Subcultural Theories Flashcards
What is a subulture?
-Subcultures come from within a dominant culture, but have their own norms, beliefs, and values
-They typically form because they feel isolated from mainstream society and are looking for mutual support
What are examples of subcultures?
Prisoners, gangs, cults, religious sects
What is the Culture Conflict Theory (Sellin, 1938)
-Focuses on conduct norms
-Conduct norms: rules that guide our behavior
-Sometimes, these conduct norms come into contact with one another
-Between cultures
-Within the dominant culture (subcultures)
-When conduct norms are in conflict, crime/delinquency arises
What is the key assumption in Middle Class Measuring Rod Theory (Cohen, 1955)
Middle-class values are pervasive throughout US society and no one is immune to them
What is Middle Class Measuring Rod Theory?
-When lower-class boys go to school, they don’t have the resources and values that middle-class boys have (Ex: middle class values include academic success)
-Criminal subcultures are a response to blocked opportunities
-Status frustration
-Reaction formation: take the concepts of what the middle-class values and flip them on their head; doing the opposite of the norm
Who are in Cohen’s group of boys?
College Boys, Corner Boys, and Delinquent Boys
What are the characteristics of Cohen’s group of boys?
College boys- Work hard and strive to achieve, See adversity as a challenge and try to overcome it
Corner Boys- Just trying to get by, Engage in “mischief” or low-level delinquency (truancy, smoking, drinking
Delinquent Boys- Respond to lack of measuring up with reaction formation, Likely to continue to offend
What is the key assumption in Differential opportunity Theory (Cloward & Ohlin, 1960)
Not only is there unequal access to legitimate means to achieving success, there is unequal access to illegitimate means to success
What are the different types of gangs in differential opportunity theory?
Criminal gangs, conflict gangs, and retreatist gangs
What are the characteristics of gangs in differential opportunity theory?
Criminal gangs- Engage in crime for economic benefit (burglary, motor vehicle theft)
Conflict gangs- Engage in violent crimes
Retreatist gangs- Engage in substance use: can’t make it in either criminal or conflict gangs
What is Focal Concerns Theory (Miller, 1958)?
Miller argues that lower-class youth don’t reject middle-class norms, but instead they have their own subculture that they fully embrace
What are the 6 subcultures that are defined in the focal concerns theory?
Trouble, toughness, street smartness, excitement, luck, autonomy
What are major criticisms of subcultural theories?
They aren’t properly tested (Cohen: school is important, Cloward and Ohlin: neighborhoods are important), generally only explain male delinquency, can’t explain delinquency outside of the lower class
What is Anderon’s subcultural theory?
Code of the streets (Ethnographic work in Philadelphia)
How do people operate in poor, inner-city areas