Stylebook Flashcards
Use serial commas for all items except in (1)
- business firm names
(1), (2), (3) and (4) are parenthetical and set off by commas.
- Some dates (July to December, 2012)
- direct address of names (I do, Sir, believe you are out of line)
- Degrees (Jeff Iverson, Ph.D., is here)(Jr. is an exception)
- abbreviations (The birds, fish, etc., are in the cages)
To compare with means to (1); to compare to means to (2).
- contrast/find differences
2. compare/find similarities
Follow “considered” with “as” if you mean (1).
- examined or discussed
Disinterested means (1); do not confuse it with (2),
- impartial
2. uninterested
Use (1) rather than “different than.”
1 different from
Enormity means (1), not bigness.
- monstrous wickedness
(1) is not really a word, but is used on trucks for safety purposes. (2) is the correct word.
- flammable
2. inflammable
(1) is limited to what happens by chance, and should not be used to mean fortunate or lucky.
- fortuitous
Gratuitous means (1).
- unearned/undeserved
In regards to is not correct, but (1) and (2) are.
- in regard to
2. as regards
Inside of means (1).
- in less than
The word “like” governs (1) and (2); use “as” for (3) and (4).
- nouns
- pronouns
- phrases
- clauses
Loan is a (1), not a (2).
.1 noun
2. verb
Nauseous means (1); nauseated means (2).
- sickening to contemplate
2. sick to the stomach
Use partially to mean (1); partly to describe a (2).`
- to a certain degree (partially resigned)
2. physical object (partly submerged)
Presently has two meanings: (1) and (2). Restrict its use to the first one.
- in a short while
2. now
In the first person, (1) indicates the speaker’s belief regarding a future action. (2) indicates determination.
- shall
2. will
(1) is defining or restrictive; (2) is not.
- that
2. which
A winding road is (1); a painful ordeal is (2).
- tortuous
2. torturous