G9A01 (A)
Which of the following factors determine the characteristic impedance of a parallel conductor antenna feed line?
A. The distance between the centers of the conductors and the radius of the conductors
G9A02 (B)
What are the typical characteristic impedances of coaxial cables used for antenna feed lines at amateur stations?
B. 50 and 75 ohms
G9A03 (D)
What is the characteristic impedance of flat ribbon TV type twinlead?
D. 300 ohms
G9A04 (C)
What might cause reflected power at the point where a feed line connects to an antenna?
C. A difference between feed line impedance and antenna feed point impedance
G9A05 (B)
How does the attenuation of coaxial cable change as the frequency of the signal it is carrying increases?
B. Attenuation increases
G9A06 (D)
In what units is RF feed line loss usually expressed?
D. Decibels per 100 feet
G9A07 (D)
What must be done to prevent standing waves on an antenna feed line?
D. The antenna feed point impedance must be matched to the characteristic impedance of the feed line
G9A08 (B)
If the SWR on an antenna feed line is 5 to 1, and a matching network at the transmitter end of the feed line is adjusted to 1 to 1 SWR, what is the resulting SWR on the feed line?
B. 5 to 1
G9A09 (A)
What standing wave ratio will result when connecting a 50 ohm feed line to a non-reactive load having 200 ohm impedance?
A. 4:1
G9A10 (D)
What standing wave ratio will result when connecting a 50 ohm feed line to a non-reactive load having 10 ohm impedance?
D. 5:1
G9A11 (B)
What standing wave ratio will result when connecting a 50 ohm feed line to a non-reactive load having 50 ohm impedance?
B. 1:1
G9A12 (A)
What standing wave ratio will result when connecting a 50 ohm feed line to a non-reactive load having 25 ohm impedance?
A. 2:1
G9A13 (C)
What standing wave ratio will result when connecting a 50 ohm feed line to an antenna that has a purely resistive 300 ohm feed point impedance?
C. 6:1
G9A14 (B)
What is the interaction between high standing wave ratio (SWR) and transmission line loss?
B. If a transmission line is lossy, high SWR will increase the loss
G9A15 (A)
What is the effect of transmission line loss on SWR measured at the input to the line?
A. The higher the transmission line loss, the more the SWR will read artificially low
G9B01 (B)
What is one disadvantage of a directly fed random-wire HF antenna?
B. You may experience RF burns when touching metal objects in your station
G9B02 (B)
Which of the following is a common way to adjust the feed point impedance of a quarter wave ground plane vertical antenna to be approximately 50 ohms?
B. Slope the radials downward
G9B03 (B)
What happens to the feed point impedance of a ground plane antenna when its radials are changed from horizontal to sloping downward?
B. It increases
G9B04 (A)
What is the radiation pattern of a dipole antenna in free space in the plane of the conductor?
A. It is a figure-eight at right angles to the antenna
G9B05 (C)
How does antenna height affect the horizontal (azimuthal) radiation pattern of a horizontal dipole HF antenna?
C. If the antenna is less than 1/2 wavelength high, the azimuthal pattern is almost omnidirectional
G9B06 (C)
Where should the radial wires of a ground-mounted vertical antenna system be placed?
C. On the surface of the Earth or buried a few inches below the ground
G9B07 (B)
How does the feed point impedance of a 1/2 wave dipole antenna change as the antenna is lowered below 1/4 wave above ground?
B. It steadily decreases
G9B08 (A)
How does the feed point impedance of a 1/2 wave dipole change as the feed point is moved from the center toward the ends?
A. It steadily increases
G9B09 (A)
Which of the following is an advantage of a horizontally polarized as compared to a vertically polarized HF antenna?
A. Lower ground reflection losses
G9B10 (D)
What is the approximate length for a 1/2 wave dipole antenna cut for 14.250 MHz?
D. 32 feet
G9B11 (C)
What is the approximate length for a 1/2 wave dipole antenna cut for 3.550 MHz?
C. 131 feet
G9B12 (A)
What is the approximate length for a 1/4 wave vertical antenna cut for 28.5 MHz?
A. 8 feet
G9C01 (A)
Which of the following would increase the bandwidth of a Yagi antenna?
A. Larger diameter elements
G9C02 (B)
What is the approximate length of the driven element of a Yagi antenna?
B. 1/2 wavelength
G9C03 (B)
Which statement about a three-element, single-band Yagi antenna is true?
B. The director is normally the shortest element
G9C04 (A)
Which statement about a three-element, single-band Yagi antenna is true?
A. The reflector is normally the longest element
G9C05 (A)
How does increasing boom length and adding directors affect a Yagi antenna?
A. Gain increases
G9C06 (D)
What configuration of the loops of a two-element quad antenna must be used for the antenna to operate as a beam antenna, assuming one of the elements is used as a reflector?
D. The reflector element must be approximately 5 percent longer than the driven element
G9C07 (C)
What does “front-to-back ratio” mean in reference to a Yagi antenna?
C. The power radiated in the major radiation lobe compared to the power radiated in exactly the opposite direction
G9C08 (D)
What is meant by the “main lobe” of a directive antenna?
D. The direction of maximum radiated field strength from the antenna
G9C09 (B)
How does the gain of two 3-element horizontally polarized Yagi antennas spaced vertically 1/2 wavelength apart typically compare to the gain of a single 3-element Yagi?
B. Approximately 3 dB higher
G9C10 (D)
Which of the following is a Yagi antenna design variable that could be adjusted to optimize forward gain, front-to-back ratio, or SWR bandwidth?
A. The physical length of the boom
B. The number of elements on the boom
C. The spacing of each element along the boom
D. All of these choices are correct
G9C11 (A)
What is the purpose of a gamma match used with Yagi antennas?
A. To match the relatively low feed point impedance to 50 ohms
G9C12 (A)
Which of the following is an advantage of using a gamma match for impedance matching of a Yagi antenna to 50 ohm coax feed line?
A. It does not require that the elements be insulated from the boom
G9C13 (A)
Approximately how long is each side of the driven element of a quad antenna?
A. 1/4 wavelength
G9C14 (B)
How does the forward gain of a two-element quad antenna compare to the forward gain of a three-element Yagi antenna?
B. About the same
G9C15 (B)
Approximately how long is each side of the reflector element of a quad antenna?
B. Slightly more than 1/4 wavelength
G9C16 (D)
How does the gain of a two-element delta-loop beam compare to the gain of a two-element quad antenna?
D. About the same
G9C17 (B)
Approximately how long is each leg of a symmetrical delta-loop antenna?
B. 1/3 wavelength
G9C18 (A)
What happens when the feed point of a quad antenna of any shape is moved from the midpoint of the top or bottom to the midpoint of either side?
A. The polarization of the radiated signal changes from horizontal to vertical
G9C19 (B)
How does antenna gain stated in dBi compare to gain stated in dBd for the same antenna?
B. dBi gain figures are 2.15 dB higher than dBd gain figures
G9C20 (A)
What is meant by the terms dBi and dBd when referring to antenna gain?
A. dBi refers to an isotropic antenna, dBd refers to a dipole antenna
G9D01 (D)
What does the term NVIS mean as related to antennas?
D. Near Vertical Incidence sky-wave
G9D02 (B)
Which of the following is an advantage of an NVIS antenna?
B. High vertical angle radiation for working stations within a radius of a few hundred kilometers
G9D03 (D)
At what height above ground is an NVIS antenna typically installed?
D. Between 1/10 and 1/4 wavelength
G9D04 (A)
What is the primary purpose of antenna traps?
A. To permit multiband operation
G9D05 (D)
What is an advantage of vertical stacking of horizontally polarized Yagi antennas?
D. It narrows the main lobe in elevation
G9D06 (A)
Which of the following is an advantage of a log periodic antenna?
A. Wide bandwidth
G9D07 (A)
Which of the following describes a log periodic antenna?
A. Length and spacing of the elements increase logarithmically from one end of the boom to the other
G9D08 (B)
Why is a Beverage antenna not used for transmitting?
B. It has high losses compared to other types of antennas
G9D09 (B)
Which of the following is an application for a Beverage antenna?
B. Directional receiving for low HF bands
G9D10 (D)
Which of the following describes a Beverage antenna?
D. A very long and low directional receiving antenna
G9D11 (D)
Which of the following is a disadvantage of multiband antennas?
D. They have poor harmonic rejection