usé una servilleta para limpiar la salsa de mi cara.
A Glass
El vaso
Which glasses shall we use for dinner?
Cuáles vasos usamos para la cena?
A wine glass ( with stem)
La copa
We need some more wine glasses so everyone can try the wine.
Necesitamos más copas para que todos prueben el vino.
Shot glass
La copita
Bartender, a glass for my friend here.
Barman, una copita para mi amigo aquí.
The kids drank a glass of milk before going to bed.
Los niños bebieron un vaso de leche antes de irse a la cama.
They enjoyed a glass of fine wine with their dinner.
Disfrutaron una copa de vino fino con la cena.
A small cup used with saucer, a mug
La taza
They invited us to have a cup of tea.
Nos invitaron a tomar una taza de té.
I dropped the mug and it broke.
Se me cayó la taza y se rompió.
Please put my coffee in the blue mug.
Por favor sirve mi café en la taza azul.
Plate (dinner)
El plato
We went to buy plates and glasses.
Fuimos a comprar platos y vasos.
I ate a plate of macaroni and cheese.
Comí un plato de macarrones con queso.
El cuchillo
He set the table with plates, forks, knives and spoons.
Él puso la mesa con platos, tenedores, cuchillos y cucharas.
This is a special knife for slicing tomatoes.
Este es un cuchillo especial para cortar tomates.
Don’t forget to bring your pocket knife on the camping trip.
No te olvides de traer tu navaja cuando acampemos.
El tenedor
I prefer to eat cake with a fork and not a spoon.
Prefiero comer el pastel con un tenedor y no una cuchara.
Can I have a fork instead of chopsticks, please?
Me trae un tenedor en lugar de palillos, por favor?
A spoon
La cuchara
We brought forks and knives to the picnic but we forgot the spoons.
Trajimos tenedores y cuchillos al picnic pero se nos olvidaron las cucharas.
A teaspoon
La cucharilla
Small spoon
Do you prefer a small spoon or a soup spoon for eating cereal?
Prefieres una cucharita o una cuchara para comer cereal?
This knife doesn’t cut.
Este cuchillo no corta.
The typical paella is eaten with a wooden spoon.
La paella típica se come con cuchara de madera.
A drink
La bebida
His favorite drink is Dr. Pepper without ice
Su bebida preferida es el Dr. Pepper sin hielo.
To drink
Tomar, beber
To eat
Drink (with alcohol)
El trago
We took a drink of wine to celebrate the New Year.
Tomamos un trago de vino para celebrar un Año Nuevo.
A sip, a gulp
El trago
This rum is delicious. Do you want to try a sip?
Este ron está buenísimo. Quieres probar un trago?
He took an enormous gulp of lemonade because he was so thirsty.
Tomo un trago enorme de limonada porque tenía mucha sed.
Before dinner we went that bar for some drinks.
Antes de la cena fuimos a aquel bar para tomar unos tragos.
I am dying of thirst.
Estoy muerta de sed.
I am boiling water for tea.
Estoy hirviendo agua para el té
I looked my tea hot.
Me gusta el té caliente.
To chew
You are not chewing, you are only swallowing.
Tú no masticas, solo tragas.
A toothpick
El palillo de dientes
Fish has a lot of nutritional value.
El pescado tiene mucho alimento
Food, nourishment
El alimento
Eat, nourish oneself
Many people eat an improper diet
Mucha gente se alimenta mal.
My grandmother is supposed to drink only decaffeinated coffee
Mi abuela solo debe tomar café descafeinado
Herbal tea
La infusión
Do you want me to make you some herbal tea?
Quieres que te prepare una infusión?
Could you bring me a knife? I need to cut up the steak.
Me podría traer un cuchillo? Necesito cortar el filete.
To sweeten my tea, I add a teaspoon of honey.
Para endulzar el té, agrego una cucharadita de miel