G2A01 (A)
Which sideband is most commonly used for voice communications on frequencies of 14 MHz or higher?
A. Upper sideband
G2A02 (B)
Which of the following modes is most commonly used for voice communications on the 160-meter, 75-meter, and 40-meter bands?
B. Lower sideband
G2A03 (A)
Which of the following is most commonly used for SSB voice communications in the VHF and UHF bands?
A. Upper sideband
G2A04 (A)
Which mode is most commonly used for voice communications on the 17-meter and 12-meter bands?
A. Upper sideband
G2A05 (C)
Which mode of voice communication is most commonly used on the HF amateur bands?
C. Single sideband
G2A06 (B)
Which of the following is an advantage when using single sideband as compared to other analog voice modes on the HF amateur bands?
B. Less bandwidth used and greater power efficiency
G2A07 (B)
Which of the following statements is true of the single sideband voice mode?
B. Only one sideband is transmitted; the other sideband and carrier are suppressed
G2A08 (B)
Which of the following is a recommended way to break into a contact when using phone?
B. Say your call sign during a break between transmissions by the other stations
G2A09 (D)
Why do most amateur stations use lower sideband on the 160-meter, 75-meter and 40-meter bands?
D. Current amateur practice is to use lower sideband on these frequency bands
G2A10 (B)
Which of the following statements is true of voice VOX operation versus PTT operation?
B. It allows “hands free” operation
G2A11 (C)
What does the expression “CQ DX” usually indicate?
C. The caller is looking for any station outside their own country
G2B01 (C)
Which of the following is true concerning access to frequencies in non-emergency situations?
C. Except during FCC declared emergencies, no one has priority access to frequencies
G2B02 (B)
What is the first thing you should do if you are communicating with another amateur station and hear a station in distress break in?
B. Acknowledge the station in distress and determine what assistance may be needed
G2B03 (C)
If propagation changes during your contact and you notice increasing interference from other activity on the same frequency, what should you do?
C. As a common courtesy, move your contact to another frequency
G2B04 (B)
When selecting a CW transmitting frequency, what minimum separation should be used to minimize interference to stations on adjacent frequencies?
B. 150 to 500 Hz
G2B05 (B)
What is the customary minimum frequency separation between SSB signals under normal conditions?
B. Approximately 3 kHz
G2B06 (A)
What is a practical way to avoid harmful interference on an apparently clear frequency before calling CQ on CW or phone?
A. Send “QRL?” on CW, followed by your call sign; or, if using phone, ask if the frequency is in use, followed by your call sign
G2B07 (C)
Which of the following complies with good amateur practice when choosing a frequency on which to initiate a call?
C. Follow the voluntary band plan for the operating mode you intend to use
G2B08 (A)
What is the “DX window” in a voluntary band plan?
A. A portion of the band that should not be used for contacts between stations within the 48 contiguous United States
G2B09 (A) [97.407(a)]
Who may be the control operator of an amateur station transmitting in RACES to assist relief operations during a disaster?
A. Only a person holding an FCC issued amateur operator license
G2B10 (D) [97.407(b)]
When may the FCC restrict normal frequency operations of amateur stations participating in RACES?
D. When the President’s War Emergency Powers have been invoked
G2B11 (A) [97.405]
What frequency should be used to send a distress call?
A. Whichever frequency has the best chance of communicating the distress message
G2B12 (C) [97.405(b)]
When is an amateur station allowed to use any means at its disposal to assist another station in distress?
C. At any time during an actual emergency
G2C01 (D)
Which of the following describes full break-in telegraphy (QSK)?
D. Transmitting stations can receive between code characters and elements
G2C02 (A)
What should you do if a CW station sends “QRS”?
A. Send slower
G2C03 (C)
What does it mean when a CW operator sends “KN” at the end of a transmission?
C. Listening only for a specific station or stations
G2C04 (D)
What does the Q signal “QRL?” mean?
D. “Are you busy?”, or “Is this frequency in use?”
G2C05 (B)
What is the best speed to use when answering a CQ in Morse code?
B. The speed at which the CQ was sent
G2C06 (D)
What does the term “zero beat” mean in CW operation?
D. Matching your transmit frequency to the frequency of a received signal
G2C07 (A)
When sending CW, what does a “C” mean when added to the RST report?
A. Chirpy or unstable signal
G2C08 (C)
What prosign is sent to indicate the end of a formal message when using CW?
G2C09 (C)
What does the Q signal “QSL” mean?
C. I acknowledge receipt
G2C10 (B)
What does the Q signal “QRN” mean?
B. I am troubled by static
G2C11 (D)
What does the Q signal “QRV” mean?
D. I am ready to receive messages
G2D01 (A)
What is the Amateur Auxiliary to the FCC?
A. Amateur volunteers who are formally enlisted to monitor the airwaves for rules violations
G2D02 (B)
Which of the following are objectives of the Amateur Auxiliary?
B. To encourage self-regulation and compliance with the rules by radio amateur operators
G2D03 (B)
What skills learned during hidden transmitter hunts are of help to the Amateur Auxiliary?
B. Direction finding used to locate stations violating FCC Rules
G2D04 (B)
Which of the following describes an azimuthal projection map?
B. A map that shows true bearings and distances from a particular location
G2D05 (B) [97.111(a)(1)]
When is it permissible to communicate with amateur stations in countries outside the areas administered by the Federal Communications Commission?
B. When the contact is with amateurs in any country except those whose administrations have notified the ITU that they object to such communications
G2D06 (C)
How is a directional antenna pointed when making a “long-path” contact with another station?
C. 180 degrees from its short-path heading
G2D07 (A) [97.303(i)]
Which of the following is required by the FCC rules when operating in the 60-meter band?
A. If you are using other than a dipole antenna, you must keep a record of the gain of your antenna
G2D08 (D)
What is a reason why many amateurs keep a station log?
D. To help with a reply if the FCC requests information
G2D09 (D)
What information is traditionally contained in a station log?
A. Date and time of contact
B. Band and/or frequency of the contact
C. Call sign of station contacted and the signal report given
D. All of these choices are correct
G2D10 (B)
What is QRP operation?
B. Low power transmit operation
G2D11 (C)
Which HF antenna would be the best to use for minimizing interference?
C. A directional antenna
G2E01 (D)
Which mode is normally used when sending an RTTY signal via AFSK with an SSB transmitter?
G2E02 (B)
How can a PACTOR modem or controller be used to determine if the channel is in use by other PACTOR stations?
B. Put the modem or controller in a mode which allows monitoring communications without a connection
G2E03 (D)
What symptoms may result from other signals interfering with a PACTOR or WINMOR transmission?
A. Frequent retries or timeouts
B. Long pauses in message transmission
C. Failure to establish a connection between stations
D. All of these choices are correct
G2E04 (B)
What segment of the 20-meter band is most often used for digital transmissions?
B. 14.070 - 14.100 MHz
G2E05 (B)
What is the standard sideband used to generate a JT65 or JT9 digital signal when using AFSK in any amateur band?
G2E06 (B)
What is the most common frequency shift for RTTY emissions in the amateur HF bands?
B. 170 Hz
G2E07 (A)
What segment of the 80-meter band is most commonly used for digital transmissions?
A. 3570 – 3600 kHz
G2E08 (D)
In what segment of the 20-meter band are most PSK31 operations commonly found?
D. Below the RTTY segment, near 14.070 MHz
G2E09 (C)
How do you join a contact between two stations using the PACTOR protocol?
C. Joining an existing contact is not possible, PACTOR connections are limited to two stations
G2E10 (D)
Which of the following is a way to establish contact with a digital messaging system gateway station?
D. Transmit a connect message on the station’s published frequency
G2E11 (D)
What is indicated on a waterfall display by one or more vertical lines adjacent to a PSK31 signal?
D. Overmodulation
G2E12 (C)
Which of the following describes a waterfall display?
C. Frequency is horizontal, signal strength is intensity, time is vertical
G2E13 (A)
Which communication system sometimes uses the Internet to transfer messages?
A. Winlink
G2E14 (D)
What could be wrong if you cannot decode an RTTY or other FSK signal even
though it is apparently tuned in properly?
A. The mark and space frequencies may be reversed
B. You may have selected the wrong baud rate
C. You may be listening on the wrong sideband
D. All of these choices are correct