Part 4 Flashcards
how much is this?
yo kati ho?
how much is that?
tyo kati ho?
where is the toilet?
sauchalaya kahaa chha?
where is the book?
keetaab kahaa chha?
the book is on the table
keetaab tebul maathi chha
maathi - on
keetaab - book
the cat is under the chair
beeraalo kuursee muuni chha
kuursee - chair
beeraalo - cat
muuni - under/down
the birds are on the tree
chaaraa haru ruukh maathi chha
maathi - on/up
ruukh - tree
my key is inside the room
mero saacho kothaa veetra chha
saacho - key
koothaa - room
veetra - inside
chha - is
where is Mrs Molina?
Shreemati Molina kahaa hunuhunchha?
Mrs Molina is outside the car
Shreemati Molina car bahira hunuhunchha
Shreemati - mrs
bahira - outside
hunuhunchha - is
where is michel?
michel kahaa chha? (peer/ younger)
michel jyu kahaa hunuhunchha
michel is there
michel tyahaa chha (peer / younger)
michel jyu tyahaa hunuhunchha
where is the bank?
bank kahaa chha?
the bank is in front of the hospital
bank aspataal ko agaadi chha
aspataal - uhspataal
aspataal - hospital
agaadi - front
the park is behind the mall
park mall ko pachhãdi cha
pachhadee - behind
where is the cafe?
cafe kahaa chha?
the cafe is there
cafe tyahaa chha
is there any hotel nearby?
k tyahaa najeekai kunai hotel chha?
yes there is a nice hotel over there
chha, tyahaa euta ramro hotel chha
cheecking with dorje, ‘over there might be tyahee’
where is your bag?
temro jhoola kahaa chha? (peer / younger)
tapaai/hajur ko jhoolaa kahaa chha?
jhoolaa - bag
kahaa - where
my bag is here
mero jhoolaa yahaa chha
how far is your school from here?
temro school yahaa baata kati taadha chha?
yahaa baata - from here
taadha - far
kati - how
my school is 30 minutes away/far from here
mero school yahaa baata tees minutes taadha chha
taadha - far
my school is near over there
mero school tyahee najeekai chha
tyahee - over there
najeek(ai) - near
how much is this apple per kilogram?
yo syaau kilo ko kati ho?
please give me 2 kilos
malaai dui kilo dinus na
dinus - give
na - please
countable objects -
dui wotaa
tin wotaa
paach wotaa etc
countable objects -
dui wotaa
tin wotaa
paach wotaa etc
please give me two tickets
malaai dui wotaa ticket dinus na
dinus - give
na - please
there are 2 cats in the garden
bagaichha maa dui wotaa beeraalo chhan
bagaichha - garden
chhan - are
maa - in
how many people are in this room?
yo koothaa maa kati jana manchhe chhan?
koothaa - room
maa - in
kati jana - how many
maanchhe - people
there are 5 people in this room
yo koothaa maa paach jana manchhe chhan
counting people
ek jana
dui jana
tin jana etc
counting people
ek jana
dui jana
tin jana etc
over there