Subjective and objective pronouns Flashcards
from my nepali dictionary
Subjective pronouns (present/future & past) (present and future are the same)
i = you = (younger/peer - older/unfamiliar - respect) he = (younger/peer - older/unfamiliar) she = (younger/peer - older/unfamiliar) we = they = (younger/peer - older/unfamiliar) it =
Subjective pronouns (present/future & past) (present and future are the same)
i = ma / maile you = timi/timile - tapai/tapaile - hajur/hajurle he = uh/usle - uha/uhale she = uni/unle - uha/uhale we = hami/hamile they = tiniharu/tiniharule - uhaharu/uhaharule it = yo/yasle
Objective pronouns
me = you = (younger/peer - older/unfamiliar - respect) him = (younger/peer - older/unfamiliar) her = (younger/peer - older/unfamiliar) us = them = (younger/peer - older/unfamiliar) it =
Objective pronouns
me = malaai you = timilai / tapailai / hajurlai him = uslai / uhalai her = unlai / uhalai us = hamilai them = tiniharulai / uhaharulai it = yaslai
i will do
ma garchhu
i did
maile gare
i will go / i am going
ma janchhu
i will come / i am coming
ma aunchhu
i came
maile aunu bhaiyo
i will eat / i am eating
ma khannu
i ate
maile khannu bhaiyo
we bought a house
hamile ghar kinyau
you cooked rice
timile bhat pakayau
they had tea
tiniharule chiya khae
he sold his house
usle aphno ghar bechyo
it gave sting to me
yasle malai tokyo
please give me a glass of water
malai ek gilas pani dinus
please give us tea
hamilai chiya dinus
he called you
usle timilai bolayo
he called them (younger or peer)
usle tiniharulai bolayo
he called them (older / respect)
usle uhaharulai bolayo
she called him (younger/peer)
unle uslai bolain
she called him (older/respect)
unle uhalai bolain
he called her (peer/younger)
usle unlai bolayo
he called her (older/respect)
usle uhalai bolayo
dont touch it
yaslai nachhau
i have
ma sanga chha
we have
hami sanga chha
you have
timi sanga chha
tapai sanga chha
i can
ma sakchhu