Sub Cultures Ch.13 Flashcards
group whose members share beliefs and common experiences that set them apart from others.
Individuals may identify with a microculture based on lifestyle or aesthetic preference. They typically command fierce loyalty.
Multigenerational marketing strategy
Using imagery that appeals to consumers from more than one generation.
Material parenting
Using products to shape behavior of children (reward/punish)
Parental Yielding
Occurs when a parental decision-maker surrenders to a child’s request. This is a billion dollar driver of sales
Gen Z
Born roughly between late 1990’s to early 2000s. They are digital natives, which means they grew up in a culture where technology was always present.
Consumer identity renaissance
Redefinition process people undergo when they retire.
What are the two types of Consumer identity renaissance
Revived (reviving past identity) or Emergent (pursuit of entirely new life project)
Regional subcultures
segmenting market according to geographic location.
unpleasant motivational response to a perceived threat to a person’s behavioral freedoms.
Set of symbolic behaviours that occur in a fixed sequence and that tend to be repeated periodically (e.g. Oreo cookies are twisted, and dunked in milk)
Ritual Artifact
Item used in the performance of rituals
Psychology of early adopters
They tend to be category-specific, very knowledgeable and high involvement
Penetration Pricing
Set low price first then increase (Netflix) works well for companies with fixed costs.
Price skimming
Set high price first then reduce (e.g, Iphone)
Psychology of the majority
They are low-involvement consumers, so entertain them with fun/emotional communication
They are high in need for conformity: they need <social> (celebrity endorsement, product placement, word of mouth)
Pricing: different prices for different consumer segments</social>
Horizontal Differentiation
Vertical Differentiation
5 prerequisites for successful Adoption
- Relative Advantage:
- Compatibility: Must fit consumer’s lifestyle
- Observability: Ones that are observable spread faster
- Trialability: reduce risk b
- Complexity
Trickle down effect
From high fashion to adoption by early adopters, then eventually to mass market (low status consumers)