SU 2: GOV Fund Accounting Flashcards
Reporting entity
Defines the financial reporting boundaries of a particular entity by describing whose assets, liabilities, expenses, and equities are included in its financial reports
Component units
Legally separate entities for which the primary government is financially accountable.
May be reported as part of the primary’s financial statements or separately within the financial statements
A fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and other financial resources, together with all related liabilities and residual equities or balances and changes therein, which are segregated for the purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations
Fiscal entity
The separate budgetary nature of an individual fund
Accounting entity
The unit treated as an entity for accounting and reporting purposes
Fund balance
Aka net position
The difference between assets and liabilities (and deferred inflows of resources) for an entity in the absence of owners ewuity
General Fund
Residual fund to account for resources not accounted for in other funds. Also most important fund: from which government appropriates resources for day to day operations
Categories of funds
- governmental
- proprietary
- fiduciary
Mirror the broad types of activities the funds perform
Governmental-type funds
Used for day to day governmental services
Primarily financed by tax revenue
Use capital assets financed by issuing debt (debt is accounted for in a separate governmental-type fund)
Expenditures controlled by legally adopted budgets (appropriationsL
Proprietary type funds
Aka business-type funds
Used to account for govt activities that operate in a similar manner to private sector business. Charge fees for services and measure of revenue covers expenses though may receive transfers from the general Fund.
Cost data may be used to determine fee amounts
Tend to be supporting activities that may receive subsidies, maybe provide govt revenues (lotteries)
Focus on cost recovery so use accounting principles similar to commercial entities
Proprietary fund accounting
Used by government business type enterprises that are legally separate from the government
Fiduciary type funds
Used to account for resources that governments hold (or transaction they make) in trust or custodial capacity for others.
Cannot be used to support government’s own programs
Report as fiduciary activity only if government controls the assets of that activity (has the ability to direct use)
Assets in fiduciary funds cannot be used to support government’s own programs
Governmental-type fund financial statements
- resource inflows and outflows (statement of revenue, expenditures, and changes in fund balance: operating statements)
- financial position (balance sheets)
Proprietary type fund financial statements
- Operating statements
- statements of net position
- statements of cash flows
Fiduciary type funds financial statements
-statements of net position and changes in net position
Government wide financial statements
Consolidate individual funds into two groups:
Governmental vs business type
Starts with funds statements and adjusts them so all activities use same measurement focus and basis of the accounting
Excludes fiduciary funds (they do not support government’s own programs)
Measurement focus
What is being expressed and which resources are being measured in the report
Governmental accounting measurement focus
Only measures current financial resources: financial assets, short term liabilities, and matured long term liabilities
This tracks the amount of financial resources available for current spending by recording inflows and outflows of financial (or near term) assets
Inflows: revenues/ other financing sources
Outflows: expenditures/ other financing uses
Basis of accounting
When the assets, liabilities. Revenues and expenses are recognized (recorded) in financial statements
A timing concept
Measurement focus and basis of proprietary and fiduciary funds
Measurement focus: all the economic resources available to the activity (economic resources measurement focus)
Basis: accrual basis
Information needs of government budget officer and central budget office
Amount of financial resources available for current spending
Basis of accounting for Governmental-type funds
Modified accrual basis
Focuses on flows of current financial resources
No measurement of capital assets or long term liabilities
Only accruals of NEAR-TERM financial resources recorded (inflows and outflows)
Five types of governmental funds
General Fund Special revenue funds Debt service funds Capital projects funds Permanent funds
Governmental funds: general
Day to day activities. Anything not accounted for in another fund
Governmental funds: special revenue
Proceeds of specific revenue items (taxes and fees) restricted/ limited to spending for specific purposes (other than debt service or capital projects)
Generally established by law or contract
May be supplemented with funds from the general Fund
Provides greater transparency in how dollars collected from specific source are used
Financial statements must include purpose of the special revenue fund
No unassigned portion of fund balance - all classified restricted
Governmental funds: capital projects
Financial resources restricted for the acquisition or construction or capital facilities (inc infrastructure) /other capital assets
Not used for outflows financed by proprietary funds or for assets held in trust
Used when capital outlays are financed by general obligation bond proceeds (separate funds for separate bonds for transparency)
May have transfers from other funds
Governmental funds: debt service
Financial resources restricted or otherwise limited to spending for principal and interest on general long term debt
May also be used to accumulate resources for paying long-term liabilities (debt-like commitments)
Use if legally mandated or if financial resources are being accumulated for principal and interest that comes due in future years (bonds that require a sinking fund)
May be different funds for different bonds
Governmental funds: permanent
Resources restricted to the extent that only earnings (not principal) may be used for government programs (endowment funds).
Do not include private-purpose trust funds (fiduciary type funds)
Usually a special revenue fund designated as the beneficiary of the permanent fund to which earnings are transferred and from which they are then used
Revenue recognition for modified accrual accounting
Recognition of revenue that is measurable and available (collectable soon enough to pay current period bills) = taxes accrued as revenue
Property tax: if collectable within 60 days of the end of the accounting period accrued in that period
Expenditure recognition for modified accrual accounting
Three types of expenses in operating statements of governmental type funds
- current operating items (liabilities payable shortly after accrual)
- capital asset acquisitions (financial resources consumed cannot be spent elsewhere)
- debt service (interest and principal on long term borrowing but only when due for payment. Decrease in financial resources)
What is accounted for in the current budget
Expenses that would be recognized on full accrual accounting left off of modified accural
Long term liabilities are recognized only when they mature (not provided for in the current budget!). This includes payroll accruals of vacation and retirement as well as debt that is not yet mature
General obligation bonds
GO bonds
Secured by a state or local government’s full faith, credit, and taxing power. Government presumed to be able to pay via taxes or other resources
Bond proceeds in governmental-type funds
No long term liability reported. Cash inflow from general obligation bonds reported as “other financing source” on operating statement