Subject 1: an foréigean in éirinn Flashcards
Too many violent attacks are seen throughout the history of ireland, especially during the troubles
Tá an iomarca ionsaithe foréigneacha le feiceáil i stair na hÉireann, go háirithe le linn na Trioblóidí
the troubles
na Trioblóidí
Sectarianism dominated the north and there was hatred between the Catholics and the Protestants.
BHí an seicteachas í gceannas ar an tuaisceart agus bhí dearg ghráin idir na Caitlicigh agus na Protastúnaigh
the catholics
na caitlicigh
the protestants
na protastúnaigh
there was hatred between
bhí dearg ghráin idir
The gap was so great that sectarian attacks took place using bombs and missiles
Bhí an bhearna chomh mór sin gur tharla ionsaithe seicteacha ag baint úsáide as buamaí agus diúracháin
blood spillage
doirteadh fola
sectarian attacks
ionsaithe seicteacha
innocent people
daoine soineanta
the Good Friday Agreement
comhaontú Aoine an Chéasta
The angel of peace descended
thuirling Aingeal na Síochána
hatred between
dearg ghráin idir ‘a’ agus ‘b’