SU 5 - Control Flashcards
Controls that operate without human intervention.
Automated controls
Omissions or misstatements of information that would significantly impact the decisions of the users of financial reports.
Material weaknesses
A type of proactive control that deters undesirable events from occurring.
Preventive Control
Any action taken by management, the board, and other parties to manage risk and increase the likelihood that established objectives and goals will be achieved.
An IT control that applies generally to the IT environment or overall mix of systems, networks, data, people, and processes.
IT General Control (ITGC)
Controls that compensate for the lack of an expected control; for example, close supervisory review may compensate for a lack of segregation of duties where a small staff size makes proper segregation impractical.
Compensating controls
A type of internal control deficiency that severely reduces the likelihood that the organization can achieve its objectives and prevents management from determining that it has met the requirements for an effective system of internal control.
Major deficiencies
The specific IT controls that must be in place for management and governance controls to be effective.
Technical controls
The policies, procedures, and activities that are part of a control framework, designed to ensure that risks are contained within the risk tolerances established by the risk management process.
Control processes
The attitude and actions of the board and management regarding the significance of control within the organization; provides the discipline and structure for the achievement of the primary objectives of the system of internal control.
Control environment
A type of control that is reactive and that detects undesirable events that have occurred.
Detective control
A type of internal control deficiency that severely reduces the likelihood that the organization can achieve its objectives and prevents management from determining that it has met the requirements for an effective system of internal control.
Significant deficiencies
Automated error checks built into computer processing as well as segregation of duties such as controlling programmers’ access to files and records.
Processing controls
Controls that help the process run smoothly but are not essentials.
Secondary controls
A type of control intended to prevent computer errors by controlling data as it manually or electronically enters the system.
Input controls
A process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the categories of effectiveness and efficiency of operations, reliability of financial reporting, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Internal Control
A condition within enterprise risk management worthy of attention that may represent a perceived, potential, or real shortcoming or an opportunity to strengthen enterprise risk management to increase the likelihood that the entity’s objectives will be achieved.
A recognized system of concepts encompassing all elements of internal control.
Control framework
An IT control related to the specific functioning of an application system that supports a specific business process.
Application control
Controls that must operate effectively to reduce a significant risk to an acceptable level.
Key controls
Detective controls that find errors and verify the accuracy and reasonableness of output data after processing is complete.
Output controls
A method to appropriately manage risk so that business objectives can be achieved at the lowest cost.
System of internal control
Tasks that prevent or detect a deviation from the approved procedure. Work by some type of conscious intervention.
Manual controls
A variety of assessment techniques, including facilitated workshops and surveys, in which the assessment is performed by people involved in the area or process being assessed rather than by an independent party.
Control self-assessment