lesson 2 with muna Flashcards
what is your friends name?
tapaiko sathiko nãm ke ho?
her name is sarah
usko nam sarah ho
what is your teachers name?
tapaiko shikchhak ko nam ke ho?
my teachers name is muna
mero shikchhak ko nam muna ho
what are their names?
uniharuka ke nam ke hun?
uniharuka ke nam ke ke hun?
their names are sita gita and muna
uniharuka nam sita, gita ra muna hun
what is the name of your university?
tapaiko bishwabidyãlayã ko nam ke ho?
my unversitys name is bond
hamro bishwabidyãlayã ko nam Bond ho.
university is always ‘our’
who is your best friend and what is his name?
tapaiko ramro sathi ko ho ra usko nam ke ho?
my best friend is arthur
mero ramro sathi arthur ho
what is your fathers name?
tapaiko ba ko nam ke ho?
his name is michael corker
tapaiko ba ko nam ke ho?
waha nam michael corker ho
what is the name of your place?
timro Thãu ko nam ke ho?
its name is the gold coast
yesko nam gold coast ho
Kasko (singular. male or female)
kaski (singular female only)
kaskã (plural male or female)
whose mouse is this?
yo kasko musã ho?
this mouse is mine
yo mero musã ho
whose sister is she?
u kasko didi ho?
uni kaski didi hun?
waha kasko didi hunuhunchha?
whose sisters are they?
uniharu kaska didibahini hun?
wahaharu kasko didibahini hunuhunchha?
whose bracelet is that?
tyo kasko chura ho?
whose clothes are those?
ti kasko luga hun?
those are my clothes
ti mero luga hun
whose friend is that?
tyo kasko sathi ho?
whose mother is she?
waha kasko ama hunuhunchha?
whose friends are they?
uniharu kaska sathi hun?
whose brothers are they?
uniharu kaska daibai hun?
whose bracelets are these?
yi kaska churaharu hun?