Subclavian artery Flashcards
Where does the subclavian artery go?
upper extremeties and shoulder
What is the brachiocephalic artery?
common origin of subclavian artery and common carotid artery on the right side
How is the superior vena cava formed?
bilaterally there are the internal jugular vein meets the subclavian vein at the venous angle to form the brachiocephalic vein
both brachiocephalic veins meet together to form the vena cava
Where is the subclavian vein and artery?
Subclavian artery lies deep to the ant. scalene
Subclavian vein lies superficial to the ant scalene and deep to the clavicle
What are the branches of the subclavian artery?
Internal thoracic A. (deep under rib cage)
thyrocervical trunk
Costocervical A
dorsal scapular A
What are the branches of the thyrocervical trunk?
Transverse cervical A
Suprascapular A
Inferior thyroid A
Ascending cervical A
Where does the costocervical artery branch to?
deep cervical
superior intercostal
What are variation of subclavian artery?
transverse cervical, suprascapular
dorsal scapular may be fused together